
The air trembled suddenly, and a deep door appeared, Zhang Xibao and Zhang Zhizi came out, followed by Zhan Nian, and finally Fang Rui, who was carrying the iceberg.

"Daxia City has been moved to another foreign land, and Mu Ge is also there, so don't worry."

Zhang Xibao told the ins and outs, so that Zhang Zhizi could relax.

"Who is this?"

Zhang Zhizi had noticed the white-haired man following Zhang Xibao a long time ago, and now he finally had the opportunity to ask.

Zhang Xibao smiled, pointed at Zhan Nian, and introduced to Zhang Zhizi: "This is Zhan Nian, my best friend."

Zhan Nian felt that Zhang Xibao was scolding him, but there was no proof, so he nodded coldly to Zhang Zhizi.

"Let's go back to Daxia quickly, and try to find a way to close the gate of the foreign world as soon as possible, otherwise the palace masters in the divine court will definitely look for us when they are parading in the lower realm."

Zhang Zhizi was a little worried. She didn't want what happened 20 years ago to happen again. If the palace masters discovered the existence of Earth and Stars, it would be a disaster for mankind.

"Don't worry mom, everything is according to plan!"

Zhang Xibao tapped his temples, and Shu Ling began to search for the base station signal of Qingqi pager.

According to the plan, Vermilion Bird should have already laid a Qingqi base station in Kunlun Yiterritory.

"There is a signal!"

There was surprise on Zhang Xibao's face, and he began to contact the Five Dragons Club.

"Dongyao, Dongyao, I am a black cat, I heard the answer!"

After a while, Qinglong personally replied: "Dongyao received it, the black cat mission was successful?" 』

"Successfully complete the mission, request fire support, the coordinates here are..."

Zhang Xibao sent his location, he was under Jianmu now, the thunder rumbled above his head, it was the sound of Jianmu leaves shaking and giant insects nibbling on the fruits and leaves.

『The coordinates have been received, the attacking French ship is ready and flying at full speed! 』

Qinglong's voice was full of excitement. The dark saint returned safely and completed the task. Everything went well with the plan.

"Bring more cannons, the target is difficult!" Zhang Xibao couldn't help reminding.

"Don't worry, the attack ship has reprinted the second-generation talisman cannon researched by He Xiansheng, which is very powerful!" 』

After hanging up the communication, Zhang Xibao chuckled, squinted his eyes and looked above the endless Jianmu, and muttered to himself: "The show is about to begin."

Doesn't the owner of the Shuixingshan Ice Palace want to parade in the lower realm, Zhang Xibao is going to smash the gate of the divine court above the giant bird's head!

In this way, the masters of the Five Elements Mountain can't go down to the Kunlun Alien Land from the Divine Court, but Zhang Xibao can use the Void Orb to visit there occasionally and cause sabotage. It's perfect!

"Uh, let's put down the iceberg first, and we'll deal with the giant bird later..."

Zhang Xibao conveyed a consciousness to Faxiang Fang Rui, and the bull-headed giant squatted down and placed the iceberg on the flat ground, and then it gradually shrank.

"Why is your appearance like this, like a bull demon king?" Zhang Zhizi couldn't help asking when he saw Fang Rui's face on the bull head.

"Well, things are a bit complicated, let's talk slowly..."

Zhang Xibao raised his head and looked around the sky, wanting to see if there was any trace of the giant bird.

The gate of Shenting is above the head of the female bird. If you want to destroy the gate, you have to catch the two giant birds first, but it is impossible for giant birds to stand on a tree for the French boat to aim at, so destroying the gate is not easy.

"Xiaobao, are you looking for those two giant birds?"

Zhang Zhizi saw what Zhang Xibao was thinking, blinked her eyes, and said with a smile: "Giant birds don't fly anywhere else, their nests are at the top of Jianmu's canopy, if you want to find them, you have to fly to The end of the wood."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that the French ship was attacked in the communication just now. Is it a new type of aircraft? Do you want to blow up those two giant birds?" Zhang Zhizi's expression became serious.

Zhang Xibao nodded: "That's right!"


After hearing Zhang Xibao's answer, Zhang Zhizi vetoed the plan.

Zhang Xibao didn't understand, and Zhang Zhizi explained: "These two giant birds are divine birds that accompany Jianmu. If you kill them, the pests growing on Jianmu will kill Jianmu, and Jianmu is to maintain the tree. With the complete lifeblood of the entire foreign land, killing the giant bird means destroying the Kunlun foreign land with one's own hands!"

"So there is such a relationship?!" Zhang Xibao suddenly realized.

Fortunately, my old lady Zhang Zhizi reminded me, otherwise I would have made a big mistake today. You must know that besides the people in Daxia City, there are other natives living in this foreign land. If Zhang Xibao kills the giant bird and Jianmu dies, the foreign land It collapsed, but it caused a heinous murder.

"It's difficult to do this way. The gate of the gods is fixed on the head of the female bird. If you want to destroy the gate, you will definitely hurt the female bird. Whoever installed the gate on the giant bird is too damaging..." Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining.

Zhang Zhizi nodded in agreement, "The master of the divine court wants to go on a parade in the lower realm, so he must prepare sacrifices for the giant bird to eat. They agreed to go down to the lower realm once every ten years, and only one hall master can pass through at a time."

"Headache, headache..."

Zhang Xibao knocked on the head, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhan Nian, his eyes met, and Zhan Nian felt a little bad.

"Cut thoughts~"

Zhang Xibao came over.

Zhan Nian said angrily, "Am I a tool man?"

"Those who can do more work..."

Zhang Xibao stared at Zhan Nian with a smile: "I knew it, you must have a way, right?"

"Well, probably there is..."

Zhan Nian took out half of the flying sword and handed it to Zhang Xibao, and then stretched out his hand: "Use Sifang Tianhuo to help me recast this flying sword, and I will help you, and then lend me the Qilin sword."


Zhang Xibao put half of the flying sword into Tongtian Treasure House, and handed the Qilin sword to Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian added: "Use your best materials, such as Taiyi fine gold, Xuanxing iron?"

"Zhan Nian, your conscience is greatly broken, and you have learned to bargain."

Zhang Xibao pinched his fingers and gestured: "Xuan Xing Tie only has fingernails left, and Taiyi fine gold is not much..."

Zhan Nian asked: "Do you want to practice?"

"Practice, I'll practice!" Zhang Xibao hummed twice.

Zhang Zhizi suddenly gave a divine assist and said, "I remember that the gate of Shenting is made of Taiyi fine gold..."


Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, he remembered that the gate of Shenting was very huge, the Taiyi fine gold the size of a fist was so heavy, how much Taiyi fine gold did the gate have to be?

"Go ahead, hahaha, Zhan Nian will perform well for a while, I will forge this sword for you!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his chest loudly, while Zhan Nian held the Qilin sword and remained silent.


Zhang Xibao closed his mouth at the right time, he was afraid that he would be too embarrassing, so Zhan Nian slashed him with a sword.


Zhang Xibao looked at the sky in the distance, five giant attack ships were flying towards here at full speed

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