"Mu Ge? Brother, I'm rushing towards you, ready to meet you, there's a surprise!"

Sitting on the back of Phoenix, Zhang Xibao dialed his younger sister Muge's Qingqi pager, and Zhang Muge's excited voice came out: "Brother, you are back, it's so great! Did you mean the surprise that brought your mother back?" gone?"

"Hey, it's not good to be too smart, you guessed it right the first time, so there are no surprises!"

Zhang Xibao directly opened the video call, allowing Zhang Muge and Zhang Zhizi's mother and daughter to communicate.

Zhang Zhizi and Zhang Muge, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, were weeping and talking heartfelt words. Zhang Xibao couldn't see this, and waved his hands: "It's a good thing for a family to reunite. Don't cry, we'll meet soon!"

Zhang Muge couldn't sit still anymore, she flew directly from the Haocang Island base to Zhang Xibao and the others, and the family of three rushed in both directions, and they met soon.

Zhang Muge hugged Zhang Zhizi and his elder brother's arms without letting go, his face was brimming with happiness, and he smiled very happily.

In the past, Zhang Muge, who was young, had imagined many scenes of family reunion, and now the fantasy has finally come true.

Zhang Muge murmured and asked: "Brother, do you have any more missions to do? Our family is finally reunited..."

"I understand, I understand. I have asked Qinglong for a long vacation. During this time, I will go shopping with you and my mother!"

When Zhang Xibao said this, Zhang Muge was so excited that he almost jumped up: "Okay, brother, you want to take me to that place called the amusement park!"

"Okay, okay, let's go together, the three of us!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his chest, he has done so many tasks, why can't he bring his mother and sister to enjoy themselves!

"Let's meet with the tribal people first to calm their emotions. After all, moving from Kunlun to Haocang Island has caused many problems." Zhang Zhizi said worriedly.

Zhang Muge smiled: "Don't worry, mother, the tribal people are doing very well, the Wulong Society where my brother lives is very supportive of the tribe, and now the tribe is no longer a tribe, but a modern city! "

"Oh, yes, I will send you a mountain!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the iceberg carried on Fang Rui's shoulder behind him: "This mountain is suitable for planting a kind of exotic plant called Danlian. When the time comes, let my mother teach you how to cultivate Danlian. After planting Danlian, you can get it." Go to Wulonghui to exchange supplies."

"Thank you brother!"

Zhang Muge felt very happy, other people's big brother sent flowers and dolls, and his brother directly moved an iceberg!

"Oh, by the way, have you tried the method I taught you to collect divine power?"

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered what he told his sister before he went on a mission.

Zhang Zhizi was also very curious about Zhang Xibao's method of collecting divine power, so she turned her head and listened carefully to Mu Ge's answer.

Zhang Muge nodded: "Brother, I tried it, and all the guardians of supernatural beings have bonded with me. The effect is very remarkable. My divine power has more than doubled!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhizi didn't understand, Zhang Muge explained it carefully again, Zhang Zhizi was a little surprised: "So it's still like this!"

Zhang Xibao snorted and smiled: "What is this? I'll teach my sister how to live broadcast later. With Mu Ge's good looks, heh heh, I'm sure I'll get a lot of fans, and my credibility will go up!"

While the three of them were chatting, the phoenix had already reached the sky above the city. Zhang Muge, mother and daughter Zhang Zhizi flew towards the center of the city, and Zhang Xibao took the Faxiang to find a suitable place to place the iceberg.

It took at least half a day for Zhang Zhizi and Zhang Muge to meet the officials. Zhang Xibao was free and planned to visit Qian Chengjin and Yuan Jingang's strange treasure seed cultivation base.

The new city was not far from the cultivation base, so Zhang Xibao strolled there after a while, but Yuan Jingang told Zhang Xibao that Qian Chengjin was not there.

"Where are people?" Zhang Xibao felt a little strange, so he asked Spirit Ape.

Yuan Jingang laughed straight: "Brother Qian has gone to a new city!"

"If he doesn't stay at the base well, why go to the new city? It's just been built and there's nothing to eat or play there?" Zhang Xibao became more and more curious.

Yuan Jingang smiled even more weirdly, and he replied: "Brother Qian went to the new city to pick up girls. His name sounds nice, like Mu Ge?"

Zhang Xibao:? !

"He doesn't know that Zhang Muge is my own sister?" Zhang Xibao asked Yuan Jingang by grabbing Mao Mao on his chest.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Yuan Jingang didn't dare to smile anymore, nodded, and sold Qian Chengjin directly: "You should know!"

"Okay, great!"

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes, turned around and returned to the new city.

After searching around in the new city, Zhang Xibao found nothing. Then he returned to his sister Mu Ge's residence and found that Qian Chengjin was having a happy chat with Zhang Zhizi holding a cup of tea.

"Dog thief!"

Zhang Xibao rushed over and snatched Qian Chengjin's teacup with his hands. Qian Chengjin directly stimulated his potential, avoided Zhang Xibao's dragon claws and started to run away.

"Brother Bao, spare your life!" Qian Chengjin yelled.

"Brother Bao?"

Zhang Xibao said coldly: "I treat you as a brother, you want to call me uncle, don't you?"

"Okay, what are you two doing?"

Zhang Zhizi came over to smooth things over.

Zhang Muge walked in, and saw that the elder brother was pulling Qian Chengjin as if punching Zhenguanxi, so he said angrily, "Little fat man, why did you provoke my elder brother?"

"Sister Mu Ge, I... I didn't do anything!" Qian Chengjin looked like crying.

"Brother, what's going on, why did Cheng Jin offend you?" Mu Ge turned to ask Zhang Xibao.

"Cheng Jin? You shouted so intimately..."

Zhang Xibao let go of Qian Chengjin, covered his chest with trembling hands: "My heart hurts so much, when did you two get together!"

"Brother, what are you talking about? Brother Cheng Jin has been busy helping me with a lot of things in the construction of the new city during your mission!" Zhang Muge explained.

"Drunkards don't want to drink..."

Zhang Xibao looked back at Qian Chengjin again, and clenched his fists: "Brother Qian, let me send you to the ultimate bliss!"

"Brother Bao, Brother Bao!"

Qian Chengjin covered Zhang Xibao's fist: "You are my elder brother, and Mu Ge is also my younger sister. This is what I should do. Zhang Aunt finally came home, so calm down. Didn't Mu Ge say he was going to the playground?" Do you want to play, I will arrange it, I have covered all the playgrounds in Beishi!"

After all, Qian Chengjin ran away in a hurry.

"Okay, Xiaobao, don't make trouble. Your sister hasn't had many friends for so many years. It's hard to make friends. You scared him away."

Zhang Zhizi is clear about these matters, but she still has a laissez-faire attitude towards the feelings of the juniors, after all, she herself is a typical example.


Zhang Xibao snorted twice and waved his hands: "Okay, okay, since you have explained the city affairs, let's go back to our hometown!"


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