Phoenix back.

"Why are Chinchilla and fungus here?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Mu Ge's arms, a little surprised.

The fungus and Chinchilla should be in the Black Dragon Club, because Zhang Xibao left these two guys at the base of the Five Dragon Club to take care of others because they had to go on a mission.

"Sister Li'er sent them here, because they are my brother's beast pets, and no one dares to use them for missions..."

Zhang Muge scratched the cat's head with the fungus in his arms, and Chinchilla ran to Zhang Xibao's lap with his arms akimbo to report the good news.

"Master, master, I have reached the peak of the earth rank, and the fungus has also risen to the elementary rank!" ’ Chinchilla replied proudly.

"How did you two get promoted so quickly?" Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, a little surprised.

"Hehe, Sister Vermilion Bird fed us a bunch of good things for upgrading, and Sister Mu Ge fed us a bunch of good things for upgrading, and then the Nine-Turn Feeding Elixir in her body also played a role, and finally Qian Chengjin The little fat man also fed us two strange treasure seeds! 』

Well, the little fat guy Qian Chengjin probably guessed that Zhang Xibao was going to deal with him when he came back, so he bought everyone around Zhang Xibao in advance, even the beast pets!

Jinmaoshu is eating delicious food and drinking spicy food every day, and it is almost growing into a Jinmao pig.

"Then what abilities did you two get?"

Zhang Xibao put Qian Chengjin's matter aside for the time being, and lowered his head to ask Chinchilla and fungus.

"I was originally a gold-type supernatural power. According to the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements, this seed ate a water-type seed, but the supernatural power changed, and I got the lightning supernatural power!" 』

After all, the Chinchilla's body crackled, and it was surrounded by electric light. It could have fired metal mouse fur as a hidden weapon, but now there are more lightning bolts on the mouse hair, it is like a small plasma bomb!

"Electric mouse? This is a bit powerful!"

Zhang Xibao looked at the big black cat fungus again, the fungus meowed, and breathed out from its mouth, flames appeared from the mouth of the fungus like a meteor, and fell from the back of the phoenix to the ground.

"Well, it turned out to be a fire ability, does wood make fire!"

The two beast pets have already been promoted to the lower level, Zhang Xibao is also very happy, and plans to take the two guys to the playground to have fun.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao remembered something, he turned his head and asked Zhang Zhizi: "Mom, what is the wisdom seed you got from Jianmu back then, and how did those strange beasts gain wisdom and grow into human form?"

"You mean the beasts of the vegetarian and carnivorous races. After I became a human immortal, I helped them in order to gather confidence. The so-called wisdom seeds are the stones in the Jianmu fruit. The beasts ate the stones There will be great benefits!"

After Zhang Zhizi finished speaking, Zhang Xibao took out a handful of stone-like fruit cores from the Tongtian Treasure House. These fruit cores were the products left after he created the small world with the Jianmu fruit.

"It turns out that the wisdom seed is this..."

A huge Jianmu fruit can produce a lot of stones. Zhang Xibao got a dozen or so fruits at the beginning, so there are many stones in the Tongtian Treasure House.

"Then feed the Chinchilla and fungus!"

Zhang Xibao told Chinchilla and Fungus about the powerful relationship among them, and then asked the two guys to eat or not to eat voluntarily.

"Eating can make you stronger, so of course eating!" 』

The Chinchilla first picked up a fruit core and swallowed it into its stomach. Then its body began to change. Its four paws gradually grew into a human appearance, but its head was still a golden mouse head.

Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining when he saw the changed Chin Maoshu: "Ah, this... now it's completely a lightning mouse!"

"Hey! 』

Chinchilla punched and kicked the air for a while, then nodded in satisfaction: "The speed has increased a lot, and the fresh air is running more smoothly, not bad!" 』

"Human body and mouse head, don't you think it's strange?" Zhang Xibao asked it.

Chinchilla patted its own little head: "This is very good, I would only feel weird if I grew a human head!" 』

"Well, I can only say that aesthetics have their own merits..."

Zhang Xibao looked at the fungus, and the fungus ate the fruit pit without hesitation. After a while, a cat-eared lady with a cat's head and a human body appeared!

"So the fungus is the mother's?!" Zhang Xibao was shocked.

Zhang Moge rushed over, rubbing the fungus in his arms: "Wow, this is too cute!"

Although they have grown human-like limbs, the size of the Chinchilla and the fungus have not changed significantly, and they look very cute.

"Brother, will the fungus follow me from now on?" Zhang Muge looked at Zhang Xibao expectantly.

"If the fungus wants to, I can do it."

After speaking, the fungus suddenly tried to speak: "I...will! 』

"Okay, you can follow Mu Ge from now on!"

Zhang Xibao saw that the fungus was also willing to follow Mu Ge, so he followed his sister's wishes.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Xibao suddenly took out the Flaming Crow Flag, and called out the Crow King Xiaoni and the crow brothers.

"Eat this fruit core, you will gain strength, but the price may become strange..."

Zhang Xibao put the "seeds of wisdom" in front of Xiao Ni and the crows, and let them make their own choices.

"Of course I ate it! 』

Little Ni picked up the core and swallowed it, and the little crows saw that the boss had eaten it, so of course they also swallowed the core.

After a while, a group of muscular men with bird heads and wings appeared on Phoenix's back!

『I feel it, this is power! 』

Xiao Ni bulged the tendons in his chest, and made a gesture of supporting his forehead.

"Oh oh oh oh, this is Paowa! 』

The wisdom of the little crows has obviously improved, and they all started to speak birds.


Mu Ge has never seen this world before, so she quickly covered her eyes.

"What... what's going on, how did their size increase so much?!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the group of muscular men with bird heads and asked Zhang Zhizi, Zhang Zhizi shook his head: "Maybe something happened?"

The flame jays who had eaten the fruit core suddenly soared to a height of about two meters, and part of the feathers on their limbs fell off, revealing their shiny skin, but their bird heads remained the same, and they still had huge wings on their backs.

Zhang Xibao tried to take them back with the Flame Crow Flag, but found that it was possible!

"Go back to the Flame Crow Flag and rest, don't do strange things!"

"Oh yeah! 』

"Thanks! 』

"Throw tiles, throw tiles! 』

"You don't know anything about the dark Paova! 』

Zhang Xibao pointed at the crow-headed men, and the crow-headed men said strange things, and flew back to the Flame Crow Flag one after another.

Zhang Xibao had a headache, and Zhang Zhizi smiled beside him: "This is a good thing, haven't you noticed that the coercion they radiate has become much stronger, these guys may have risen to the lower level, the Crow King at the head They may have ascended to the heavenly rank!"

"You are right when you say that..."

Zhang Xibao nodded: "It's strange if it's strange, as long as it's strong in combat, those wild gods and tauren, maybe these guys can grow into gods in the future!"

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