Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 418: Clone In The Sword


Qian Chengjin, the little fat man, made arrangements quite well. Zhang Xibao didn't worry too much about the play, and there was a special person in charge of picking up and dropping off everywhere he went.

Zhang Xibao started a leisurely life of taking his younger sister and mother to play during the day and helping Zhan Nian forge swords at night. Although he was busy physically, he was very relaxed mentally. This is a rare leisure time.

Holding the mentality that one sword is also forged, and two swords are also forged, Zhang Xibao took his sister Mu Ge's Bai Ze sword, and also took out his own Qilin sword and the half flying sword left by Zhan Nian.

Taiyi fine gold raw materials are sufficient, and Sifang Tianhuo is also sufficient, so Zhang Xibao began to strengthen the three flying swords.

Zhang Muge's flying sword is named Bai Ze, and there is a sword spirit named Bai Ze inside. This sword spirit will not only protect the master in battle, but also have a significant deterrent effect on various strange beasts.

After strengthening Mu Ge's Bai Ze sword, Zhang Xibao brought up his Qilin sword, because the broken sword of Zhan Nian needs to be recast, which is a big project, so Zhang Xibao left it for last.

"There is no sword spirit in the Qilin sword..."

Zhang Xibao took a piss off, although after Zhan Nian gained the body, Zhang Xibao had an extra god-level combat power, but for Zhang Xibao himself, the Qilin sword lost its sword spirit, and its combat power has declined.

"I have to think of a way to get a sword spirit for Qilin sword."

There are two sources of sword spirits, one is to directly seal the spirit body into the sword as the sword spirit, and the other is to allow Feijian to conceive the sword spirit by itself through some kind of opportunity.

The first is relatively simple, while the second is the most powerful.

After strengthening the Qilin sword, Zhang Xibao picked up the half flying sword left by Zhan Nian.

This was the first time that Zhang Xibao examined the broken sword so carefully. The surface of the broken sword was as smooth as a mirror, and the end was shaped like a V. It should have broken when it pierced Uncle Nu's head.

"Xuanxing iron, fine gold ore, flame spirit stone, Taiyi fine gold..."

Zhang Xibao tried to incorporate various materials into Broken Sword. With the support of Sifang Tianhuo, no matter how hard the material was, it had to be turned into molten iron.


Zhang Xibao suddenly felt something was wrong.

There is a consciousness on this broken sword!

"Could it be that Zhan Nian left behind?"

Zhang Xibao tried to use his consciousness to detect the traces left on the sword.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao's consciousness involuntarily sank into a dim void.

There is a spiritual space similar to a small world in this broken sword, Zhang Xibao was attracted into this space!

"Zen Nian?"

Zhang Xibao saw a person standing in the space, this guy was wearing a black magic robe, with short white hair and an iceberg face, exactly what Zhan Nian looked like.

"No, it should be the clone of Zhan Nian?"

Zhang Xibao felt that the Zhan Nian in front of him was composed of pure divine power, so it should be the avatar of Zhan Nian purposely left here.


Zhan Nian's avatar didn't even look at Zhang Xibao, and then said: "Let's unleash the sword!"


Zhang Xibao suddenly realized: "Could it be that Zhan Nian deliberately left a clone here, and he wants to teach me sword skills?"

A beam of sword light flew from behind Zhang Xibao, directly penetrated Zhang Xibao's consciousness, and flew towards Zhan Nian's avatar.

Zhang Xibao turned around in surprise, and found another strange clone walking slowly.

The whole body of this avatar is pitch black, and the facial features cannot be seen clearly at all. Even the body is pitch black, only a vague human shape.

"Who is this? Could it be that Zhan Nian's avatar didn't talk to me, but was he communicating with him?"

While Zhang Xibao was wondering, Zhan Nian's avatar had already started fighting with the black avatar.

The two avatars both used swords, and they used swords hundreds of times in an instant, and sword lights lingered everywhere in the not-so-huge space, but these sword lights couldn't hurt Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao was curious, but he didn't have a clue for a moment, he thought he'd better wait for Zhan Nian to come back and ask again.

"The sword skills of these two avatars are quite powerful, I can learn two moves!"

Zhang Xibao himself has learned swordsmanship, so he can get a general idea of ​​the swordsmanship skills of these two clones.

"The sword skills of these two guys are not fancy at all, on the contrary, they are full of fierceness. If I don't fight them with divine power, I will definitely lose..."

Zhang Xibao began to squat aside, watching the two clones fight like a melon-eating crowd.

"Oh, I knock, Zhan Nian's sword is too bold, hurting others and hurting oneself!"

"Good guy, the opponent is also playing desperately, this is too ruthless..."

Zhang Xibao can roughly guess how advanced Zhan Nian's swordsmanship is. Whether it was the sword that killed ghosts and immortals, or the sword that smashed the gate of the gods, it can be seen that Zhan Nian is a one-on-one sword. master.

But the black shadow on the opposite side can fight Zhan Nian 50-50, which is very scary, it shows that the sword skills on the opposite side are not under Zhan Nian!

When the battle drew to a close, the two clones disappeared with a bang...

"I don't understand, I don't understand..."

Zhang Xibao shook his head, and asked the book spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness to record the battle between the two clones, intending to watch it slowly.

Zhang Xibao's consciousness flew out of the space inside the sword, and then continued to help Zhan Nian forge the sword.

All the swords are made of high-quality materials, and each one can be exchanged for points that ordinary people can't spend in a lifetime. Although Sifang Tianhuo assisted Zhang Xibao, it was difficult for Zhang Xibao to forge a complete sword for a while.

"Hey, grind it slowly, at least it's faster than when you sharpened Qilin's blade with different fire..."

Zhang Xibao turned his head and glanced out of the window. It was the dawn of dawn.

"Today I promised my sister to take her to a foreign restaurant, pack up and leave early, I'm hungry after practicing all night..."

Zhang Xibao washed up briefly, and took Mu Ge and Zhang Zhizi to the special car arranged by the Qian family.

With the in-depth exploration of foreign lands, many products produced in foreign lands can be supplied to ordinary people, and the Black Dragon Society and Liuli Pavilion have played a very important role in this process.

The exotic restaurant that was only opened in the magic city at the beginning has blossomed everywhere. The general public can spend a sum of money to taste the melons, fruits and exotic animal meat produced in the exotic. Eating these things is good for the body, so the money spent is considered value.

Beishi has been developing well recently. It is engaged in foreign-themed projects such as foreign-land restaurants and foreign-land paradise.

Someone asked Zhang Xibao to speak for Beishi, but Zhang Xibao pushed them away. Now he is short of money and needs to play with Zhang Zhizi and Mu Ge, so he doesn't have much time to do those unhealthy things.

"Let's go brother, I can't wait to try the restaurant you mentioned!"

Zhang Muge urged, Zhang Xibao got into the car, and the luxury car sped towards the center of Beishi.

"Did you bring the fungus? Give me some Chinmouse later. Oh, by the way, the Flame Crows haven't eaten the meat of different animals for a long time. Let them out and have a big meal. Eat that little fatty Qian Chengjin." Poor!" Zhang Xibao snorted coldly.

"Okay brother, don't be angry with Brother Cheng Jin, he is really nice..."

"You have been deceived!"

Zhang Xibao straightened his forehead, and thought to himself, according to this posture, maybe there will be different opinions in the future.

He called Brother-in-law Qian Cheng, and Qian Chengjin called him Brother Bao...

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