Alien Restaurant.

A table full of exotic melons and fruits of various colors, Zhang Muge was very happy to eat, Zhang Xibao, Chinchilla and Crow King Xiaoni and other guys looked at each other and protested: "Hey rabbit, eat so vegetarian, hurry up!" Serve the meat, serve the meat!"

"The meat is grilling, come right away, the guests wait!"

The manager of the restaurant secretly wiped off his cold sweat, thinking that the number of people who made the reservation originally were three people and two different beasts. Why are there so many muscular men with bird heads?

Those who didn't know thought Hey Se would hold an annual meeting in this exotic restaurant!

Taking advantage of the time when the barbecue was not served, the crow boys used the empty restaurant as a stage, and performed their talents for Mu Ge and Zhang Zhizi one after another, such as wheat, hand-to-hand combat, wrestling...

When the atmosphere was tense, Zhang Xibao suddenly noticed that the manager of the restaurant was arguing with someone at the door. He listened carefully, and the content was:

"I obviously made a reservation for the restaurant in advance, why can't I eat? 』

『Sorry sir, your reservation time conflicts with the restaurant’s arrangement. Can we compensate the reservation fee three times, or change the time to tomorrow? 』

『No, I finally asked for leave. I promised my daughter to treat her to dinner here. Today I must eat here! 』

Zhang Xibao muttered, "Why is this voice so familiar..."

"Old bag!"

Zhang Xibao stood up, rushed to the door, passed the restaurant manager, and saw the blushing and thick-necked guy at the door, it was Director Bao of No. 1 Middle School, Zhang Xibao's former military boxing teacher—Bao Guyan!

"Little Treasure?!"

Lao Bao looked at Zhang Xibao in surprise, with a little excitement in his eyes.

"When did you come back?"

Lao Bao seemed to have a thousand words to say, but finally turned them into one sentence: "You are getting more and more handsome!"

"Hey, I just came back, I asked for leave, and took my sister and mother back to my hometown to have fun..."

Zhang Xibao took Lao Bao and walked inside, introduced his teacher to Zhang Zhizi and Mu Ge, and introduced his relatives to Lao Bao.

Lao Bao also knew about Zhang Xibao to some extent, so he was sincerely happy for Zhang Xibao.

"Oh, by the way, your teacher's wife and sister are still behind, I'll pick you up, I have to eat you well today, who told you to hide it from us so hard, you boy is actually a dark saint!"

Lao Bao took his wife and daughter into the restaurant and explained: "I'm usually busy, this is not my daughter's birthday, so I finally asked for a leave of absence to take her out for dinner..."

Zhang Xibao heard that Lao Bao had become a non-staff member of the Black Dragon Association of Beishi, so he was too busy to touch the ground.

"Okay, I finally met today, let's have a happy get together!"

Zhang Xibao said hello to Lao Bao's wife, and asked the restaurant manager to find the chef to make a big cake. As for Lao Bao's daughter, Zhang Muge had already dragged her to eat all kinds of delicious exotic melons and fruits.

The two families enjoyed themselves happily.

"I didn't bring any presents today, come down and make up for my little junior sister's birthday present!"

Zhang Xibao took Lao Bao and sat aside, the two chatted for a long time, and Zhang Xibao finally brought the topic to Lao Bao's lap.

"Hey, my leg was cut off when I went on a mission. The Black Dragon Society of Beishi found a lot of materials for me to make a prosthesis in a different territory. Now this leg does not affect my life in general, but it will still lag behind in terms of combat power. leg……"

Lao Bao opened his trousers, allowing Zhang Xibao to take a look at the imitation prosthesis.

"Can you take it off so I can see the wound?"

The prosthesis was taken off, Zhang Xibao took a look at the smooth wound, and could guess that Lao Bao's leg was severed by the flying sword.

After thinking about it, Zhang Xibao asked Fang Rui to create a small part of his clone, which turned into a prosthetic limb and placed it on Lao Bao's leg.

"Get up and try again?"

Lao Bao tried to stand up, walked around, ran a few steps, and then punched.

"Hey, this thing you made is very powerful. It's just like my real leg except it's unconscious!" Lao Bao gave a thumbs up.

"This is some kind of rare treasure. It can be used as a substitute for your prosthetic for the time being. Just wait a little longer. In the future, I can get the power to regenerate your severed limb!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Lao Bao couldn't sit still anymore. He excitedly grabbed Zhang Xibao's hand and asked, "You mean the rebirth technique of severed limbs?!"

"Yes, rebirth with severed limbs!" Zhang Xibao nodded, thinking of the secret technique used by Muxingshan Muxiu.

Zhang Xibao intends to wait for his combat power to rise again, and use the Void Orb to go to Muxing Mountain to steal secret techniques!

Lao Bao clenched his fists: "In this way, those colleagues who have been disabled due to missions can regain their fighting strength and live like normal people!"


Zhang Xibao thought that what Lao Bao was thinking about was not his broken leg, but people who were disabled due to missions like him, and couldn't help but sigh that greatness has always been hidden in the ordinary.

"I will try my best to get that secret technique!"

Seeing Lao Bao's happy face, Zhang Xibao secretly made up his mind.

Gatherings are always short. After dinner, Zhang Xibao said goodbye to Lao Bao's family.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xibao suddenly received a message from He Xiansheng, saying that the device that used Qing Qi to put the consciousness of the supernatural being into the game side had initially succeeded!

Zhang Xibao called Qian Chengjin and asked him to take Mu Ge and the others to play. The little fat man followed the orders and Zhang Xibao ran directly to the Imperial Laboratory Building.

Inside the laboratory building.

The five sages gathered together, Zhang Xibao, the four sages, He Xiansheng and others stood in front of five strange instruments.

The shape of this instrument is like a dormant cabin. Inside the cabin are engraved with talismans and a running magic circle, and the outside of the cabin is covered with magic circle inscriptions, which are linked to the Qingqi base station.

"Currently, the instrument can only put the consciousness of the supernatural person into a small area. If Master Bao wants to make something like a consciousness game helmet, he has to continue to develop and research."

He Xiansheng adjusted his glasses, and his pupils shone with wisdom.

Before Zhang Xibao could speak, Tang Yinghuang asked curiously, "You called the four of us here to see this unfinished toy?"

"Games or something, I already have..."

Zhang Xibao didn't explain too much, but asked Sisheng to lie down in the game cabin, and he also lay down, and began to ask Shuling to pull the consciousness of Sisheng into his small world of consciousness sea.

"Get ready, don't drop your jaw..."

Zhang Xibao gave a reminder, and the consciousness of the five fell into chaos in an instant, and then they were pulled into the big world of "Sword Man Plus" by Shu Ling.

The five of them appeared on the top of a towering mountain range, looking around, they could have a panoramic view of the world in front of them.

There was an endless sea of ​​clouds under their feet, and dense mountain peaks emerged from below the sea of ​​clouds. There was a huge burning fireball above their heads, and the wind was blowing bitterly. The five people's ears could faintly hear the howling sounds of various strange beasts.

"This... is this a foreign land?"

The four saints were a little confused.

Zhang Xibao smiled strangely: "This is the game world, it's all virtual..."


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