Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 421 Return Of Zhannian

In fact, Zhang Xibao can directly enter the game without using the game pod. After all, this small world is in his consciousness and controlled by Shuling.

Without humility, Zhang Xibao is the god of this small world, he can erase any existence in the virtual world with a single thought.

Open the live broadcast with a dry mouth, believe it or not, at least it is not attractive, Zhang Xibao plans to directly move the live broadcast room into the small world inside the body, so that everyone's seeing is believing!

The live broadcast is on.

The number of viewers surged, and what the audience saw was Zhang Xibao's first-person perspective.

"Here come brothers! 』

"Where is Master Bao, oh, I see, it's the first person, right? 』

"I have been waiting outside the studio for five years, and my heart is as cold as the iceberg in front of Master Bao. 』

"Which alien land is this, Lord Bao is on a mission again? 』

"See Mr. Dark Saint, XXX wishes you a good evening! 』

『Good guy, are the big bosses of supernatural beings under the contract with Master Bao coming to join us? 』

Zhang Xibao saw that the audience in the live broadcast room was almost here, so he pointed to the mountains in front of him and said, "Everyone, this is not in a foreign land!"

"It's not a foreign land, did Master Bao go abroad? 』

"No, no, this is in the virtual world, believe it or not?"

Zhang Xibao chuckled and waved his hand, the clouds surrounding the mountain peak receded as if ordered, revealing the sun like a fireball in the sky, and those icebergs seemed to be pierced into the sky by blades.

"I knock, I knock, what kind of magic is this? 』

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Then, something even more surprising happened.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hands and pulled outwards, the mountains separated instantly, Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand again, as if teleporting, Zhang Xibao flashed into a boundless wasteland, and with another pull, Zhang Xibao came again, braving strange black air Swamp, pull it again, and the surrounding environment becomes a sand sea like a golden world...

As Zhang Xibao continued to make gestures, the surrounding environment changed accordingly, and various strange animals and plants appeared.

The bullet screen was rolling, all of which were words that were stunned by Zhang Xibao's operation.

"Is it really a virtual world? did Master Bao get in? 』

"Although the brain-computer interface has been realized, it is not yet mature enough to be used on a large scale? 』

"Is it a P-picture? Pre-filmed special effects? This picture quality, this special effect, great production! 』

"No no no..."

Zhang Xibao stretched out a finger and shook it: "The live broadcast is real-time. If you don't believe me, you can ask me to do actions. I am indeed in the virtual world."

"Then let's compare!" 』

"Bye is too simple, so let's do it differently!" 』

"Flipping hands is too simple, so let's turn the body in a giant swing forward with one arm, twist the hips and turn the body 360 degrees..."

Seeing that the barrage was going in a strange direction, Zhang Xibao quickly stopped, and chose a few simple moves for everyone to see.

"Actually, this is the latest product of the laboratory building. The virtual world game cabin does not use a brain-computer interface, but uses a magic circle to put the consciousness of a supernatural person into the created consciousness space. It’s not perfect yet, so Master Bao wants to select 100,000 supernatural beings to explore in the virtual world today, to help Master find the loopholes in this game world, and there will be rewards for exercises and special treasures!”

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"game? You say this thing is a game? It seems that Master Bao is going to do something big again! 』

"Papapa, I'll give you my bank card, points, and tickets, and help me top up my money!" Send me the game pod! 』

"Is this game real... is it dangerous?" 』

"What is the truth about what the upstairs said? 』

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and pressed down: "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. The game is not yet online. At present, only 100,000 people are selected for the internal test, and there is no danger. The strange beasts and various environments here are virtual, but very real. , you can experience hunting all kinds of strange beasts and find their weaknesses. Oh, by the way, there are at least a thousand hidden ruins in this virtual world. There is no limit from the yellow rank to the earth rank, you guys go find it!"

"In the future, the virtual world will cooperate with "Different" to carry out various task releases and point transactions. In short, the functions will gradually improve..."

"Oh oh oh oh oh……"

"It's so cool, it's so cool! 』

"I just have a question, how do you get the qualification for the internal test?" ! 』

Zhang Xibao replied: "At present, the qualifications for the closed beta are given priority to the supernatural beings who have bonded with the Five Sages. The closed beta will go through many rounds. Don't be discouraged if the supernatural beings who are not in the queue are finished. In the public beta, the laboratory building is researching game cabins that ordinary people can use, and ordinary fans and friends can also experience the charm of foreign lands, and have the opportunity to obtain strange treasure seeds and become real supernatural beings!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, he posted a link to the official website. The supernatural beings contracted by the Five Holy Seats had their own numbers, and they began to crazily grab the qualifications for the internal test on the official website.

Not to mention that the closed beta can experience the latest virtual world, but there are hidden skills and strange treasures in this world, and it is not as dangerous as the real foreign world. These points alone are enough to drive the supernatural beings crazy.

Taking advantage of everyone's joy, Zhang Xibao took out some quotas and drew them in the live broadcast room, pouring confidence directly into Zhang Xibao's body.

What does it mean for a person to sit at home and have confidence in the sky? This is a surprise!

After a live broadcast, Zhang Xibao's divine power directly increased by a large amount, and the effect of this live broadcast was too remarkable.

Zhang Xibao thought that he should give his younger sister the entire account of "Different" as soon as possible. Tang Yinghuang and the others were still reluctant to live broadcast. !

"At that time, the public beta of the game can let my sister, Qin Li and the others be the image ambassadors. Isn't the trustworthy thing easy to grasp?"

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and thought about it for a while, laughing happily.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao felt that someone outside his consciousness was calling him, so he bid farewell to the reluctant fans, turned off the live broadcast room, and regained his consciousness.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhang Xibao saw his sister poking him.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xibao felt that his sister was like a frightened kitten.

Following the direction of his sister's finger, Zhang Xibao saw Zhan Nian sitting cross-legged on the sofa, and Zhan Nian returned emotionally, and even snatched his sister's throne sofa.

Zhan Nian was sitting cross-legged on the sofa watching TV, looking a little tired, noticing that Zhang Xibao had woken up, he turned his head and asked, "Is the sword finished?"

"The sword is cast, but what's the matter with the space inside the sword and the two clones?"

Zhang Xibao comforted his younger sister, took out the forged flying sword, and sat down on the sofa.

"That's right, it looks like you've put your heart into it..."

Zhan Nian was quite satisfied with Zhang Xibao's sword, felt the edge of the sword, turned his head and asked, "Did you see those two clones when you entered the space?"

Zhang Xibao nodded.

Zhan Nian replied slowly: "Those two clones, one is me, and the other... is also me!"

"Okay, Zhan Nian, do you want to express that you are very lonely?" Zhang Xibao looked at Zhan Nian.

"The Taishang Zhannian Jue was created by me, and the two clones were naturally cut down by me...

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