Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 422: Slashing Nian Jue

"Cut yourself?"

Zhang Xibao tilted his head, planning to listen to Zhan Nian carefully today.

"Didn't I say before that demons can invade the bodies of gods through thoughts, eat them, and replace them, so I created the "Taishang Zhan Nian Jue" to deal with the demons who invaded me, but unfortunately it was a step too late , so I had no choice but to chop up my golden body..."

Zhan Nian caressed the forged flying sword: "The two clones in the space, the black one is the one I chopped off, evil thoughts! Do you know why I teach you swordsmanship..."

Zhang Xibao shook his head, expressing his incomprehension.

"Because I learned the "Tai Shang Zhan Nian Jue", I want to cut off your emotions and desires..."

Zhang Xibao understood the meaning of Zhan Nian, no wonder he felt that Zhan Nian was weird, he didn't seem to have much emotion and desire, it turned out to be caused by the exercises.

"I wanted to teach you swordsmanship, but later I found out that you have Fang Rui's body protection, so I put this matter on hold. If you want to learn, you must think about the consequences. Every time you slash the corresponding sword, it will be cut off." Your emotions and desires..."

Zhan Nian flicked a sword flower, then took out a blue scabbard from the square inch treasure Zhang Xibao gave him, and inserted the flying sword into the scabbard.

The shape of the flying sword was completely cast according to the requirements of Zhan Nian, so the sword body and the scabbard fit quite well.


Zhang Xibao nodded, glanced at his younger sister and mother who were clearing the table, and immediately made a judgment: "I don't want to learn, hehe..."

"I have Fang Rui, and I am not afraid of the invasion of heavenly demons at all. I am afraid that I will not be able to be a happy person in the end after learning your Zhan Nian Jue!"

The reason why Zhang Xibao worked so hard to become stronger was not to become a fairy, but to fish happily, to learn a kung fu, it would be impossible to turn himself into a stone.

"Did you find this scabbard from the sword mound?" Zhang Xibao changed the subject, staring at Zhan Nian's blue scabbard and asked.

"Well, it was my original scabbard. I remembered its location and found it."

Zhan Nian handed the sword to Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao took it and touched it. He felt that the scabbard was made from the skin of some kind of strange beast, but Baojian didn't respond to the scabbard.

"It's time to eat!"

Zhang Muge yelled, Zhang Xibao returned the scabbard to Zhan Nian, and then the two sat at the dining table.

There are five dishes and one soup on the table, meat and vegetables, plus a pot of white rice. Sitting around the table, the four of them feel like a family.

Zhan Nian has a physical body and can eat ordinary meals. Zhang Xibao asked him if he could taste the taste. Zhan Nian replied that he could feel it, but it was not the taste that ordinary people can taste. It should be Fang Rui's feedback to Zhan Nian's soul .

After dinner, Zhang Xibao told Zhan Nian about the internal testing of the game. Zhan Nian felt that these things should be decided by Zhang Xibao himself. Anyway, it was a bold attempt. If feasible, he could diverge his thinking and create other methods.

As for the solution, Zhan Nian didn't say anything, since he was an old riddler anyway, Zhang Xibao didn't bother to ask, Zhan Nian would automatically say it when the time came, and it was useless for him to ask now before the time came.

Happy time is always short, Zhang Xibao's vacation is about to expire, and Zhang Zhizi and Zhang Muge are going back to Haocang Island.

After seeing off his younger sister and mother, Zhang Xibao returned to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club in the imperial capital, and began to test whether the internal test could collect trust.

"Sword Man Plus" runs completely according to the game. The supernatural beings can check the information of various alien beasts internally, simulate the battle against alien beasts, and compete with each other in the battle area. Once integrated into the virtual world, once points can be traded at that time, more supernatural beings will register and log in.

The 100,000 internal test qualifications have all been issued, and the game cabin has also begun to be in place following the issuance of the qualifications. The time before the players log in is today.

"I don't know if the virtual world can withstand so many people logging in at once, don't burn me into a fool..."

Zhang Xibao muttered, and lay down in the game cabin.

A floor of the laboratory building was specially set aside for the five saints to use for office and meetings, and Zhang Xibao's game cabin was placed in his own room.

At the same time, 100,000 supernatural beings lay in their respective game cabins, and most of these 100,000 people were members of the Five Dragons Association and the contractors of the Five Saints.

With a buzzing sound, the game cabin started, Zhang Xibao closed his eyes, and began to observe his own small world.

buzz buzz...

White lights continued to light up, and one after another consciousness turned into Zhang Xibao's small world.

Everyone gathered on a huge mountain. Here, there is a player rest area specially transformed by Zhang Xibao, which is equivalent to the safe area in the game. In the future, this safe area will become more perfect, because the Five Dragons will be here Create a virtual center for each area.

"Everyone, you have successfully logged into the virtual world."

Zhang Xibao's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Each of you has an initial panel. In the future, this panel will become more detailed, and various functions of "Alien" will also be added."

"I have already made it very clear in the live broadcast room that all kinds of internal testers come to find various loopholes in the game. No matter what loopholes they find, they can report through the panel, and there will be rewards after the closed beta is over."

"Of course, this is an internal test, so the beasts in each area will not take the initiative to attack you. If you want to try to challenge various beasts, you can apply on the panel. Your 100,000 people will be divided into 1,000 groups Assigned to different areas, go, the game has begun!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, and those consciousnesses turned into white light again, flying towards different areas.

After doing this, Zhang Xibao opened his eyes from inside the game cabin. There should be no problem with the book spirits staring at those inside.

Zhang Xibao also knew that most of the beta testers must have come towards the skills and treasures in the ruins, but the ruins are not so easy to find.

Even if some powerful and smart guys can get into the ruins, the big bosses of the Demon Castle hidden in the ruins will give them a big surprise...

In short, it's not so easy to think of Bai Piao, and it doesn't matter who the planner is, Gou Sheng Zhang Xibao!

That night, there was a reaction in the virtual world, and a steady stream of confidence began to be generated inside, and merged into the body of Zhang Xibao, the owner of the small world.


"Zhan Nian, Zhan Nian, it really works!"

Zhang Xibao excitedly pushed open the door of Zhan Nian's room, and found that Zhan Nian was not there.

"Hehe, where did this guy go?"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, and muttered: "Well, since he gained a physical body, this guy can't learn how to play, right? Forget it, let's talk to him about it tomorrow..."


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