Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 424 Witnessing Miracles

"Aren't you going to catch it? This is a proper cult!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the video in the video recorder: "This is the evidence, the white light can be classified as a supernatural ability, so it's time for the black dragon to end."

Qinglong and Vermilion Bird nodded with serious faces.

The behavior of the believers in the video is completely a terrorist act. It is not known how many of those believers can do this, but there is no doubt that allowing them to continue their activities will endanger the safety of more people.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while and said to Qinglong and the two: "Well, let's work together. You are looking for the leader of the Guiyi organization, and I will sneak in to find out what they are trying to do."

"fair enough."

Zhang Xibao is the best infiltrator who can use masks to change his appearance and body shape.

After the plan was appointed, Qinglong and Vermilion Bird went to plan to arrest the leader of the Guiyi organization, while Zhang Xibao left the Black Dragon Society branch and walked towards the city center.

According to intelligence, there is a stronghold of the Guiyi organization in the city center. This stronghold has been closely monitored by the Black Dragon Society, and it is convenient for Zhang Xibao to sneak in.

Currently Zhang Xibao has two choices. One is to pretend to be an existing member of the organization and sneak in, which is relatively smooth, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to be spotted. The other is to enter as a new member, which is not easy to be spotted, but Relatively joining an organization can be difficult.

Zhang Xibao thought about it for a while and chose the second option. If the first option is, he is afraid that there is a way to screen members in the Guiyi organization, which will reveal his secrets faster.

After contacting Qinglong, Zhang Xibao expressed his thoughts, and the Black Dragon Society quickly sent a document with several virtual identities for Zhang Xibao to choose from.

Now Zhang Xibao is no longer acting alone. As a dark saint, when he acts, there are many people behind him to provide technical support.

Zhang Xibao looked at the three identities displayed on the pager, and chose the one with a simpler background.

This man was a sallow-faced man named Du Cheng. Judging from his background, he was suffering from a disease, which was why he was targeted by the Guiyi organization and became the target of promoting membership.

Zhang Xibao pinched his face according to the photos on the intelligence, glanced at the pager, and it happened that it was time for Du Cheng to join the club, so he walked towards the stronghold.

Zhang Xibao seemed a little timid, which was in line with Du Cheng's identity.

He was poking his head to look inside the stronghold when someone suddenly called out, "Hey, who are you?"

A guy in a white robe came out and grabbed Zhang Xibao involuntarily.

Zhang Xibao pretended to be terrified and struggled for a while, but he couldn't break free, so he had no choice but to answer: "My name is Du Cheng, and I... am here to join the club."

"Ah, so it's you, I know, I know!"

There was a young man under the white robe. He glanced at Zhang Xibao, then looked at the corner of the street, and said, "I thought it was someone from the Black Dragon Society who came to investigate. Come in with me, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhang Xibao was led inside by the white-robed youth, and the two entered the stronghold.

The young man in white robe lifted the cover of the sewer in the stronghold, and said to Zhang Xibao, "Go in!"

Zhang Xibao was startled, my good fellow, you guys are doing underground work here, if you don't arrest who will you arrest? !

Zhang Xibao entered the sewer along the ladder, and then the white-robed youth covered the lid, and someone in the sewer came to meet him. The man was an older man, and when he saw Zhang Xibao coming down, he asked Zhang Xibao to follow him.

The lights in the sewer were extremely dim. The old man led Zhang Xibao for a while, then climbed up the ladder to a relatively remote residential building.

Many members of the Guiyi organization have gathered in the residential building. There are old and young, people with supernatural powers and ordinary people.

"New friends are here, welcome, welcome!"

The old man smiled and introduced to the members: "This is Mr. Du Cheng, who is here to witness the miracle."

Everyone started applauding, Zhang Xibao pretended to be embarrassed, and clapped along with everyone.

See what you guys are doing, Zhang Xibao snorted coldly in his heart.

The old man brought Zhang Xibao a set of white robes and asked Zhang Xibao to put them on.

Putting on clothes does not mean that Zhang Xibao has become a member of the Guiyi organization. The rules for newcomers to join the club are definitely not that simple.

Zhang Xibao was dragged into the crowd by the old man to meditate. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the old man began to sprinkle clean water on Zhang Xibao's head, which was called a purification ceremony.

Zhang Xibao was smacked with water beads, but he still had to force a smile. He thought to himself that the old man was acting out of sorts. He used mineral water to purify people, and he had learned a lot from the barbarians.

"Okay, on to the next item."

The old man wiped his fingers and took out a statue from the square inch ring on his right hand.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, thinking that the real drama had finally begun.

The old man took out a stone statue and placed it in front of Zhang Xibao, and then put his hand on the statue's forehead, and everyone began to chant the teachings of the Guiyi organization in a low voice.

This statue looks familiar... Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, the statue began to burst into divine light, enveloping everyone present.

Zhang Xibao felt a warmth flow into his body, and the faces of the others also became rosy, and everyone's expressions became very happy.

"A miracle, this is a miracle!" Someone exclaimed.

"A miracle..."

Zhang Xibao guessed that this stone statue should have performed some kind of advanced healing technique, and it was performed with divine power as the energy for the technique.

The old man smiled and asked Zhang Xibao: "Mr. Du Cheng, do you feel better? This is the miracle performed by Guiyishen. If you join the association, you will often be bathed in the divine light. If you don't want to join, you can. Just leave..."

The old man put his hand on the statue's head and did not remove it. Zhang Xibao thought that if he refused, would a ray suddenly come out from the biu, and then be melted and silenced?

Zhang Xibao replied with a smile: "I join the Guiyi organization!"

"Okay, we are going to have a new member soon, then, tell Guiyi God your name in person, and get the approval of Guiyi God, you will be our new partner!"

Zhang Xibao didn't know whether reciting the name himself was an important part of the ceremony, so he directly used this fake name and said to the statue: "I, Du Cheng, sincerely join the Guiyi organization and become a member of the Guiyi God !"

After saying that, the statue lit up with divine light again. Zhang Xibao glanced with his Tongtian pupil, and found some kind of ancient talisman wrapped in the divine light. He guessed that this should be a bond formation ceremony.

No wonder the leader of the Guiyi organization cannot attack this organization. It turns out that everyone in the organization is a bonder.

Of course, Zhang Xibao couldn't form a bond with this weird statue, so he directly used a divine power to attack the guy behind the statue.


The statue exploded!

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