Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 425 Reverse Investigation

"Your god seems to have exploded?"

Amid the panicked expressions of everyone, Zhang Xibao looked up at the old man in white robe.

"you you……"

The old man pointed at Zhang Xibao with trembling fingers: "You are dishonest, are an undercover agent!"

"Ouch, you found out?"

Zhang Xibao stood up, no longer the cowering look before, he twisted his sore neck, and said, "I've been holding you back for a long time, the old guy is playing very differently, isn't he?"

"kill him!"

The old man in white robe pointed at Zhang Xibao, and the crowd became commotion, eager to take Zhang Xibao down.

The white-robed old man directly recited the mantra silently, just like the previous person in the confinement room, Zhang Xibao guessed that this guy was about to launch that kind of powerful ray, so he acted preemptively and knocked the old man unconscious to the ground.

bang bang bang!

One after another, sleep bombs were fired into the room. These sleep bombs were loaded with exotic plant pollen from a different world, which could quickly anesthetize the inhaler. Even people with supernatural powers could not resist this power, except of course Zhang Xibao.

After Zhang Xibao entered the stronghold, he informed the Black Dragon Society branch of City E of his coordinates. Qinglong and the others were already ready to arrest them. After receiving Zhang Xibao's reminder, they fired sleep bombs directly to prevent some believers from self-destructing.

clack clack...

The believers in the room fell to the ground, Zhang Xibao walked over and opened the locked door, and the members of the Black Dragon Society branch rushed in wearing masks.

Wearing a mask, Qinglong handed one to Zhang Xibao, looked at the people in the room, and said in a muffled voice, "Good guy, there are quite a few people, there are three cunning rabbit holes!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the white-robed old man on the ground, and said to the members of the Black Dragon Society next to him, "Did you see that old man, put a talisman on him, take care of him, and I'll interrogate him when I go back."

"And the fragments of the statue, all collected, go back and find out what material it is."

Zhang Xibao squatted down beside a fainted believer, Qinglong also squatted down.

"What's the situation?" Qinglong couldn't help asking when Zhang Xibao checked the unconscious person.

"There should be a revived god hidden behind these people. The reason why the number of believers grows so fast is that they are all bonded."

"The believers that the Guiyi organization is looking for are those who are in desperate situations, such as serious illnesses, such as borrowing money, and use miracles to attract them to join the club, coax them to form a bond, and become high-quality producers of faith."

Zhang Xibao covered the unconscious man's head with his hands, and used his divine power to check the bond-binding talisman in the believer's body. He found that the bond-binding talisman was very complicated, and he couldn't untie it for a while.

Qinglong frowned: "The revived gods, those dead gods you mentioned are beginning to recover, why are they so fast?"

"This is a bad sign. It is probably related to the concentration of spiritual energy. If the concentration of spiritual energy continues to increase, more and more gods will recover..."

Zhang Xibao didn't tell Qinglong and the others about the celestial demon. The celestial demon is more terrifying than the gods. He was afraid that it would be too early to hurt everyone's confidence.


Qinglong shook his head, and sighed: "God is resurrected, is there still a way for ordinary people to live?"

"Don't worry too much. Although these gods are called gods, to put it bluntly, they are nothing more than supernatural beings or beasts above the level of gods. They can be eliminated. If they are really the kind of gods who can't follow the law, Let's just clean it up and wait for death!"

"Besides, I still don't know whether the revived god is a righteous god or a wild god. Just kill it before it recovers!"

Zhang Xibao gave Qinglong encouragement, because the world in which the spiritual energy had recovered was changing too fast.

At the beginning, the heavenly rank was already the highest combat power of the earth and stars, and the existence that tens of thousands of people looked up to. Now that the four saints have risen above the heavenly rank, they have become the weakest existence in the god rank.

Facing the revived gods, Qinglong did feel a little weak.

This is only the initial resurrection of the gods, and a cult organization with ten thousand people has already been created. If the gods are revived one after another, Earth and Star will probably become the pasture of the gods.

"I have to call Mr. Qin Jiuyuan and let them study the bonding talismans in the believers' bodies, and then get rid of the bonding talismans in these believers."

Zhang Xibao told Qinglong: "In addition, selectively share some information with the alliance, and tell those guys to pay attention to the revived gods in the foreign territory. Once an abnormality is found, solve it as soon as possible, so that these guys don't drag Earth Star back!"

"Okay, let me handle this matter!"

Qinglong went to contact the people from the consortium, and Zhang Xibao went straight to the interrogation room where the white-robed old man was being held.

Zhang Xibao used a lot of force to force him, the old man in white robe was restrained by talisman shackles for a long time and did not wake up until he was imprisoned in the interrogation room and Zhang Xibao poured a bottle of mineral water on his face before he woke up faintly.

Zhang Xibao looked at the white-robed old man who had woken up and said, "You still throw water beads on my face, we're even..."

The old man in white robe saw Zhang Xibao in front of him. Although Du Cheng's face had changed back to the Qilin mask, he remembered Zhang Xibao's voice.

"You dishonesty, you will be punished by Guiyi God!"

After all, the white-robed old man closed his eyes, as if he was sensing the power of Gui Yishen, but the talisman shackles on his neck directly lit up, cutting off this feeling.

"Okay, why are you pretending to be serious?"

Zhang Xibao took a look at the old man in white robe, picked up the Qingqi pager next to him and poked it twice, a magic circle screen lit up, on which was the old man in white robe's personal information.

"XXX, this name belongs to you. When I was young, I was engaged in publicity and sales. I was imprisoned for 15 years. After I came out, I have been unemployed. Later, I was arrested for fraud... You are doing bad things. You, what are you pretending to be a devout believer? ?”

The old man in white robe was told his identity was exposed, and his face was a little bit uncomfortable, but because of the shackles of talismans, he could only raise his neck and look at Zhang Xibao.

"Be honest, be lenient and resist strict, you know, tell me, what the hell is Guiyishen?"

Zhang Xibao asked, but all he got was silence.

"Okay, the mouth is quite strict, since you don't say it, then I have to check it myself..."

Zhang Xibao stretched out his palm, and the golden divine light lit up. He wanted to check the master behind the white-robed old man directly through the contract talisman.

Although the contract talisman cannot be unraveled, Zhang Xibao can use the divine power of the talisman to reversely track down the owner of the contract. After all, Zhang Xibao is also a master of the contract who is proficient in using the "Contract of the Spirit".

Zhang Xibao sensed this strange divine power, and then saw a pair of blood-red eyes in the chaotic divine light.


The owner of the eyes roared, wanting to invade Zhang Xibao's body with his divine power.

Zhang Xibao directly used his divine power to form a barrier and hit that thing, cutting off the link's divine power by the way.

This is equivalent to the owner of the eyes being punched by Zhang Xibao, but he can't touch Zhang Xibao, and he can't swear, so he is very angry.


The white-robed old man exploded with rage!

"Yeah, another..."

Zhang Xibao took Fang Rui's wings to block the fragments from the explosion, looked at the white robe that was blown into rags, and snorted coldly: "It's useless to explode, I found you!"

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