"This is only what we found in Daxia's foreign territory. A nine-headed snake appeared in the neon country. It is said that a man-eating long-haired monster appeared in the bear country, and someone in the eagle country photographed a lion walking upright!" 』

Qinglong had contacted the consortium before, and now he has summarized the information from all parties and disclosed it to Zhang Xibao.

"Take care of yourself first!"

Zhang Xibao said to Qinglong: "Let the members of the Five Dragons Association move, and send out all the Qingqi attack planes, and look for those guys in foreign lands. I can still fire the Taiyi fine gold naval gun a few times with my existing divine power, so I will solve it soon." They, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"I have already sent someone out to look for it. Recently, there have been so many abnormalities. Come back quickly, the three of you. The consortium meeting is about to start again."

After saying this, Qinglong and Zhang Xibao ended the communication.

The Qilin directly carried Zhang Xibao and the others back to Beishi, because the Sword Tomb in the imperial capital was not suitable as a base for attacking the French ship, and the Laboratory Building set up the French ship's construction base in Haocang Island.

Hao Cang Island is a floating island, so it is very suitable for building a base for flying weapons and equipment.

The Qilin returned to the ship port, Zhang Xibao dispersed the bonded supernatural beings, and then manipulated Phoenix to bring Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang back to the imperial capital.

"It's probably going to be busy again..." Zhang Xibao sighed on Phoenix's back.

Tang Yinghuang glanced at Zhang Xibao: "A prophet, right? I'll kill you!"

"Knife me?"

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "You beat my bird first, then I'm talking about Xiaoni, the Crow King."

Qin Li was surprised and asked: "The Crow King has also ascended to the heavenly rank?"

"Yes, Xiao Ni is also a human fairy now."

Zhang Xibao let Xiao Ni out and let him sit on Phoenix's back.

"Xiao Ni, I'm going to let you go alone."

Zhang Xibao said earnestly: "I have been with me for so long, you must have learned a lot of knowledge, now that you have become a human immortal, you must not be imprisoned in the Flame Crow Banner anymore, you have to do things to collect enough divine power to grow yourself."

Xiao Ni, the Crow King, listened to Zhang Xibao's instruction seriously, and at the end, he hesitated and said, "Master, do you think I still lack a rare treasure?" 』

"Well, I know what you want!"

Zhang Xibao chuckled, took out the Flame Crow Flag, and handed it to Xiao Ni: "If you want to gather confidence, you must have little crows. The interior of the Flame Crow Flag is still spacious. In the future, I will give it to the crows again." To designate a habitat."

"Thank you master! 』

Crow King Xiaoni happily took the Flame Crow Flag and put it in his own treasure.

At present, the high-level combat power of the Five Dragons Club is somewhat stretched, and it's time for Xiao Ni to come out to do things.

Those earth-level supernatural beings can deal with strange beasts, but if they face the giants in the video, they are probably just sending rations.

In addition, Zhang Xibao also wanted to do an experiment to see what would happen to him when the immortals who formed a pact with him gathered confidence.

According to what Zhan Nian said before, when the God Attendant collects the trust power, the God Master will also get a lot of benefits, which is equivalent to Zhang Xibao enjoying the same trust power when Xiao Ni collects the trust power of Little Crow.

"Hey, yes, Zhan Nian..."

Zhang Xibao thought of Zhan Nian again, he tried to contact Zhan Nian again, this time he finally got a reply.

Zhang Xibao asked consciously:

"Zhan Nian, Zhan Nian, call Zhan Nian, where did you go?" 』

Zhannian replied:

"Come out for a stroll, it seems that an old man has recovered."

"Old boy?"

The first thing that popped up in Zhang Xibao's mind was Uncle Niutou. Since he was Zhan Nian's old buddy, he must be a high-level god.

It's over, these gods are starting to wake up one by one!

The old acquaintances in Zhan Nian's mouth are enemies or friends, can Zhan Nian be able to cover them.

In an instant, Zhang Xibao's mind was full of thoughts.

Or ask Zhan Nian...

Zhang Xibao conveyed a consciousness:

"Zhan Nian, where are you now? 』

Zhannian replied: "Nanshi fan Kirishima"

"It's a coincidence, isn't it?"

Zhang Xibao remembered the video sent by Qinglong. The huge groove in the baby-faced forest was plowed out by something. Don't it be the old friend Zhan Nian mentioned?

"I found a lot of Qingqi attack planes patrolling the sky, do you want to come over?" ’ Zhan Nian asked again.

Qinglong is going to hold a union meeting, and Zhan Nian invites himself to fan Kirishima.

Zhang Xibao made an instant decision to fan Kirishima!

It's no fun sitting there for a meeting, as long as there is Qinglong sitting there, Zhang Xibao can check the information afterward, so why not take the opportunity to find Zhan Nian and find out the bottom line of the revived god.

"go! 』

Zhang Xibao finished his communication with Zhan Nian, and turned to look at Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang who were chatting quietly.

"Both of you, I have something to fan Kirishima temporarily. You two have to go back to the imperial capital. You can ask Xiaoni to attend the meeting instead of me, or ask Qinglong for a leave of absence for me."

Qin Li asked hesitantly: "But Qinglong said that they want to hold a union meeting?"

"There's news from the fan Kirishima, it's okay to delay the battle for a meeting."

Zhang Xibao found an excuse to prevaricate, and manipulated the phoenix to turn south, rushing towards the fan Kirishima.

Fan Kirishima inside.

Guessing that Qin Li and the others had already returned to the imperial capital, Qinglong sent Zhang Xibao the link key of the Qingqi attack aircraft.

After Zhang Xibao used the link key, Shu Ling sent all the perspectives of the attacking plane patrolling in the foreign territory to Zhang Xibao.

『Zen Nian, I have reached the fan Kirishima, where are you? 』

While contacting Zhan Nian, Zhang Xibao tried to find Zhan Nian from the perspective of the Qingqi attack aircraft.

Zhan Nian replied: "Baby Face Tree Lin Nan Department"

A large group of attack planes began to gather over the baby-faced forest, flying towards the south, Zhang Xibao also rushed there, and finally found Zhan Nian, which was like a small black dot, in the sight of the Qingqi attack plane.

"found it!"

There is only Zhan Nian in the picture, and there are no imaginary monsters. Zhang Xibao is relieved, and the talisman bombs prepared by the attack plane also fell into silence.

"Zen Nian!"

Zhang Xibao flew towards Zhan Nian, with divine power enveloping his body, those active baby-faced trees dared not approach him at all.

Zhan Nian sat cross-legged in mid-air, with his flying sword across his knees, as if he was meditating?

Zhang Xibao asked curiously, "Where's that old buddy of yours?"

On the way here, Zhang Xibao saw the huge groove in the baby-faced forest. It felt like some kind of reptile pressed it out. The width of the groove was more than ten meters, which showed that the thing was very large.

"The old man is here, look carefully..."

Zhan Nian smiled and opened his eyes.

Zhang Xibao noticed that there was an extra white earring on Zhan Nian's ear, which matched well with Zhan Nian's short white hair.

Looking carefully, Zhang Xibao found that the white earring was a coiled snake!

The little snake is connected end to end, hanging like a round earring on Zhan Nian's right ear.

"Is this your old buddy?"

Zhang Xibao had an incredulous expression on his face: "It stepped on the imprint in the woods, so it shouldn't be a god?"

"Yes, wild god, dragon spirit!"

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