"Is it your samurai?"

Zhang Xibao looked curiously at the little white snake hanging from Zhan Nian's ear, thinking that this thing must be the monster that plowed through the baby-faced forest, right?

Zhan Nian seemed to see through Zhang Xibao's mind, and nodded: "It made the footprints in the baby-faced woods, because it was just recovered, it made a little noise."

"Currently, this dragon spirit is of the rank of a fairy?"

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that this dragon spirit is Zhan Nian's beast pet, so it is naturally our combat power. If it is really of the level of a fairy, his combat power will soar to a higher level.

"No, that was its previous level. It is probably at the level of Earth Immortal at present, but it will recover its fighting power very quickly. It will be fine as long as it goes hunting wild food."

"You collect trust power through the bond and the virtual world, and I naturally have my own way to collect trust power. Although I can't collect it for a long time like you, but the amount is large and the speed is fast!"

Zhan Nian grinned, seeing that Zhang Xibao didn't understand what was going on with wild food, he explained: "Wild food is to quickly increase strength by devouring the power of other recovery gods..."


Zhang Xibao thought to himself that I just took the little crows for a wild meal, you probably don't know about it!

Zhang Xibao told Zhan Nian what happened in E City, and also told about the revival of gods in various countries. Zhan Nian was not surprised, on the contrary, he seemed to be so.

"According to my calculations, the revival of the gods will start on a large scale in the near future. The big snakes, monsters, and lions you mentioned are just small fish and shrimps. The real revival of the gods has not yet begun."

Zhan Nian narrowed his eyes, turned his head and said to Zhang Xibao: "Before they fully recover, we'd better strike first."

"Small fish and shrimp are okay..."

Zhang Xibao nodded: "Of course, we must act first. When they all come back to life, the situation will be dire."

"Oh, by the way, I asked He Xiansheng to make a big guy. The naval gun made of Taiyi fine gold is quite powerful. Take a look at it if you have the chance!"

Zhang Xibao patted Zhan Nian's shoulder excitedly, and said, "Heavenly-ranked treasures are even weaker than it."

Zhan Nian was a little speechless, as the supreme treasure of the Five Elements, the Taiyi fine gold, the size of a fingernail could be used to refine a powerful treasure, let alone a cannon. I can do it.

"I said Zhan Nian, can you bring me with you next time you fight wild food? I'm too greedy for gods of gods and gods. When will Crow King Xiaoni and Chinchilla become gods of servants? You can fish freely!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Zhan Nian, who was sitting cross-legged, stood up, holding the flying sword in one hand, and touched the little white snake on his earlobe with the other.

"It just so happens that one of the revived wild gods you mentioned has a target that I'm following. If you want to come, why don't you come together?"


Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian got on the phoenix and flew towards the exit of Mi Kirishima.

It turned out that the target that Zhan Nian said was the big nine-headed snake in the Neon Kingdom.

"Cherry Blossoms, isn't it? I'm familiar with that place!"

Zhang Xibao transferred some information from Qinglong. According to the information, he used the Void Orb to open a door in midair.

This door leads directly to the inside of the Cherry Blossom Wonderland, avoiding the eyes and ears of the Neon side, and saving the Five Dragons from negotiating.

The phoenix flew into the void gate, and the next second, the two of them appeared directly in the cherry blossom alien territory.

Zhang Xibao asked Zhan Nian: "Can you feel the position of that big snake?"

Zhan Nian closed his eyes and felt it, nodded: "Yes, this guy just woke up, and he still doesn't know how to hide his breath."

Under the prompt of Zhan Nian, Phoenix flew towards the depths of the cherry blossoms. After flying for half a day, Zhang Xibao saw the traces left by the nine-headed serpent.

In the forest area of ​​the Cherry Blossoms Territory, there are signposts built by neon signs, which are used to guide the way on the one hand and protect the safety of pedestrians on the other hand.

When the Qian family arranged tours for Zhang Xibao and the others before, Zhang Xibao had already seen these magic circle markers. The markers could resist the attacks of earth-level alien beasts. Now these markers have all been destroyed.

The 100-meter-high tree in the forest fell to this side, and all the road signs exploded. It is estimated that the big snake attacked the base set up by the Neon people in the territory of Sakura.

After the Neon side lost the Heijianmu, it began to build a base in the foreign territory of Sakura to raise exotic animals, planning to learn from the Black Dragon Society to develop animal meat that can be used as food.

The strange beasts raised in the base happened to be the big snake's ration.

Judging from the traces, after eating and drinking, the big snake got out of the woods and crossed the mountains. Those mountains were arched out of shape like dirt bags.

"What will you do when you're full?" Zhan Nian asked Zhang Xibao with a smile.

Zhang Xibao replied: "Go to sleep?"

Zhan Nian pointed to the mountains in the distance: "The big snake is resting underground, we have to lure it out..."

After finishing speaking, Zhan Nian reached out and took off the little white snake from his earlobe, and flicked his fingers: "Go, you are starving too, if you want to have a full meal, you can't do without work."

The little white snake rushed towards the mountains like a shooting star.

Zhang Xibao opened the Tongtian pupil, squinted his eyes and saw that the little snake sank into the ground in the blink of an eye.

"A one-headed one can beat a nine-headed one..."

According to the information, Zhang Xibao guessed that this nine-headed serpent was probably at the level of an Earth Immortal.

If Zhang Xibao were to make a move, the nine-headed serpent would surely be taken down. After all, the biggest difference between humans and beasts was their ability to use tools.

To deal with this big snake, Zhang Xibao will first bomb it with a talisman bomb, and then chop it with a Qilin sword.

But this time it was Zhan Nian who came to hunt wild food in person, so Zhang Xibao didn't plan to make a move.

"Just lure it out. Long Ling has been hungry for too long, so he may not be its opponent, so this time I will do it myself."

As he said that, Zhan Nian pulled out his flying sword, turned his head and said to Zhang Xibao: "Haven't you always been curious about the power of Taishang Zhan Nian Jue, let me give you Xiaolu a hand?"

"Okay, hey!"

Zhang Xibao lay reclined on Phoenix's back, looking completely optimistic about the show.

At this moment, the mountains trembled.


Several mountains collapsed directly, and the ground turned over like a cow, and a dull roar came up.


The ground was rapidly arching, Zhang Xibao pointed, Zhan Nian tapped his toes, and flew out directly.



Two completely different roars came.

The sky did not collapse, but the earth split open, and a huge white monster that looked like a dragon and a snake came out, with an ugly snake head in its mouth.

The white monster is the dragon spirit. It threw the snake's head into the sky, splashing a large amount of blood. The snake's head rose and fell, and then fell into the snake spirit's big mouth.

With a grunt, Long Ling swallowed the snake's head. At this time, another huge monster roared and chased after it. It was the big snake with one head missing.

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