Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 431 The Food Of The Dragon Spirit

There seemed to be a trace of sarcasm in Long Ling's eyes. Just now, it sneaked into the ground and attacked the dormant big snake. After biting off one of its heads, it turned back and ran away.

Now, its mission has been completed, and it is waiting for its master, Zhan Nian, to kill the big snake and let him have a full meal.

"I don't know which wild god's godhead gave birth to the monster, but it's enough for the dragon spirit to eat!"

Zhan Nian glanced at the big snake, and didn't guess its heel, but it didn't matter, as long as it could be used as Long Ling's ration.

Hydra, no, it is now an eight-headed serpent, one of its necks hangs limply, and a large amount of blood gushes out.

The big snake shook its head and tail, its eight heads and sixteen blood pupils glared at Long Ling, intending to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.


As if aware of something, a certain snake head suddenly spit out a large cloud of poisonous mist, and the poisonous mist enveloped the figures of the big snake and Long Ling in an instant.

The ground was shrouded in black poisonous mist, which seemed to be covered with a huge black curtain.

Zhan Nian was a little surprised, he didn't expect this big snake to be quite cunning.

"Hahaha, this guy is not stupid!"

Zhang Xibao rested his chin on Phoenix's back and drank the happy water, he shouted to Zhan Nian in the distance: "Shall I use the Tongtian pupil to lock the position of the big snake and point it out for you, don't hurt your precious dragon spirit by mistake. "

"Need not."

Zhan Nian snorted coldly, floating in mid-air without moving.

The black poisonous mist seemed to be very corrosive, and the dragon spirit's scales began to hiss after being stained with the poisonous mist, and it roared in pain.

Judging by Zhan Nian's appearance, he didn't seem to be worried about Long Ling, he just held his sword and looked down coldly.

Zhang Xibao has sky-reaching pupils, so he can clearly see what happened in the black mist.

Long Ling rushed out of the black mist, trying to draw the big snake out of the black mist, and let Zhan Nian kill it.

At this moment, the big snake's other head also lifted up, and instantly spit out several ice picks, blocking Long Ling's way.

Zhang Xibao asked Zhan Nian who was in mid-air: "Ah, Long Ling is deflated, should we help it?"

Zhan Nian didn't turn back and said: "No need, Long Ling has been asleep for so long, I don't know if its combat power has regressed, just try its current level."

The dragon spirit in the black mist seemed to understand the meaning of Zhan Nian, it no longer tried to escape, but turned to face the big snake.


Long Ling roared and rushed towards the big snake.


There was a burst of firecrackers in the black mist. It was the scales of Long Ling falling off, and the snake skin corroded by the black mist fell straight down.

The dead skin faded, and the dragon spirit's body bloomed with brilliance, and the white scales shone with golden light.

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes, and saw that Long Ling seemed to be different from before.

"Dragon Spirit's tail..."

Through the perspective of Tongtiantong, Zhang Xibao saw that Long Ling's tail was rapidly accumulating divine power, and the tip of the tail was shining like a small sun.

Zhang Xibao asked uncertainly: "Long Ling's tail seems to be a treasure!"

Zhan Nian smiled, but did not respond to Zhang Xibao.

At this time, Long Ling had already jumped in front of the big snake, and the big snake seemed to be playing hard to get. After Long Ling approached, it raised its head again.

A scalding air flow gushed out of the wide-open snake's mouth. After the air flow touched the black mist, some kind of reaction occurred, and it instantly turned into a cluster of flames.

"My boy, this is too beautiful!"

Zhang Xibao slapped Fenghuang's back in surprise: "Zhan Nian, after taking down this big snake, let Fang Rui swallow some flesh and blood too. This trick is too dark, I have to learn it."

The flames sprayed onto Long Ling's body, and the dragon's skin was ripped open. It roared and hit the big snake with great inertia.

The two giants roared, their bodies were entangled, and they tossed among the mountains.

The eight heads of the big snake scrambled to devour the dragon spirit, and the flame-burned flesh and blood on the dragon spirit inspired its greedy animal nature.

Long Ling seemed to be about to be ripped open, but Zhang Xibao noticed that its tail was gaining momentum.


There was an explosion in the air, and Long Ling's tail pierced into the big snake's chest like a razor.

The big snake seemed to have been electrocuted, and its body froze for a moment, then the eight heads opened their mouths wide, separated from Long Ling's body, and roared crazily.

"Hey, are you feeling bitter?"

Zhang Xibao laughed straight, he was very satisfied with the fight, watching the two giants fight was very enjoyable.

The big snake was screaming and writhing in pain, Long Ling raised his head and roared, and the black mist was quickly receding, revealing the riddled land.

Next, it's time for Zhan Nian to make a move.

"Looking good..."

Zhan Nian reminded Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao immediately sat up straight and looked with wide eyes.

"One thought, one thousand cuts!"

A golden moon flew out, instantly turning into thousands of moons.

The moon wheel slid across the body of the big snake, and the big snake was instantly torn apart and exploded into a pile of pieces on the ground.

Zhang Xibao didn't even blink his eyes, but Zhan Nian's flying sword had already been sheathed.

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao was impressed by this sword, but when he thought of the price of cutting off his emotions and desires, he immediately calmed down.

Zhang Xibao controlled the Phoenix to fly down.

Long Ling had already started to feast on it, and the sword of Zhan Nian chopped the big snake into pieces, so it didn't need it to bite it.

Fang Rui showed his prototype, and got a piece of flesh and blood from a big snake and was devouring it.

Zhan Nian sucked up the divine power accumulated in the big snake's body, and then threw the golden godhead to Zhang Xibao.

"This godhead is given to you, but you have to do me a favor."

Zhang Xibao was not polite to Zhan Nian, put away his godhead, and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Share with me the information of your Five Dragons Club. The gods who have recently recovered will be divided between us. Help me open the gate of the void. I will take the dragon spirit to kill a few wild gods abroad!"

When Zhan Nian said his request, Zhang Xibao was very happy: "Okay, if this is the case, the Five Dragons Club can ask for a wave of benefits from the union. After all, we can't help in vain, hehe!"

Zhang Xibao focused his attention on the wild gods of recovery in Daxia, while Zhan Nian chose the giants from abroad.

"It's best if you can subdue it, if you can't, kill it as soon as possible!"

Zhang Xibao discussed with Zhan Nian and came up with a rule.

"So, don't be in a hurry, Zhan Nian. I'll ask Qinglong to communicate with Ivan from Xiongguo. I want some benefits first, and then I will open the void gate to Xiongguo for you."

Zhang Xibao immediately contacted Qinglong. Although Qinglong was a little confused, he happily agreed.

The consortium meeting has just ended, and everyone feels that the world is about to end. Why is it like a piece of cake on Zhang Xibao's side, and it will be solved if it is solved?

Qinglong and the others didn't know that in the eyes of Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian, these revived wild gods had become "rations" that could raise their ranks.

There is no way to do this, Zhan Nian said, the great gods will recover one after another in the future, and it must be a bloody battle at that time!

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