Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 432 Teacher Zhang Starts Class


"Zhan Nian, do you think those guys can be called gods? They haven't even cultivated a human form, they're just huge in size and have high-level abilities."

On Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao expressed his doubts.

Zhan Nian sat cross-legged, the dragon spirit next to his ear turned into the shape of an earring again, but the position of the tail turned into pure gold.

Zhang Xibao believes that if Zhan Nian continues to "hunt wild food" and feed the dragon spirit the flesh and blood of those wild gods, it will not take long for the dragon spirit to turn into pure gold.

"I think you may have fallen into a blind spot of thinking. Daxia now has attacking magic ships, talisman bombs, and talisman bullets that can break through the fur of alien animals. But think about what the natives in that big world had?"

"People who can use supernatural powers and treasures are no longer human beings, but cultivators, and the most powerful weapon for ordinary human beings is nothing more than a sword. Just imagine, if you are such a person, a giant 100-meter-tall But if a gigantic creature stands before you, if you don't call it a god, what should you call it?"

Although Zhan Nian's voice was not loud, the wind in the sky could not disperse his words.

"Besides, these wild gods are just pet beasts of the great gods. There are many kinds of upgrades for pet pets. For example, your pet pets have gained wisdom and human form. This is because of your intentional cultivation and selection, and those huge It’s not that they don’t have the opportunity to take human form, they just don’t need them, their masters only need them to bring destruction and fear to mankind.”

Zhan Nian talked a lot with Zhang Xibao, and thoroughly answered Zhang Xibao's full of doubts.

After finishing off the Hydra, Zhang Xibao used the Void Orb to open the gate of space, and returned directly to the Demon City from the Cherry Blossoms.

Qinglong is very efficient here. He told Zhang Xibao that Wulonghui and Xiongguo have reached an agreement. Environmental products as compensation.

Zhang Xibao helped Zhan Nian open the gate of space, behind the gate was the endless ice field, Zhan Nian flew directly into the gate, and went to look for the monster in the foreign territory of Xiong Country.

Zhang Xibao focused his attention on the "black shadow monster" in the foreign territory of Daxia T City.

This monster is naturally a wild god that has just been revived, but because it is hidden in the sea of ​​a foreign land, Zhang Xibao does not know what its heel is for the time being.

Zhang Xibao felt that it was time for his beast pets to be promoted like dragon spirits.

Currently Zhang Xibao's pet pets include Chinchilla (the peak of the earth-level), fungus (the third-level of the earth), Xiaoni the Crow King (human immortal), and little brother crow (ranging from the mysterious to the earth).

At present, there are nearly 3,000 animal pets serving in the Five Dragons Association, including Erha Qiqi, the fire-tailed tiger, and the giant black mastiff on the plateau.

"The flesh and blood of the destroyed wild gods is not suitable for supernatural beings to eat, but it can be eaten by these beast pets, allowing them to upgrade. When they are upgraded, they can also increase the combat power of the Five Dragons. The destroyed wild gods can Recovering divine power and godhead, kills two birds with one stone."

After figuring this out, Zhang Xibao contacted the Qilin on Haocang Island, and the supernatural beings serving on the Qilin followed the instructions to accept beast pets and pet owners from various branches of the Black Dragon Society.

"The space of the Qilin is enough, and the belly of the ship is enough to accommodate these three thousand pet beasts and their owners. I hope these strange beasts won't get seasick..."

"The wild gods in the sea are not easy to fight. It may take a lot of effort just to find them. It seems that we are going to be floating in a foreign land for a long time."

In terms of supplies, Zhang Xibao is not worried. The supplies on the Qilin are very sufficient, and the crew will replenish the supplies on board according to the fixed time.

The main problem is boredom, so Zhang Xibao plans to treat this mission as a game. He not only called his sister Zhang Muge, but also called Qin Li, Tang Yinghuang and others, intending to train them and teach them how to Open the live broadcast on "Different" to gain confidence.

The Qilin carries a huge Qingqi base station, which is supplemented with high-quality spirit stones, so it is naturally not afraid of the lack of signal in the live broadcast.

Everything was ready, only the east wind was left, and the Qilin carried everyone to set off for the strange land of T City.

Qilin, in the meeting room.

Zhang Xibao sat at the top of the conference room, and Zhang Muge, Qin Li, Tang Yinghuang, and Qian Chengjin sat at the bottom.

"Ahem, the next one... class has started!"

Zhang Xibao tapped on the small blackboard in front of him. The reason why he didn't use the screen to clear the air was because the small blackboard was more sensitive.

"Our main task this time is to exterminate the wild god hidden in the foreign territory of T City. This wild god often appears near the coastline. It takes a lot of time to find it. During this period, I will impart some knowledge to you and talk about how Turning fans into trust power is good for your promotion!"

"Next, let me show you..."

As he said that, Zhang Xibao opened his live broadcast room, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to soar.

"The more fans there are, the greater the base for providing credibility. I don't need to say more about that, right?"

As he said that, Zhang Xibao threw out tens of thousands of points in red envelopes, causing the fans in the live broadcast room to cheer.

"The method of spreading red envelopes is relatively low-level, but it is relatively simple, and it can also collect some credit..."

Zhang Xibao opened his palm and showed the three girls the confidence he had collected by spreading red envelopes. The expressions of the three girls were different. Qin Li had a teachable expression, Mu Ge had an expression of admiration, and Tang Yinghuang had an expression of admiration. The expression of the old man in the subway.

"The second method, you are optimistic..."

After distributing the red envelopes, Zhang Xibao greeted the audience in the live broadcast room, and then took them around the Qilin, showing the sea below the Qilin to the fans.

"Fans, Master Bao's goal will be the stars and the sea, but this time there will only be the sea, because Master Bao will drive this attack ship to destroy a god that has just recovered!"

Bullets are flying all over the screen. Some people think the Qilin is cool, and some people think it's unbelievable to destroy the revived god.

Zhang Xibao showed a few photos of the last bombardment of "Guiyishen", and began to talk about how he fought against the god for 300 rounds, and then took it down. During this period, Zhang Xibao's confidence has been growing , basically never stopped...

Qian Chengjin is not above the heavenly ranks, so he doesn't understand what the rapid growth of divine power means, but Zhang Muge and the other three people in the audience are completely shocked, thinking that collecting trust power can be so simple... simple and rude!

Zhang Xibao happily showed off the confidence he had collected, and said to the three girls in the audience: "You see, the second method is to brag. This is the method that I personally figured out, Master Bao. Gathering confidence is really fast!"

Qin Li took a small notebook and wrote down Zhang Xibao's various methods, and then raised his hand to signal: "Mr. Zhang, I have a question. Many of my mission experiences with Xibaihu are kept secret by the Five Dragons, so the method of bragging and telling stories Not applicable!"

Tang Yinghuang also answered: "We don't have many fans even if we open a new account, how can we compare with your hundreds of millions of fans?"

"Ahem... Well, for the first question, I have an idea, that is to transform the Qingqi attack aircraft and turn it into an all-round live broadcast camera. When you fight against the gods, the live broadcast will project the screen in front of the fans , to help you gather confidence."

"As for the second question, it's even simpler, I can use Master Bao's account to help you drain traffic!"

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