Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 433 The Victim Of The Live Broadcasting Room

"Isn't it just drainage, your new account is ready, let you see the strength of the old anchor!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the four people found out that the live broadcast was still going on.

Zhang Xibao directly changed the camera angle, and filmed Mu Ge, Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, let me introduce three friends."

"The first one, Mu Ge, is Master Bao's own younger sister, and her combat strength is currently above the heavens!"

Although Zhang Muge couldn't see the situation in the live broadcast room, he still reached out and tried to say hello.

The live broadcast room suddenly exploded, and then Zhang Xibao put Mu Ge's newly registered account number under the video, and Zhang Muge's "Different" account began to increase fans like crazy, and it soared to nearly a million people in a short while.

"Hey, I feel the power of confidence!"

Zhang Muge said to Zhang Xibao with a look of surprise: "Brother, it's really effective. Although the amount is small, it has been increasing!"

Zhang Muge greeted the new fans briefly, and then Zhang Xibao showed the camera to Qin Li.

"Don't get excited, dear friends, this is Nan Vermilion Bird, one of the Four Sages, Qin Li, the eldest lady of the Qin family, the granddaughter of Mr. Qin Jiuyuan, and the daughter of Bei Xuanwu!"

These few labels are not scary. Qin Li's fans soared faster, reaching tens of millions in a short while, which was more terrifying than Zhang Muge's.

Qin Li was a little shy, and waved his hand as a greeting to everyone.

Zhang Xibao asked Qin Li: "Do you have the confidence to gather?"

"Yes!" Qin Li nodded.

"Then it's Tang Yinghuang's turn..."

Zhang Xibao showed the camera to Tang Yinghuang. Tang Yinghuang twitched her mouth, looking a little unnatural. To be honest, it was okay to let her fight. It was the first time to do a live broadcast. Her sister, Queen Tang, has many contracted anchors. But she wasn't interested at all, and she didn't understand it.

"This is Xibaihu, one of the Four Sages, the owner of the White Tiger Eucharist, the major shareholder of Liuli Pavilion, and the third lady of the Tang family!"

Tang Yinghuang, the white tiger of the West, was killing at the western border. Everyone knows little about the inside story, but everyone knows what the Liuli Pavilion represents, so Tang Yinghuang was directly labeled as a "rich woman" by her friends...

The barrage was rolling, why don't you want to work hard, the rich woman hugged me, anyway, Zhang Xibao didn't dare to let Tang Yinghuang watch the barrage.

Tang Yinghuang's fans also rose to one million, feeling the confidence gathering, Tang Yinghuang began to believe in Zhang Xibao's theory - live broadcast can become stronger!

"Okay, the theory is here for the time being, you can slowly explore it in the future..."

Zhang Xibao closed the live broadcast room and became serious.

"Okay, it's time for the next meeting."

A group of people came to the deck of the Qilin, and the three thousand pets and their masters were all ready.

These beast pets are all intelligent beasts, so there is no messy scene on the deck, except for Qiqi, the tail fire tiger...

Husky still looks heartless, but compared to before, this guy has also risen to the ground level.

"Qiqi!" Tailed Fire Tiger's roar echoed on the deck.

The husky obviously only reached the black mastiff's knee, but it dared to jump up to provoke others.

Of course, the husky didn't change its habit of urinating to mark its territory. Its behavior directly angered a strange alpaca, so the alpaca on the deck began to slobber, and that saliva was more dangerous than bullets...

Under Zhang Xibao's signal, the fungus with the cat's head jumped directly from a high place, and the fungus snapped its fingers. I don't know if this habit was learned from Zhang Xibao.

A large piece of vines appeared out of thin air, binding the husky tightly.

"Okay, now the meeting."

Zhang Xibao stood on a high place, his voice resounded all over the deck.

"The task of this trip, I think everyone has already understood that the dark saint transferred everyone and beast pets from various cities to the ship not for fun, but to enhance their combat power."

"After destroying and reviving the gods this time, the flesh and blood of the gods will be provided to your beast pets to increase their rank."

Zhang Xibao briefly introduced the purpose of the mission, and then appointed Wei Huohu and Qian Chengjin to manage various matters related to animal pets, while he started fishing carelessly.

The dark saint doesn't need to do these small things, of course, Zhang Xibao also has his own things to do, that is to accumulate divine power, and after finding that wild god, hit it with the Taiyi fine gold naval cannon!

Half a month later, the Qilin finally spotted the "shadow monster" somewhere along the coast.

"If you're not mistaken, that thing should be a crocodile..."

Zhang Xibao opened his Tongtian Pupils, looking at the shadows under the pitch-black sea with scorching eyes.

"There is a natural deep-water harbor on the coastline. If you use naval guns to interrupt the link between the inner harbor and the sea, you can prevent this guy from escaping!"

"Prepare the naval gun and block its way!"

Zhang Xibao gave an order, and the forty naval guns on one side of the ship were exposed in unison.


bang bang bang bang...

The naval guns began to bombard the location designated by Zhang Xibao, and the huge clean air shells turned the joint between the harbor and the sea upside down. The black sea water was mixed with sand and completely lost its transparency.


A roar sounded, and a bunch of huge back thorns were launched from the bottom of the sea, three of which were directly nailed to the bottom of the Qilin ship.

If it is a normal attack on a magic ship, this blow will penetrate the bottom of the ship and pierce the deck, and may even cause casualties to the pet beast.

But the Qilin took the blow and just wobbled, and the three huge backstabs got stuck in the iron plate at the bottom of the ship.

"Hehe, Lao Tzu's boat is made of pure gold and flaming stones. How can you compare it with me?"

After all, another cluster of backthorns shot out from under the sea.

"Come on, hurt each other!"

Zhang Xibao rushed to the control room and aimed at the underwater giant with the Taiyi fine gold naval gun.


With the accumulation of divine power, the Taiyi fine gold ship cannon blasted a golden light, directly hitting the side of the shadow under the water, blasting away one forelimb, one hind limb and a small half of the huge crocodile's body.

If you want to ask if Zhang Xibao missed the shot, no, he intentionally seriously injured the giant crocodile instead of killing it, because the living giant crocodile is an important prop in the live broadcast room!

"Okay, let's start the show!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his hands, Zhang Muge, Qin Li, and Tang Yinghuang rushed down from the Qilin with flying swords, and rushed straight to the seriously injured giant crocodile.

"The live broadcast begins!"

Buzz buzz!

The live broadcast room of the three girls was opened, and hundreds of attack planes equipped with cameras rushed out following the three girls, broadcasting the whole process of killing the giant crocodile in all directions.

Zhang Xibao reminded them not to kill the giant crocodile all at once, but to "act fast and pose handsomely" so that the audience in the live broadcast room can enjoy themselves.

The three celestial girls showed their supernatural powers, and after "taking a lot of effort", they finally killed the giant crocodile.

The poor giant crocodile has become a "victim" in the live broadcast room before enjoying the blood food.

Confidence is building...

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