Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 434 God Realm Recovery

The Qilin is flying at a constant speed, and the cabin is full of pets.

The wild god following the giant crocodile has been beheaded by Mu Ge and the others.

Through the live broadcast of the process of beheading wild gods, not only did the three gain a lot of trust, but also gave the three thousand pets the opportunity to advance.

Animal pets with stronger talents are directly promoted to a higher level, such as Tail Huohu's beast pet Qiqi, although this dog often has low IQ, but his talent is good, after eating the flesh and blood of gods, he jumped directly from the ground level to the sky level .

As for the godhead and divine power of the wild gods, Zhang Xibao had already plundered them, and the divine power was divided into four parts. Zhang Xibao and his younger sister, Mu Ge, and the others divided them. As for the godhead, which was temporarily stored in the Tongtian Treasure, they would think about who would use it.

"I don't know what happened to Zhan Nian."

Zhang Xibao sent a beam of consciousness to Zhan Nian, asking him: "Zhan Nian, I have completed the task here, how is your place, have you found that long-haired monster?"

Zhan Nian's reply was very concise: "Beheaded"

"Um, alright, see you in a while, I'm on my way back, see you in the imperial capital!"

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to end the conversation of consciousness, he suddenly said: "I feel a powerful force coming from the direction of Yingguo, let's check the situation there through the Wulong Association and see what happened."

After listening to Zhan Nian's words, Zhang Xibao was taken aback for a moment, he thought that the power to make Zhan Nian vigilant appeared, don't tell me some great god revived?

According to Qinglong's previous information, Yingjiang revived a wild god with a lion head and a human body, but to Zhan Nian, the wild god was just the ration of the dragon spirit, so it was impossible to be so vigilant.

"Something must have happened..."

Zhang Xibao immediately contacted Qinglong.

"Call Qinglong, we have successfully killed a wild god, and we are returning to the voyage, help me check the information on the Eagle Country to see if there is any abnormality, Zhan Nian said that there is a power awakened there. 』

After a while, Qinglong replied.

"Except for the resurrection of a wild god, there is no major abnormality. The specific information has been sent. You can see for yourself. What else did Senior Zhan Nian say?" 』

Zhang Xibao glanced at the information, and found that the biggest event on Yingjiang's side was the recovery of the lion-headed wild god. In addition, there was another insignificant event, which was that it started snowing in a certain foreign land.

"Zhan Nian only said that he felt a force, I don't know about the others, I'll ask him when he comes back, anyway, let's do our own things first. 』

After Zhang Xibao replied to Qinglong, he read the information carefully.

"It is impossible for the lion-headed wild god to have such a strong power. There must be something hidden. Could it be that the snow in the foreign land has something to do with that power?"

Zhang Xibao didn't intend to let go of any blind spots, but he couldn't figure out whether it was normal for it to snow in a foreign land, so he decided to ask Zhan Nian.

"Zhan Nian, is it normal for it to snow in a foreign land?"

Zhang Xibao had a conversation with Zhan Nian again through his consciousness, and after a while, Zhan Nian replied: "So that's it, that makes sense, go back and talk about it..."

"Hey, hey, what makes sense, tell me at least!"

Zhang Xibao tapped his head and found that Zhan Nian had ended the conversation.

"The old riddleman Zhan Nian, draw a circle to curse you..."

The Qilin sailed all the way, with Zhang Xibao's Void Orb, it didn't take too long to attack the Dharma ship. Instead, it was Zhan Nian, who could pass through the space gate when going to Xiong Country, and had to fly by himself when he came back, because Zhang Xibao didn't Find a way to determine his location to open the door of space.

However, relying on Zhan Nian's speed, this guy was not much slower than the Qilin, basically following Zhang Xibao back and forth.

The two met in the imperial capital's house, which was a short rest after finishing the mission.

The long-haired monster in Xiongguo Snowfield had already been swallowed by Long Ling including the belt and bone, so half of the little snake's body had completely turned into gold.

Zhang Xibao glanced enviously at Long Ling beside Zhan Nian's ear, and sighed: "Long Ling's combat power is almost at the level of a fairy, and he is almost catching up with me. When will I be able to get a beast of the level of a fairy?" What about pets?"

"What are you in a hurry for? Dragon Spirit can recover to the level of immortality because it was the peak level of immortality in its last life. At the beginning, it had cultivated for thousands of years, and your gang of beast pets have only cultivated for a few years?"

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao, and threw a godhead over. This thing is useless to Zhan Nian, so Zhang Xibao usually uses it in vain.

"Oh, by the way, let's talk about the snow in the foreign land in detail. Is this abnormal weather related to the power you mentioned?" Zhang Xibao recalled Zhan Nian's previous words.

"Snow in a foreign land is of course not normal. It is just a kind of weather when placed on the earth and stars, but it appears in a foreign land, which belongs to some kind of revival of God's Domain..."

Zhan Nian narrowed his eyes, and said to himself, "Did you recover so quickly?"

"What is the revival of God's Domain? It touches my blind spot of knowledge again..." Zhang Xibao looked like a curious baby.

"Of course a certain great god is recovering. These guys are different from wild gods. Before they recover, there will be certain signs, such as the snow in the foreign land you mentioned. This is similar to some kind of self-preservation mechanism. If I guessed correctly , there is no living thing in that alien territory anymore, that snow is not ordinary snow, but the leakage of the power of the gods, this power is fatal to both humans and alien beasts!"

After Zhan Nian finished speaking, Zhang Xibao had an unclear expression on his face. In order to verify Zhan Nian's statement, Zhang Xibao contacted the Five Dragons Association and asked if something happened to the snowy foreign land in Yingguo.

The message was quickly replied, Zhang Xibao widened his eyes, and read out the message word by word: "The foreign land code-named 01 in the Eagle Country has become a dead place, and all the strange beasts and plants are extinct. Thousands of people who entered the foreign land to explore All the supernatural beings have lost contact...』

"Extremely cold God's Domain, maybe it's that guy..."

Hearing the news Zhang Xibao read out, Zhan Nian guessed: "A great god named Xuanming, the upright god above the divine court in the past, is very powerful!"

Zhan Nian said that the guy who is very powerful must be very powerful.

"What rank?"

Zhang Xibao doesn't care about anything else, he only cares about the opponent's combat strength, whether it's easy to kill or not.

"The former one was of the rank of Celestial Immortal. I don't know if the recovered one is at least of the rank of Immortal. Who knows..." Zhan Nian spread his hands.

"Should I click him?"

Zhang Xibao made a gesture of scratching his neck with a knife.

"How can it be so simple, you should kill chickens and cattle?"

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao: "Your Taiyi fine gold naval gun may not be able to kill him. If I shoot, it will only hurt both sides. The recovery of spiritual energy is getting deeper and deeper. Don't forget that besides gods, there are also demons. I'm 100% sure that those guys are not dead, let's sweep the snow in front of our own door first!"

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