Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 435: Frost On The Tiles

"Just sweep the snow in front of the door, don't care about the frost on the tiles?"

Zhang Xibao thought about Zhan Nian's words for a while, then nodded: "I understand, Great Xia is our eternal cornerstone, the recovery of spiritual energy is deepening, everyone is in danger, first protect the poor, and then consider the friends, so as not to get angry .”

Zhan Nian didn't intend to do anything to that great god named Xuan Ming, so Zhang Xibao could only watch the situation with a cold eye.

In Daxia territory, after cleaning up a wave of wild gods, there was no movement in the foreign land. During the time of resting at home, Zhang Xibao had been staring at Ying Jiang's foreign land.

Things are changing, and they are changing day by day.

It started when Zhang Xibao learned that Yingjiang No. 01 Alien Land had become a place of death.

the next day.

The snowfall in the foreign land on the 01st started to intensify. Yingjiang turned to the Wulonghui for help and imported a batch of Qingqi pagers and Qingqi attack planes. They planned to send a batch of Qingqi attack planes to check the internal situation of the foreign land. .

third day.

A thousand Qingqi pagers entered the No. 01 alien territory. Since the Five Dragons had previously negotiated the conditions with Yingjiang, Zhang Xibao was able to obtain the video data of the No. 01 alien territory at the first time. From the photos and videos, 01 No. Alien Land is indeed "dead". Be it alien beasts, alien plants, or the more than a thousand supernatural beings, they all turned into ice sculptures. It is estimated that the temperature in the alien territory has dropped to minus 100 degrees, which is worse than the heart of RT-Mart, who has killed fish for five years. cold!

fourth day.

The coverage of the heavy snow has expanded to the entire foreign land, and it is still growing, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and some of the Qingqi attack aircraft were directly frozen, so Yingjiang licked his face again and came to the laboratory building to customize A batch of attack aircraft capable of low temperature was launched.

Although the Five Dragons Club did not disclose information about the Great God Xuan Ming, the Foreign Land Management Committee on Yingjiang's side had already guessed that the disaster was caused by the recovery gods. The culprit of all this.

fifth day.

The exploration team headed by supernatural beings of human immortality and other ranks entered the No. 01 alien world. Only then did Zhang Xibao know that Ying Jiang had quietly owned the upper heaven ranks. One can dig into the godhead. According to Qinglong's information, Yingjiang did not give up the research on the medicine of the supernatural beings. This group of exploration teams can withstand the extreme cold temperature. In addition to the land vehicles that are comparable to strange treasures protecting them, it seems that the medicine of the supernatural beings is also credited. .

sixth day.

No news.

the seventh day.

No news.

until the tenth day.

The supernatural being of the immortal level came out from the alien world, and all the others died except him. Besides, no matter how specific the information was, the Five Dragons Association could not find it.

the eleventh day.

Snow began to fall outside the No. 01 foreign realm, and Xuanming's divine domain expanded to the real world through the gate of the foreign realm!

"In less than half a month, God's Domain has already reached the Earth Star. Is this guy so powerful?"

Zhang Xibao found Zhan Nian and couldn't help complaining.

Zhan Nian was meditating, and opened his eyes after hearing what Zhang Xibao said.

"Tell me in detail..."

Zhang Xibao told the story of Yingjiang's exploration of No. 01 foreign land, Zhan Nian was silent for a moment, and suddenly laughed.

"This guy is quite cautious. I guess he has reached some kind of deal with the supernatural beings from the Eagle Kingdom. After all, he wants to restore his strength. You must know that ordinary humans are their source of trust..."

Sure enough, as Zhan Nian said, Zhang Xibao learned from the information that the god domain expanded from No. 01 is harmless to ordinary humans. The snow did not turn people into ice sculptures. Except No. 01 is a restricted area, other places just snowed a little .

"I feel that this guy is very powerful, Zhan Nian, what level are you now?"

Zhan Nian replied: "Immortals and other ranks are approaching the peak."

"So fast?"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised.

"This Xuanming absorbs the trust power of ordinary people by expanding the God's Domain. Do you have God's Domain? You can't live broadcast to gather trust power, and you can't collect trust power through the virtual world. You just killed two wild gods. How can there be so much divine power?"

"Although Long Ling is also at the level of a fairy, the amount of trust it provides you will not be so huge. Do you have other ways?"

Zhang Xibao has held back this question for a long time, since this matter is basically a secret of Zhan Nian, so Zhang Xibao has never been ashamed to ask.

Zhan Nian was silent for a moment, then asked Zhang Xibao: "Who said I don't have God's Domain?"

Zhang Xibao thought for a while while pinching his chin, "Could it be the sword mound in the imperial capital?"

Zhan Nian smiled as the answer.

"Is it really the Sword Tomb?!"

Zhang Xibao thought about it, the mountain full of broken weapons, if Wulong had not paved a path on the mountain with special refining materials, ordinary supernatural beings would be attacked by sword intent just entering it!

"Sword Tomb is your divine domain, tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhan Nian didn't care about Zhang Xibao's yin and yang aura, he was used to it anyway.

"Based on the Sword Tomb, I have arranged nine heavenly swords in Daxia territory, which can simulate the realm of the gods and continue to increase my divine power, but it will not have any impact on the people of Daxia."

Zhan Nian was being honest with Zhang Xibao, revealing all his secrets.

"As long as it is harmless to the people of Great Xia..."

Zhang Xibao asked again: "What is the Heavenly Sword, when can I get my own God's Domain?"

"The Heavenly Sword is similar to your Qingqi Base Station. It is used to link to the Sword Tomb and expand the scope of my god domain. As for other functions, you will know later..."

After talking about Heavenly Sword, Zhan Nian looked at Zhang Xibao: "Usually you can expand your God Realm after entering the rank of Celestial Immortal, but you... don't you already have God Realm? Awareness of the small world in the sea!"

"That virtual world in the sea of ​​consciousness is my god domain?!"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, he thought that "Sword Man Plus" was just for gaining players' confidence.

"Strictly speaking, the small world in your consciousness is not a virtual world, but a half-truth and half-false time. The prototype of the small world was created with the five elements of treasure as the basic material. As for the hundreds of game maps and various aliens Beast NPCs are fake."

Zhan Nian smiled, and said to Zhang Xibao: "I'm also curious about how far you will grow, so let's wait and see, and see what your God's Domain can expand in the future."


After Zhang Xibao chatted with Zhan Nian, he began to turn his attention to Yingjiang No. 01 Foreign Land.

Xuanming's divine domain continued to expand, and another week later, a heavy snow swept half of Eagle Country.

Zhang Xibao sighed: "The roof tiles of Yingjiang's house are covered with frost and snow..."

More than half a month later, Wulong will send a message to Zhang Xibao, that there is a suspected revival of gods in Kunlun Alien Territory...

"Kunlun Alien Land?"

Zhang Xibao frowned, thinking to himself that apart from those guys above the God Court, there are sleeping gods in Kunlun Alien Territory?

No matter who has recovered, the Qilin set sail for the Kunlun Alien Land. After staying at home for so long, Zhang Xibao plans to give it a shot first.

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