Kunlun strange land.

The Qilin was driving fast at high altitude, and Zhang Xibao set off with the fleet as soon as he learned that there was an abnormality in the Kunlun Alien Territory.

The abnormality in the foreign territory was reported by the exploration fleet of the Black Dragon Society, and they discovered that some indigenous people in the foreign territory of Kunlun were preparing to hold some kind of large-scale sacrificial activity.

The aborigines were collecting the flesh and blood of alien animals, and used a large amount of five-element attribute refining materials to refine five huge statues. The statues were exactly like the five hall masters of the divine court.

In the past, the Yanling Tribe enshrined Huoxingshan Zhuyan as a god, but now the five hall masters have lowered the so-called "God Enlightenment" to the believers, asking all tribes to sacrifice all their financial and material resources to start the sacrifice!

If you don't have refining materials, you can exchange all your property!

If the flesh and blood of the alien beast is not enough, replace it with the old, weak, sick and disabled from the tribe!

After Zhang Xibao learned about the situation, his scalp felt numb.

These guys have gone crazy!

The five hall masters of the Shenting let the believers sacrifice with their lives, which is tantamount to fishing out the water.

Zhang Xibao guessed: "Could it be that the owner of the Ice Palace in Shuixing Mountain exposed the matter of the connection to the Earth Star in the Kunlun Alien Realm? Otherwise, they couldn't be so crazy!"

The gate of the God's Court on the giant bird was destroyed. Without the gate, the five palace masters in the God's Court could not travel in the lower world, so they were trying to find a way to cross from the God's Court to the Kunlun Alien Land.

"The five immortals are not as strong as recovery gods like Xuanming, and they are not weaker than human immortals. If they are left alone, it will be very troublesome..."

Zhang Xibao thought of the Muxingshan secret method that could help Lao Bao regenerate his severed limbs, and after thinking about it, Zhang Xibao slapped his hands, thinking that since he has nothing to do recently, he should get rid of them!

"It's better to strike first, then to suffer disaster, destroy the sacrifice, and use the void gate to harass them!"

After figuring it out, Zhang Xibao gave the order: "Drive at full speed, the target—the altars and statues in the abnormal tribe!"

The Qilin roared and rushed out, heading towards the abnormal tribe that the members of the Black Dragon Society said.

When the Qilin arrived near the tribal group, as the report said, Zhang Xibao saw five huge statues and a blood-soaked altar.

"A lot of faith has been accumulated in the altar. If it is a few days later, those guys might really get out."

Zhang Xibao opened his Tongtian pupil and glanced at the five statues, then waved his hand: "Prepare the naval guns, aim at the altar and the statues!"

As soon as the giant ship Qilin floating in the sky appeared from the horizon, the natives of those tribes found the figure of the French ship. They looked at the giant ship in the sky with fear, like a shivering cicada in autumn.

Zhang Xibao glanced at these guys, thinking that poor people must have something to hate.

Even if these believers are hungry, they have to provide the flesh and blood of alien animals for the sacrifice. If the flesh and blood are not enough, they will be replaced by the elders of the tribe. They are pious, crazy, and stupid!


With Zhang Xibao's order, the gunboats bombarded the altars and statues on the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The five huge statues fell apart under the bombardment of the talisman shells, and were finally blown into scum.

"God's punishment, this is God's punishment!" 』

"God, please let us go, we have already sacrificed!" 』

The natives of the tribe looked at the destroyed statue from a distance, knelt on the ground amidst the bombardment of the gunboat resounding through the sky, and wailed towards the meteor-like cannonball.

The altar was blown up, and the divine power stored inside began to dissipate. Zhang Xibao felt that it was a waste, so he flapped his wings and flew towards the top of the altar.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hands above the ruins to collect the dissipated divine power, while looking indifferently at the kneeling believers, he slowly said, "From now on, there will be no gods in the mountains and tribes!"

After collecting the divine power, Zhang Xibao returned to the Qilin, where Qian Chengjin was lying on the side of the boat looking down.

This guy has become the logistics chief of the Qilin, and Yuan Jingang has been handed over to the Yibao Seed Base.

"What a bunch of poor guys..."

Qian Chengjin shook his head, then turned to Zhang Xibao and asked, "Brother Bao, these guys have lost everything, even their last faith has been destroyed."

"You pity them, are you soft-hearted?"

Zhang Xibao took a look at the little fat man, and said, "When they push out the old, weak, sick and disabled as sacrifices, do you feel sorry for them?"

"Hey, it's not pity for them..."

Qian Chengjin scratched his head: "Although they are natives, they look similar to people outside. They can cry, laugh, and fear. Seeing them in such a miserable state, I probably feel a little bit emotional."

Zhang Xibao nodded and understood what the little fat man meant. He pointed to the natives on the ground and said, "They are as tenacious as weeds. The wild fires are endless, and the spring breeze blows and they regenerate. Now they look miserable, but they will live without God." better..."

"hope so."

Qian Chengjin changed the subject and said, "The mission is over, shall we go home?"

"Who said the mission is over?"

Zhang Xibao looked up to the sky, and Qian Chengjin followed suit, only to see that there was no cloud in the sky, and there was nothing in the sky.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his finger, and a deep crack slowly appeared in the transparent air, and the crack slowly expanded until it became bigger than the Qilin.

"The task has just begun!"

Zhang Xibao laughed, and patted Qian Chengjin on the shoulder: "Take you to play something exciting!"

After finishing speaking, the Qilin rushed into the void gate, and at the other end was the divine court like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

On the Qilin.

After rushing into the gate of void, the surroundings became dark, and the surrounding of the hull seemed to be covered with an illusory film, and outside the film were space cracks that could shred anything.

"Mom, Brother Bao, I'm scared!"

Qian Chengjin hugged his head, squatted on the deck, and shouted with his eyes closed.

"Don't be afraid, this is a normal phenomenon of crossing the void gate. It will be fine in a few minutes. In the past, Brother Bao rode a phoenix through it. What are you afraid of on the Dharma boat now?"

Zhang Xibao stood on the deck of the Qilin, his feet seemed to be nailed, and his figure was motionless.

"No, I mean I'm afraid of being killed by the guys in the court!"

Qian Chengjin gave Zhang Xibao a look of despair, and said sadly, "I'm the lower class, and the other party is a god!"

The little fat man has now been promoted to the ground level. For example, in front of the sky level, the ground level is a human sandbag that is crushed and beaten violently. In front of the gods and other ranks that are four levels higher than the ground level, their strength is no better than ants How many……

When Qian Chengjin heard that Zhang Xibao was going to drive the Qilin to find Shen Ting's bad luck, he suddenly felt his bladder swell.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, let's run after the fight, they won't be able to react!" Zhang Xibao chuckled.

A small white dot appeared in front of the Qilin, which indicated that the Divine Court at the other end of the Void Gate had arrived.

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