
The huge Qilin rushed out of the transparent air, Zhang Xibao didn't open the gate very close to the Five Elements Mountain, so they had sufficient reaction time to escape.


Zhang Xibao hooked his hands, Qian Chengjin took out two tactical binoculars from Fangcun Yibao, handed one to Zhang Xibao, and placed the other in front of him.

"Did you see that the five mountains of different colors are the old nests of the five palace masters, and the palace at the top of the huge mountain in the middle of the Five Elements Mountain is the temple."

Holding up the binoculars, Qian Chengjin first looked at the temple that Brother Bao mentioned, and then at the Five Elements Mountain respectively.

"Oh oh oh... which one shall we fry?"

Zhang Xibao replied without thinking: "Of course we will blow up the black water mountain first, and then blow up the other four mountains and the temple, and blow them all up to the sky!"

Eighty-one naval guns were carried on the French ship Qilin, among which the Taiyi fine gold naval gun was the most powerful, and the remaining 80 were ordinary second-generation naval guns, which were relatively less powerful.

"Eighty-one naval guns, the Taiyi fine gold naval guns are controlled by me to blow up the temple, and the rest of the naval guns are aimed at the Five Elements Mountain!"

Eighty ordinary naval guns scored an average of one point, and a Wuxing Mountain had to withstand the attack of sixteen naval guns, which was very fair and reasonable.

Zhang Xibao ran to the control room, and after aiming at the temple with the Taiyi fine gold naval gun, he turned his head and said to the Qingqi pager in the control room, "Every department is ready, everyone fire together!"





Zhang Xibao let out a roar, and the Taiyi fine gold cannon fired a pure divine light, and the remaining eighty cannons fired in unison.

The Shenguang cannonballs flew faster than ordinary talisman cannonballs, and they arrived in front of the temple almost in the blink of an eye.


A magic shield rose around the temple, but it was like thin paper in front of the Shenguang shells.

After the Shenguang shell tore through the magic shield, it directly destroyed half of the roof of the temple!

After the temple was blown up, the eighty talisman shells arrived late. Although the time between the two was very short, it was enough for the five hall masters to respond.

Buzz buzz!

A layer of golden magic shield rose from the five five-element mountains, and eighty talisman shells bombarded the magic shield. For a while, the five mountains shook, but the magic shield was not broken.

"Not broken?!"

Qian Chengjin held up the binoculars and shouted: "It only smashed the roof of the temple!"

Zhang Xibao responded: "Those five guys probably used their divine power, and the magic shield was covered with a layer of golden light. It's a pity, it's a pity, let them react!"

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao noticed something strange, and at the same time, Qian Chengjin also saw it through the telescope.

Among the five mountain ranges, five huge golden light figures suddenly appeared, and the five figures roared angrily:

"you again! 』

"Dare to come if our good deed is ruined!" 』

"Don't run! 』

"Little thief, stay here forever! 』

"Where is Zhang Zhizi? ! 』

The five golden light statues are not only huge, but their speed is also very fast, and they will be in front of the Qilin in the blink of an eye.

Although the Qilin is fierce, it is probably not enough to look at in front of the five golden lights.

Moreover, the Qilin was Zhang Xibao's favorite Dharma ship, and he was reluctant to take it out to confront the five palace masters head-on.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!"

Zhang Xibao yelled, and the Qilin rushed out backwards.

The people on board were staggered by the inertia of the hull, only Zhang Xibao stood firmly in the pilothouse and raised the speed of the Qilin to the highest.

There is a magic circle screen in the cab, which shows that five golden light figures are chasing and killing the Qilin.

Suddenly, one of the statues disappeared.

"The door to the void is open!"

Zhang Xibao quickly gathered his divine power and used the Void Orb to open a gate on the path of the Qilin.

The gate was slowly opening, and Zhang Xibao had already done his calculations. When the Qilin flew past, the gate had just opened enough to allow the Fa ship to pass through. When the Qilin entered the gate, he closed the gate and blocked the golden light law from the gate!

"One of the five Golden Light Dharma statues is missing, where is the other?"

It's cool to have a skin, but it's not good to have a broken leg.

Zhang Xibao felt something was wrong, he was afraid of accidental complications, so he overcame the power of the Qilin, and the speed suddenly increased by a bit.

Overloading power will cause the power cabin of the French ship to burn, but because the materials used by the Qilin are more precious than those of ordinary French ships, the time it can be overloaded is also longer.


The moving Qilin stopped suddenly, and the inertia directly threw Qian Chengjin who was beside Zhang Xibao into the air. Zhang Xibao reached out and grabbed Qian Chengjin's arm, which saved the little fat man from being disabled.

"what happened?"

Zhang Xibao looked up at the screen of the magic circle.

Good guy, a golden light Dharma statue is pulling the stern of the Qilin backwards. Due to the huge power of the Dharma boat, the Qilin is dragging the Dharma phase away!

The statue holding the stern of the Qilin is exactly the one that disappeared just now.

This golden light statue belongs to the master of the Earth Mountain Palace. It can use the earth movement technique to move quickly. The reason why it disappeared is because it got into the ground. It surpassed the other four statues by a large margin and caught up with Qilin who was flying in overload. No!

"Oh my god, I want Barbie Q!"

"This is too exciting, and I won't come if I'm killed in the next life!"

Qian Chengjin started holding his head and talking nonsense. Although he was not thrown away just now, his soul was already scared.

"Don't worry, Brother Bao dares to bring you in, then he will definitely take you out, and I'll lose if you lose a hair!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Qian Chengjin, pointed at the Faxiang at the stern of the Qilin, and shouted, "Cut!"


Faxiang Fangrui is good at growing in the wind, and stood firmly on the deck. When it grew large enough, it strode towards the stern of the ship.


The giant sword of Yanling was pulled out from the Tongtian Treasure House, Fang Rui, the Dharma Prime Minister, held up the huge sword burning with flames, and slashed fiercely at the golden Dharma Phase of the Lord of Tuxing Mountain!

Hoo hoo!

The air was whistling, Fa Xiang Fang Rui cut two swords in succession, the first cut split the golden light dharma vertically, and the second cut directly cut off the golden light dharma phase's arm holding the stern of the boat!

The golden light dharma disappeared, and the other four golden light dharma figures chasing after the boat were startled, and their speed slowed down a little.

Dharma Prime Minister Fang Rui stood on the deck leaning on the giant sword of Yan Ling, and made a gesture of thumbs down counterclockwise to the four golden light Dharma Prime Ministers, extremely arrogant.

The Void Gate was right in front of him, and the Qilin rushed in, and the gate slammed shut, blocking the four golden light figures that were chasing after him.

"Ahhhhh! 』

"Zhuzi dare! 』

"Next time I will kill you!" 』

The dharma figures were impotent and furious, roaring into the transparent air.

Zhang Xibao manipulated the Qilin to drill out of the void, laughed loudly and asked Qian Chengjin, "Is it exciting?"

Qian Chengjin said with a mournful face: "It's too exciting, can you not come next time?"

"No, in the future, 135 will use attacking ships to bombard them, and 246 will use Qingqi attack aircraft to bomb them. They must not make them feel better!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Qian Chengjin: "Next time bring Mu Ge and the others, will you come if you like?"

"I come!"

Qian Chengjin straightened his chest and said: "I am the logistics officer of the Qilin, if I don't come, who will come?!"



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