The bombing of Shenting in turn on February 46th is not just a joke. After Zhang Xibao drove the Qilin to bombard Shenting, the first thing he did was to return to the laboratory building to find He Xiansheng.

Thanks to the order from Yingjiang, the Qingqi attack aircraft has been upgraded to the third generation, named Bumblebee, which is not only more durable, but also smarter, which fully conforms to Zhang Xibao's bombing plan.

The Bumblebee attack machine can already find targets independently without Zhang Xibao's control. Since there is no base station in Shenting, He Xiansheng customized another machine called Queen Bee according to Zhang Xibao's needs.

The queen bee does not need to carry any clean air bombs or cannons, they are only loaded with the clean air base station and the control system of the mad bee, one king bee can automatically control ten thousand mad bees to attack the target.

Since Zhang Xibao only needs to let the mad bees explode to harass the Five Elements Mountain, they are all one-time weapons. They don’t need to be refined into square inch treasures, they don’t need to carry a lot of weapons, and they don’t need to use expensive top-grade spirit stones, so the cost is low. And the quantity is huge.

To put it bluntly, these guys are big firecrackers, and it is definitely unrealistic to expect them to kill the master of the Five Elements Mountain.

Can a fly kill a person, no, but it can be annoying and disgusting.

Zhang Xibao's purpose is here, I can't kill the Palace Master of the Five Elements Mountain, but I can disgust them to death!

Every day, a large number of crazy bees and their supporting queen bees are carried into the Kunlun Alien Land by the transport method ship. As soon as the goods arrive, Zhang Xibao will use the void orb to open a small opening in the sky, and then countless crazy bees buzz They got in and were controlled by the queen bee to bomb the Five Elements Mountain.

Above the court of God.

buzz buzz...

The attack planes were like swarms of bees, they bravely and diligently carried the talisman bombs to the Five Elements Mountain.

Before the mad bees reached the Marble Mountains, the palace master of the palace found them.

The palace master of the palace waved his hand, and a phantom mirror appeared in front of him, and the other four palace masters appeared in the phantom mirror.

"What it is?"

"Could it be that guy who did it?"

"I have sent my disciples to check..."

The Palace Master of the Jingu Palace waved his hand again, and half of the illusion mirror turned into a scene above the Muxing Mountain. A group of Tsing Yi disciples from the Muxing Mountain jumped into the sky on a lotus boat and flew towards the densely packed attack aircraft group.

The master of Muxingshan Palace ordered: "Catch one alive, and kill the rest!"


A disciple in Tsing Yi flew out first, stretched out his hand, and the green vines stretched out. The vines bound a certain Bumblebee attack aircraft and flew backwards.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and as soon as the Bumblebee attack plane touched his palm, it exploded with a bang!

The disciple's expression changed, and he hurriedly performed the Muxing Mountain secret technique, and a brand new palm grew out.

"Hallmaster, this thing will explode!"

The leading disciple raised his head and reported to the transparent air, he knew that the invisible eyes of the palace masters were staring at them.

"Quick retreat! 』

The explosive power of those strange things was not small, and the master of Muxing Mountain felt sorry for his disciples, so he told them to retreat.

A golden light Dharma image descended from the sky, and the Dharma image clasped his hands together and made a hand gesture. The overwhelming Bumblebee attack aircraft began to explode, and countless petals fell from the sky.

A certain disciple landed, picked up a large piece of wreckage of the attack plane and took it back. The image of the wreckage appeared on the illusion mirrors of the five hall masters.

"This thing is not a living thing but can fly. It looks like some kind of strange treasure. The power of the explosion is not great, but the number is a bit surprising."

The master of Muxing Mountain looked through the wreckage of the attack plane and came to a conclusion.

The master of Huo Xingshan sneered: "It's just a clown jumping on the beam, this power can't even break the magic shield, who else do you want to blow up?"

As soon as the words fell, another group of Bumblebee attack aircraft flew from the distant sky, and the number was even larger than before. Compared with this group of aircraft, the attack aircraft that had just been detonated by the golden light method were just appetizers.

The Lord of Muxing Mountain looked at the people in the illusion mirror, and asked, "Who will come this time?"

"Hmph... let me come!"

The Lord of the Huoxingshan Palace said, a fire dragon condensed from the Four Heavenly Fire and divine power flew up from the Five Elements Mountain. The army was wiped out.

At the end, the master of Huoxingshan grinned: "Too weak, not worth mentioning!"

The master of Jinxing Mountain smiled and said: "Brother Huo, what a trick! It must take a lot of refining materials to refine this explosive treasure. I think it is because of the rich financial resources of that guy, or our Wuxingshan's clever methods! Come again if you have the ability? "

As soon as the words fell, another group of Bumblebee attack planes flew from the sky...

The complexion of the master of Jinxingshan changed, as if he had eaten a fly. Before the other masters could ask, he took the initiative to say, "I'll come this time!"

A big hand rose from Jinxing Mountain, and after crushing countless Bumblebee attack planes, another group flew from the sky...

"Who should it be?" Jin Xingshan Palace Master asked angrily.

Lord of the Earth Mountain Palace: ...

Shuixingshan Palace Master: ...

For the past month, the sacred and peaceful court of God has been crackling every day like a new year.

Like a moth to a flame, the mad bee brought a talisman bomb to hit the magic shield of the Five Elements Mountain. At first, the disciples of the Wuxing Mountain would take the initiative to destroy the mad bee, but tens of thousands of mad bees came in every day to bombard it. , By now they have been numb.

Explode, anyway, the magic shield can't be broken, it's just a bit noisy...

The five palace masters gathered in front of the illusion mirror again, and everyone's faces were ugly.

The master of Jinxingshan asked coldly: "Shall we let him insult you?!"

"We must fight back!"

The Lord of Tuxing Mountain answered, "The guy used the void gate to put these things in, but every time the position of the gate is not fixed, we don't have time to get out before the gate closes."

"Holy Ruins!"

The master of Huoxingshan looked at all the masters and said: "There are treasures left by the ancient gods in the holy ruins, maybe we can go in and find them."

"That's a way, but that guy might sneak into the court, so we should split up!"

After discussing for a while, the plan to excavate the holy ruins was supported by all the hall masters.

The five hall masters decided to send the hall masters of Jinxingshan, Tuxingshan, and Huoxingshan to enter the holy market to find the relics of the great gods, while the masters of Muxingshan and Shuixingshan guard the divine court.

Under the court of God.

Zhang Xibao didn't know that the masters of the Divine Court had already decided to counterattack. Every time the gate of the void opened, he would receive the image sent back by the queen bee, and he was very happy to see the guys in the Five Elements Mountain looking desperate.

Just when Zhang Xibao was happy, Zhan Nian suddenly sent a consciousness to tell him to return to the imperial capital, saying that there was something important, the conversation between the consciousness could not explain clearly, and Zhang Xibao needed to go there in person.

Zhang Xibao had no choice but to suspend the bombing plan, left the Qilin, and flew towards the imperial capital sitting on the back of the Phoenix.

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