Two days, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Zhang Xibao boxed and worked on projects step by step, and persisted. During the break time, he ran to the alley to check out spots, and started live broadcasting at night.

In the past two days, I didn't come across the real product in live broadcast Jianbao, but I earned some reward points, and the account's point balance has now become: 2980.

On the third day, Zhang Xibao came to the alley where he met ahead of time, holding a few thunder talismans in his hands and a black horizontal knife stuck in his back.

"Blow up your son of a bitch!"

This alley is full of sewage, garbage, and graffiti on the walls.

Zhang Xibao stuffed the Thunder Talisman into the can, filled it with broken glass, then took out another can and the Thunder Talisman, and followed the same pattern to make a blast bottle filled with gravel.

He made four exploding bottles, two of broken glass and two of stones. In addition, he creatively picked up dog poop and stuffed them in.

"It won't kill you, but it will kill you!" Zhang Xibao muttered with a wicked look on his face.

After completing the trap, Zhang Xibao bit his fingertips and drew an ancient talisman of five thunders on the palm of his right hand.

"Five thunders and five thunders, you will meet Huang Ning immediately, and you will arrive at your call, and you will send out your positive voice quickly!"

After the formula was completed, Zhang Xibao put away his palm, and the ancient five thunders in his palm were ready to go.

Then he drew an ancient soul-suppressing talisman on his left hand.

The plan was very simple. When the black-clothed bodyguard walked into the alley, Zhang Xibao would hit the soul-suppressing ancient talisman in his left hand and detonate the thunder charms in the four bottles, catching that guy off guard, and then jumping down to kill him!

What if he is already dead?

Then kill him again!

"Little mouse?"

Zhang Xibao yelled in a low voice, and Chinchilla jumped over, holding a bulging object in its paws, the object was the size of a fist, wrapped in kraft paper, and it didn't look light.

As for what this object is, let’s leave it at that for now.



Chin Maoshu nodded, hugged the object and hid it quite well, even Zhang Xibao couldn't find it.

Zhang Xibao exerted strength with his feet, kicked on the wall, and climbed up to the roof of a second-floor shop next to him with a couple of kicks.

Zhang Xibao pulled out the black horizontal knife and put it in his hand, and he didn't forget to take out his phone and turn it on silent.

Glancing at the phone screen, the time was 8:30 p.m., and the time agreed by the bodyguard and the scar-faced man was 10 p.m., which was still very early.

The reason why Zhang Xibao came so long in advance was to prevent the black-clothed bodyguards from coming over to step on the spot, or cheating on gangsters or something.

He took out two Dali pills and one Qixue pill and chewed them in his mouth, slowing down his breathing so that he could adjust his body to the best condition.

Time passed by every minute and every second. During the waiting time, Zhang Xibao not only didn't feel bored, but became more and more excited.

His fingers trembled unconsciously, not because of nervousness, but because of excitement.

This is the first time he has attacked someone else!

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, and planned to chop it up after the bombing, and use the secret weapon if it failed. If the secret weapon didn't work, he ran away. When he ran to a crowded place, he didn't believe that the black-clothed bodyguard dared to chase him down!

At worst, run to Director Bao to avoid the limelight, life is important, put face first.




Zhang Xibao was afraid that the bright light of the phone screen would attract others' attention, so he kept silently counting down the seconds.

When he read ten o'clock.

People are coming!

A black shadow appeared at the entrance of the alley, and then there was the sound of leather shoes stepping on the stone bricks.




Zhang Xibao didn't dare to show his face, but silently counted how many steps the man walked, and calculated in his heart where he had reached in the alley.



It's now!

Zhang Xibao poked his head out, and hit the ancient soul-suppressing talisman in his left hand towards the four blasting bottles.

As expected of Qi Delong's personal bodyguard, just as Zhang Xibao poked his head out, the other party raised his head and spotted him.

Seeing that Zhang Xibao raised his hand to hit him, the black-clothed bodyguard reacted well. As soon as he raised his hand, he created an ice shield to block between Zhang Xibao and himself.

This bodyguard in black turned out to be an ice-type supernatural power user!

It's a pity that he guessed wrong because he had special abilities. Zhang Xibao's target was the blasting bottle on the ground, and the real murderous intent was behind him.


The four blasting bottles exploded almost simultaneously.

The explosion sounded behind the black-clothed bodyguard, and shattered glass, stones mixed with black unknown objects sprayed the black-clothed bodyguard on the back.

The next second after the explosion, Zhang Xibao jumped down from the second floor with a black horizontal knife in his hand, and slashed at the man's dog's head.


There was a crisp sound.

The horizontal knife in Zhang Xibao's hand slashed on an ice shield, and with a full ton of force on the knife, it actually only chopped the blue ice shield into pieces!

Zhang Xibao missed a hit, and immediately bounced away, not giving the black-clothed bodyguard a chance to fight back.

Zhang Xibao retreated until he was seven or eight meters away from the black-clothed bodyguards, staring to see if the explosion had any effect.

The explosion worked, but not quite.

The elegant high-end suit of the bodyguard in black was blown away, and even the white shirt he wore inside was turned into rags.

Unfortunately, at the moment of the explosion, a layer of blue ice crystals floated on the bodyguard's skin in black. The ice crystals protected the skin on the back of his neck and back, and he was not injured.

The broken glass and stones didn't have much effect, but the unknown substance mixed in it did.

The bodyguard in black reached out to touch his sticky hair, and then let out a growl.

"Damn it ah ah ah ah!"

The bodyguard in black wiped his hands on the wall in disgust, and finally took off his tattered suit and wiped his hands vigorously.

Zhang Xibao actually blew up his whole body in shit!

I can't take this hand anymore!

This was the first thought of the bodyguard in black.

Then he changed his mind and killed Zhang Xibao, so no one would know that he was covered in shit? !

"Aren't you surprised, are you surprised?"

Zhang Xibao put the horizontal knife on his shoulder, and asked him with a smile: "Qi Delong's personal bodyguard?"

"I didn't expect you to see through it. I think it's true. According to the current situation, your strength assessment is wrong. Those two guys must have fallen."

The bodyguard in black took off the carbon steel skull mask on his face, revealing a young face. When he saw that something unknown was stained on it, he retched in disgust, and threw the mask away in disgust.

Seeing the black-clothed bodyguard take off his mask, Zhang Xibao grinned an inexplicable smile.

"You know it's over?"

The bodyguard in black pointed to Zhang Xibao: "The boss only told me to break your two arms, but I'm going to kill you today!"


Zhang Xibao pointed to his head: "I'm standing here, can I try?"

"Ha ha……"

The bodyguard in black smiled disdainfully and raised his hand slightly.


An ice crystal the size of a hailstone hit Zhang Xibao's forehead like a bullet.

Zhang Xibao suddenly raised the horizontal knife and blocked it with the blade.


The ice crystal hit the horizontal knife, making Zhang Xibao's palm numb.

This bodyguard in black can even attack from a distance!


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