


It wasn't fireworks, but ice crystals like bullets were attacking Zhang Xibao one by one.

The bodyguard in black turned out to be an ice-type power user, and he could attack from a distance!

He hit Zhang Xibao one by one with bullet-like ice crystals like teasing a small animal, making Zhang Xibao tired of coping.

Zhang Xibao raised the horizontal knife to block another ice crystal, the ice crystal hit the black knife and shattered, the fragments hit Zhang Xibao's face with pain, and a stream of blood slid from the corner of his forehead.

Fortunately, I bought such a standard horizontal knife. Although it is ugly and black, it is really hard, and the bullet-like ice crystals can't stop hitting it.

The black-clothed bodyguard smiled jokingly: "Zhang Xibao, I didn't expect you to be so strong. I even doubted whether you are a supernatural being, but it doesn't matter anymore. You will die here tonight."

"You didn't run away just now, I really admire your courage!"

The bodyguard in black raised his head, and two more ice crystals rushed towards Zhang Xibao.

The exit of the alley had been sealed by a thick layer of ice crystals, and the bodyguards in black blocked themselves and Zhang Xibao in this not-so-long alley.

No one wants to run away!

Zhang Xibao shattered two ice crystals with a knife, his thoughts changed sharply.

Are you going to use a secret trick?

No, you must first attract the attention of the bodyguard in black to yourself.

When he relaxes his vigilance and thinks he is sure, it is a good time to make a surprise attack.

Today, I want to show this bodyguard in black what it means to capsize in the gutter!

Get close!

I want to get close!

This guy is a long-range mage, and he has a chance of winning if he is close!

Zhang Xibao began to block the incoming ice crystals with his knife, while moving towards the black-clothed bodyguard.

The bodyguard in black saw Zhang Xibao's intentions and smiled contemptuously: "Do you think I can only hit two ice crystals? I can hit seven at most!"

Before he finished speaking, seven ice crystals formed in the air and shot toward Zhang Xibao's head, chest, abdomen, and limbs.

Zhang Xibao's eyes froze, he swung his knife to protect the vitals in front of him, but because he couldn't dodge in time, he ate an ice crystal on his right leg.


A red flower protruded from Zhang Xibao's right leg, and the red liquid wet the trouser leg.

But he dragged his injured right leg and ran towards the bodyguard in black!

There was only seven or eight meters between the two, Zhang Xibao rushed over, slashed at the black-clothed bodyguard with a knife, and shouted loudly at the same time:

"Heaven did not give birth to me Zhang Xibao, Beishi is like Chang Ye forever!"

The bodyguard in black looked at Zhang Xibao like a fool, and raised his head to create an ice shield to block Zhang Xibao's horizontal knife.

But he didn't know that this sentence was a secret signal between Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla!

When Zhang Xibao recited this sentence, it was time for the Chinchilla to attack!

"Come rat!"

Zhang Xibao gave a loud shout.

Shouldn't it be the sword? What the hell is a mouse?

The black-clothed bodyguard was wondering, when suddenly a shadow came towards his face.

The Chinchilla's talent for teleportation is incredible, and it only took a few tenths of a second to jump up to the black-clothed bodyguard.

Chinmouse slapped a package of items in its paw towards the bodyguard's face.


The kraft paper exploded into pieces, because there was a lightning talisman hidden inside.

Thunder Talisman is not a means of killing, the real means is quicklime wrapped in kraft paper!

Lei Fu exploded the kraft paper bag, and the quicklime inside flew all over the sky, instantly blinding the bodyguard in black.

Quicklime will react violently when it meets water, and the heat emitted is enough to cook an egg, not to mention the two pairs of tricks of the black-clothed bodyguard.

"Ahhhh! Despicable!"

The bodyguard in black burst into tears, and two lines of white tears flowed from his eyes. He covered his eyes with one hand, and started shooting ice crystals blindly with the other hand.

"Scumbag, I'll kill you!"

The ice crystals made by the black-clothed bodyguards shot randomly in the alley, Zhang Xibao deftly avoided the ice crystals and approached the black-clothed bodyguards.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Zhang Xibao breathed a sigh of relief at the Ancient Five Thunder Scroll on the palm of his right hand, hoping that the Ancient Five Thunder Scroll would be more powerful later on.


Zhang Xibao roared angrily, and slapped the five thunders ancient talisman in his right hand towards the black-clothed bodyguard.


A purple lightning appeared out of thin air, and got into the body of the black-clothed bodyguard like a snake.

The ice crystals on the black-clothed bodyguard's skin couldn't block the thunder at all, and instantly melted into water, and the water evenly scattered the five thunders all over the black-clothed bodyguard's body.


The bodyguard in black kept shaking, his skin became scorched black, and his hair was blown into an afro.

Afterwards, his movements froze for an instant, a puff of white smoke spewed out from his slightly opened mouth, and then he fell to the ground with a thud, losing consciousness.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Five mature..."

Zhang Xibao stuffed a few qi and blood pills into his mouth to replenish his blood, and then dragged his injured right leg over to check.

He knelt down and sniffed the black-clothed bodyguard's breath, and he was still breathing!

"As expected of a supernatural being, the physical fitness is quite strong! They are so confused that they are still alive, but it is estimated that they will be useless after recovery..."

Zhang Xibao took out a box from the arms of the black-clothed bodyguard, which contained three marrow-washing pills, which were originally intended to be the final payment for the two strong men with scar faces, but now Zhang Xibao was cheaper.

"You did a good job today, this is your reward."

According to the agreement, Zhang Xibao took out a marrow washing danse and gave it to the golden mouse.

The golden mouse squeaked happily, picked up the marrow washing pill and gnawed it.

"Eat slowly, a piece costs 100,000 yuan, don't be like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit."

Putting away the remaining two pills, Zhang Xibao turned his head to look at the black-clothed bodyguard, and then began to destroy the scene.

He picked up the fragments of the Thunder Talisman, wiped off the blood stains left by him on the stone bricks, wiped the footprints on the roof, and checked for omissions before leaving.

Looking back at the scorched bodyguard in black, Zhang Xibao didn't kill him.

This person is useless, Zhang Xibao would still be dirty if he killed him.

Besides, the Black Dragon Group is not a vegetarian, so Zhang Xibao won't have to bear a life if something happens later.

"I hope the Five Thunders Ancient Talisman will blow him into a mental illness!"

"It's better to have another heavy rain!"

Zhang Xibao looked up at the dark night sky.

At some point, the moon had already disappeared, and a large black cloud covered Beishi. There was no wind in the oppressive air, which indicated that a heavy rain was coming.

There are no probes nearby, which is why the bodyguards in black chose this meeting place.

Zhang Xibao carefully avoided the probe all the way and returned to the old community.

God is indeed on Zhang Xibao's side.

As soon as Zhang Xibao entered the community, raindrops began to fall from the sky. The raindrops were big, and it hurt to hit his face.

Although he suffered some minor injuries, Zhang Xibao was in a good mood.

After cutting off a hand reaching out to him, only the master behind the hand remained.

Rumble rumble!

Like ten thousand horses running in the sky.

Then silver snakes danced wildly in the clouds.

"God thief, if you have the ability to hack me!"


A bolt of lightning disappeared along the lightning rod of the tall building next to it.

Zhang Xibao: !!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ I’m just talking, old man, don’t mind!

Zhang Xibao started running towards the house dragging his right leg.

Go down, go down, the bigger the better, the evidence of the fight in the alley is gone!


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