Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 442 The Combination Of Pit Gods

Xuan Ming's blue eyes lingered on Zhan Nian's face for a moment, then glanced at Zhang Xibao, with an expression that seemed to say: Can you solve the secret that even my master Xuan Ming can't solve?

Zhan Nian has a serious face, and Zhang Xibao is also serious.

Zhang Xibao saw that Xuan Ming didn't react too much, so he packed his ticket and said: "If you can't solve the secret of the stone ball, I will give you my good head!"

"As a god in the court, you don't even have the guts and tolerance, do you?" Zhan Nian also gave Zhang Xibao a boost.


Xuan Ming spread out his palm, white light flickered, and a gray stone ball appeared in his palm.

"Why don't I give you a try, if you dare to lie to me, I will make your head into an ice sculpture for collection."

Zhang Xibao reached out to catch the stone ball thrown by Xuan Ming.

"Looking good!"

Zhang Xibao held the stone ball and held it between his eyebrows, the golden symbol flew out, and the stone ball turned into dust.

Zhang Xibao spread his hands, and the dust dissipated in the wind and snow: "Look, I didn't lie to you, it's untied!"

"That's it?"

Xuan Ming seems to have not recovered yet, he thought the secret of the stone ball would be earth-shattering, but he didn't expect that when he met this young man, he would turn into dust.

However, what is that golden symbol flying into the middle of Young Master's eyebrows?


Xuan Ming looked at Zhang Xibao, and the coercion on his body instantly rushed towards Zhang Xibao.

"Bring back the secret of the stone ball!"

Zhang Xibao shrugged against the bone-chilling cold: "Not yet, it has already integrated into my body, and I only promise to help you unlock the secret, I don't care about anything else, hehe!"

"If you don't come, I'll pick it up myself!"

Saying that, Xuan Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhang Xibao's eyebrows.

With a crisp sound, Zhan Nian's finger touched Xuan Ming's arm, and that arm was instantly shattered.

Zhan Nianhan said: "This stone ball is not so much for us, as it is for him. The symbols attached to the stone ball have already integrated into his body. Are you going to kill him?!"

"Don't forget it like that, you think I, Xuanming, are not good enough to make dough, and let you handle it?"

The wind and snow gathered, Xuan Ming's severed arm regenerated, he turned his gaze to Zhan Nian, and felt that if he wanted to take down Zhang Xibao, he had to defeat Zhan Nian first.

"You just woke up, your godhead is unstable, and your powers are not enough. Do you still want to touch me?"

Zhan Nian sneered, turned his palm over, and the flying sword fell into his palm.

Xuan Ming knew the power of Zhan Nian, so the moment Fei Jian appeared, Xuan Ming on Phoenix's back disappeared.

There was an ethereal roar from the sky and the earth: "So what, don't forget, this is my God's Domain!"

Xuan Ming hid his body, and the huge white Dharma figure reappeared in the wind and snow.

"Really want to fight?"

Zhang Xibao looked at Xuan Ming's white face, then at Zhan Nian.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Nian suddenly put away his flying sword, changed into a shameless smile, and said to Zhang Xibao: "I just want to scare him, increase the speed of Phoenix to the highest, open the gate of void, let's slip!"

"Hahaha, I knew it!"

Zhang Xibao laughed loudly, and flew like a phoenix meteor to the outside of God's Domain in No. 01 Alien Land.

Watching the phoenix go away, the white face was stunned for a moment, and then melted into the wind and snow like a tornado, a huge confused shadow chased the phoenix, roaring angrily while chasing:



On Phoenix's back, Zhan Nian smiled happily.

"Hehe, after all, this is in Xuanming's God's Domain. It will take a lot of effort to take him down. Divine power is hard-earned, how can it be wasted here?"

"This guy's brain is made of Bing Tuozi, and his reaction is always slow..."

The gate of the void has already opened in the distance, as long as the Phoenix carries the two of them through the gate, Xuan Ming will not dare to chase after it, because the opposite side of the gate is not his divine domain.

Seeing that the phoenix was about to fly into the void gate, Xuanming Faxiang behind him suddenly shouted: "Slow down, don't go, I know the whereabouts of the other stone ball!"

Phoenix's speed paused, Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked Zhan Nian with his eyes.

Zhan Nian thought for a while, then nodded: "Then don't rush to leave, let's talk about it."

"He won't trick us into stopping, and then try to slap us to death, right?" Zhang Xibao glanced at the huge Dharma figure behind him.

"Your dharma form is no less than his, and my divine power is no less than his. What are we afraid of if we fight two against one?"

Zhan Nian turned to look at Xuan Ming: "Where is the other stone ball?"

"In Genyuan's hands!"

Xuan Ming dissipated his dharma form, and his real body reappeared on Phoenix's back.

"Gengyuan woke up too?!" Zhan Nian was a little surprised.

Although Zhang Xibao didn't know who the Genyuan they were talking about was, he was certain that this Genyuan was another great god.

"If Gen Huan is also awake, then it's not surprising that she has a stone ball in her hand."

Zhan Nian nodded and looked at Xuan Ming: "Why are you still willing to tell me the whereabouts of the other stone ball after you figured it out?"

Xuan Ming replied blankly: "Because I want to know the secret of the stone ball, and I'm even more curious about how she will react when you trick Genhuan into taking away the stone ball."

My good fellow, Zhang Xibao finally understands, Xuan Ming wants to join Zhan Nian and his own thief ship!

"How can this be called a lie, after all, what I said is true."

Zhan Nian pointed to Zhang Xibao: "This stone ball really only reacts with him. As long as we collect all the stone balls, the secret that guy left us will be unlocked. If you want to witness, then come together!"

"I still have to recover my strength, let the avatar guide you!"

Xuanming's body disappeared, and a chubby snowman appeared on Phoenix's back.

The snowman is only the size of a child. The body and head are two snowballs, one big and one small, and the limbs and facial features are all condensed ice and snow.

"This avatar is interesting, isn't it?"

Zhang Xibao touched the top of the snowman's head, feeling a biting cold in his palm.

Snowman glanced at Zhang Xibao, as if he was resenting Zhang Xibao's rebellious behavior, but because Zhan Nian was on the sidelines, he said, "Let's go, Gen Huan recovered in the west!"

The gate of the void opened, and the phoenix flew into the gate and left from the God's Domain of Alien 01.

The Xuanming avatar said that Genyuan recovered in the west, and it couldn't understand the map of the earth and stars, but according to Zhan Nian's guess, Genyuan probably recovered in the Pacific Ocean.

After leaving God's Domain, the wind and snow disappeared. After leaving the land and entering the ocean, the temperature became warmer.

Zhang Xibao glanced at Xuan Ming's avatar, and asked Zhan Nian: "Shouldn't it melt in such hot weather?"

Zhan Nian sat cross-legged, without even opening his eyes, and said, "Ice and snow are just appearances, but actually they are just Xuanming's divine power, and it's not that easy to melt."


Suddenly, Zhang Xibao wanted to play a prank. He stretched out a finger, condensed a small flame with his divine power, and then approached Xuan Ming's avatar to see whether Xuan Ming's ice was stronger or his divine fire was stronger.


A small hole was formed in the ass of Xuan Ming's avatar, and the disappearing ice and snow directly turned into water vapor

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