
"What are you doing?!"

Xuan Ming clone's head suddenly turned 180 degrees, it looked down at the hole in its own butt, and questioned Zhang Xibao angrily.

"No, I just want to try whether my fire is stronger or your ice is stronger..."

Zhang Xibao looked at the small hole behind Xuanming's avatar, and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, you have an extra eye, but it's much more pleasing to the eye!"

Xuan Ming's avatar glanced at the flame on Zhang Xibao's finger vigilantly, and said in surprise, "Sifang Tianhuo?"

"Yo, you know the goods, do you know this flame?"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand, and the flame grew bigger, so that Xuan Ming's avatar could see it clearly.

"Stay away from me!" Xuanming's avatar shrank back.


Zhang Xibao scattered the flames, used "Thousands of Miles of Ice" to make a snowball, and said to Xuan Ming's avatar: "Come on, let me help you transform it, in fact, I can play with ice..."

After tossing for a while, Zhang Xibao discovered Hua Dian.

Although this snowman is Xuanming's avatar, it is only limited to its spiritual intelligence, and it does not possess all kinds of abilities of Xuanming's real body.

If Zhang Xibao really wanted to use his hands, he stood still, even the snowman couldn't hurt him!

Maybe Xuan Ming was too stingy with divine power, so he only created a substitute to guide the way.

"Hey hey, don't move around..."

Using supernatural powers, Zhang Xibao pinched the snowman's two angry eyebrows, pinched its long nose, and finally made a small ice and snow crown.

When Xuan Ming's avatar was angry, the eyebrows on his face flickered, looking very funny.

"Hahahaha, Snow King!"

Zhang Xibao looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

"Okay, stop playing, it should be here soon!"

Zhan Nian suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the boundless deep sea.

"Oh, by the way, how did the two of you get in touch with each other? You should have woken up recently. I didn't even notice it, but you knew?" Zhan Nian drove the snowman in front of him and asked with his head bowed.

Snowman pointed to Zhang Xibao: "Tell your servant to restrain himself, I am also Xuanming's avatar after all, does he want to seek death?"

"This avatar of yours doesn't share divine power with the main body at all, Xuanming is not even willing to waste this divine power, and besides, who said he is my servant?"

Zhan Nian condensed a sword intent and came to Snowman: "You haven't answered my question yet?"

"It's just that Genyuan's servants found me first."

Snowman was afraid of Zhan Nian's sword intent, so he could only explain: "After my God's Domain was opened, a group of supernatural beings came in, one of them was Genyuan's servant, and she had already recovered part of her strength before she fully recovered her consciousness."

"So that's how it is."

Zhan Nian recalled Zhang Xibao's information about the only immortal survivor in the exploration team.

"Since Gen Huan also has a stone ball in his hand, the remaining two will be easy to find, and they must be in the hands of the Great Resuscitator..."

Zhan Nian said to himself: "What secret did that guy leave behind?"

Zhang Xibao finally couldn't help being curious, and asked Zhan Nian: "The great God you are talking about, what is his (her) heel, how did he recover in the sea?"

Without waiting for Zhan Nian to answer, Xuan Ming's avatar teased, "It's just the same monster clan as Zhan Nian."

"court death?"

Zhan Nian pinched out a sword intent, and the snowman hid behind Zhang Xibao.

"Dragon?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

Zhan Nian looked at the sea and replied, "I'll know in a while."

Regarding Zhan Nian's heel, Zhang Xibao had guesses in his mind. At the beginning, Zhan Nian wanted a fairy slough with dragon blood, which meant that Zhan Nian's heel had something to do with dragons.

However, now that Zhan Nian has merged with Fang Rui's avatar, he is no longer considered a monster, but Zhang Xibao really can't say what it is.

The phoenix flew for a while, Zhan Nian told Zhang Xibao to stop, and the phoenix hung high above the sea.

Zhan Nian circulated his divine power, and towards the deep seabed, he opened his mouth and said, "Gengyuan?"

He yelled three times in a row. Although the voice was not loud, under the influence of divine power, the name could be transmitted to a very deep and far range.

After a while, Zhang Xibao saw that the pitch-black sea water began to bubble, and the water surface began to shake violently.

A huge dragon head emerged from the water. The dragon head was the size of a fortress. The dragon scales and longan eyes were fiery red. The dragon horns, dragon teeth, and dragon whiskers were mighty and ferocious.

This is the first time Zhang Xibao has seen this living dragon in the traditional sense!

He originally thought that the red dragon was Genyuan, but as the dragon's body continued to emerge, Zhang Xibao saw a shell the size of a house in the dragon's mouth.

A coquettish woman is lying in the shell, her hair covers half of her body, and her body has red scales, which are the characteristics of the demon race.

"So this red dragon is a pet..."

Zhang Xibao muttered, and the snowman next to him said, "No, it's the outside body!"

Zhan Nian once mentioned the concept of "body outside the body" to Zhang Xibao.

In order to avoid becoming a servant of a great god, the big demon will shed the demon body and re-condense a human body, which is also the key to becoming a god.

In other words, this huge red dragon is Genyuan, and the woman in the shell is also Genyuan!

"Zen Nian?"

The woman glanced at Zhan Nian on Fenghuang's back, and said indifferently: "I said why the breath in the south is so annoying, so you have also recovered."

Zhan Nian said condescendingly: "Come up and talk!"

"I don't like looking up at people either, so come down!"

After all, a red-scaled dragon tail was thrown out from the bottom of the sea. Although the dragon's tail was huge, it was as flexible as a whip, and it hit the Phoenix straight.

"If you don't agree with me, you will do it. It's still that bad temper!"

Zhan Nian flicked out a sword intent, and the sword intent collided with the dragon's tail, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

"Aren't you too?"

The woman had to do it again, and the red dragon had already emerged half of its body from the bottom of the sea.

"Okay, okay, sister, let's go down, you come up, each give way!"

Zhang Xibao stood up to smooth things over, and controlled the Phoenix to fall down. The red dragon stretched its neck and used it as a ladder for the woman's feet. The woman walked step by step, and finally landed on Phoenix's back.

"This baby has a sweet mouth, I don't know how it tastes." Gen Yuan smiled at Zhang Xibao, showing his white teeth.

"It doesn't taste very good, and it burns your mouth!"

Zhang Xibao conjured four directions of heavenly fire with his left hand, and pulled the Snow King in front of him with his right hand, saying: "The fire is so strong, if you want to eat it, eat it first, it's sweet and hot."

Genyuan recognized the snowman as Xuanming's avatar, and guessed that Xuanming told Zhan Nian about her recovery, she grinned: "It's not impossible."

Snowman interrupted quickly: "It's important!"

"Tell me, why do you want me?" Gen Yuan looked at Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian told Gen Yuan again what he had told Xuan Ming, and after scoring twice, Gen Yuan dubiously handed the stone ball to Zhang Xibao, and then her stone ball also shattered...

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