Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 444 Changes In The Court Of God

Fragments of the stone ball fell from Zhang Xibao's palm.

Genyuan: ...


Xuan Ming's avatar was split in half by Gen Yuan, and the snowman hurriedly reached out to grab the body that was about to split, trying to stick the two halves of the snowball back together.

"What are you doing?"

"He was the one who broke the stone ball, why are you hacking me?"

The snowman shouted innocently, but its body had already been split open, the ice and snow condensed by divine power began to melt, and its avatar gradually collapsed.

"Because you brought them here!"

"Tell me, what was that golden symbol just now, and what does it represent?"

Genyuan stared at Zhang Xibao, and said persuasively, "If you dare to lie to me, I will eat you..."

It has to be said that Genhuan's thinking is indeed clearer than Xuanming's Bingtuozi head.

Snowman was a little speechless, and the only one who got hurt in the end was himself.

Zhan Nian nodded, and Zhang Xibao happily displayed half of the map fragments with divine power, allowing Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming's avatars to see clearly.

"The map is still halfway to recovery. If you two want to know the secrets inside, you must help find the stone ball." Seven

After Zhan Nian finished speaking, Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming's avatars looked at each other, and then said: "Yes, but if there are benefits, everyone will share them equally."

"It's not necessarily a benefit, maybe it's a way to deal with the demons? You should also understand that those guys can't disappear just because the world collapses. Since the two of you can recover, so can those guys."

The guys that Zhan Nian was talking about were naturally Heavenly Demons. In front of Heavenly Demons, the battle lines of all gods were the same.

Hearing what Zhan Nian said, Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming's avatars were silent, and everyone's goals were temporarily the same.

"Okay, I will help find the remaining stone balls."

The snowman opened his mouth first, showing his attitude.

Genyuan kicked the snowman that was about to melt into the sea, the red dragon opened its mouth, swallowed the snowman, and let out a happy breath.

"Then I have nothing to say, my followers will help find the whereabouts of the remaining stone balls."

Genyuan jumped off the back of the phoenix, stood on top of the red dragon, and disappeared into the deep sea.

"Should we also speed up the search for the stone ball? If the secret behind the stone ball is really good, we can get more points, hehe!"

While Zhang Xibao was controlling the Phoenix to fly towards Da Xia, he turned his head to discuss with Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian asked him: "Are you so sure that this secret is good?"

"I mean just in case!"

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "If we find more stone balls, would Xuan Ming and Gen Huan have the nerve to share them equally?"

Zhan Nian nodded: "Yes, you are not strong enough, they will grab it directly."

Zhang Xibao: ...

"Well, I think it's simple. Improving one's own strength is the primary goal."

Phoenix returned to the imperial capital.

Zhan Nian told Zhang Xibao: "You are right, the most important thing is to improve your own combat power, just leave the task of finding the stone ball to me."

"it is good!"

Zhan Nian left the imperial capital, while Zhang Xibao continued to find ways to collect divine power in the imperial capital.

Several rounds of internal testing of the virtual game have been carried out. Once it is officially launched, it will provide Zhang Xibao with a lot of divine power, enough for him to reach the rank of immortal.

There will be a qualitative change from the rank of Earth Immortal to the rank of Immortal, and Zhang Xibao will no longer have to worry about the lack of divine power.

Compared with other supernatural beings, Zhang Xibao is special. He possessed the dharma form and the divine domain before the rank of immortal. When he really stepped into the rank of immortal, his combat power will definitely be higher than other great gods.

Virtual games are extremely important, so Zhang Xibao began to focus on them.

Two months later, "Swordman Plus" was officially launched, and the situation was very gratifying. The number of virtual game cabins sold has reached hundreds of millions, and the number of players who entered the virtual world on the first day was more than 80 million.

Inside the laboratory building.

Zhang Xibao, Qinglong, Xuanwu, Qinli, and Tang Yinghuang woke up from the game cabin. Zhang Xibao smiled and said to the four saints: "In the future, we will no longer have to worry about divine power. This virtual world will provide us with a steady stream of Continuing confidence."

Xuanwu laughed loudly: "It's really good. We can not only collect trust, but also supernatural beings can get familiar with foreign lands and increase their strength. Ordinary players can also gain the opportunity to become supernatural beings through their own efforts. This is killing several birds with one stone." what!"

"At present, great gods have begun to recover. For wild gods, we can still use attack magic ships to eliminate them, but the gap between wild gods and great gods is as big as the sky and the earth. Once the great gods open the domain of the gods, the entire foreign land will be destroyed. Occupy, so the next task is to fully develop the foreign land!"

Zhang Xibao suggested to Qinglong and the others: "Whether it is refining materials or exotic beasts and plants, all the things that can be collected will be collected, and the degree of recovery of the fresh air will be deepened. In the future, our enemies will not only have great gods, but also have enemies." More terrifying enemies appear!"

Zhang Xibao described the foreign land, the big world, and the relationship between gods and demons, and the expressions on the faces of the four saints were very serious.

Xuanwu asked curiously: "What the hell is this Heavenly Demon?"

"I can't tell. They can invade the soul, feed on desire, and occupy the body of the god. In short, it is a very weird thing."

Zhang Xibao completely recorded the incident of his encounter with the Heavenly Demon, and shared it with the Four Sages for understanding.

After reading the information, Xibaihu, who is serious about killing, couldn't help but feel a little helpless. She sighed: "You said that gods of the rank of celestial beings can't deal with these demons. If these things are not extinct, can Daxia and even the planets be saved?" ?”

After a moment of silence, Zhang Xibao said: "Don't think they are invincible, they have no specific form, so invading and occupying the divine body will cause great harm. At least I have something here that can restrain them."

Zhang Xibao showed Fang Rui to the Four Sages: "This strange treasure can restrain the demons, but I haven't researched the specific usage yet, but we still have time, and I will share it with you as soon as I finish the research!"

Before the meeting was over, a member of the Black Dragon Society suddenly came in to report that there was an abnormality in Kunlun Alien Land.

"Anomaly again?"

Zhang Xibao frowned: "Are those guys in the court doing trouble again?"

The magic circle screen on the wall displayed a vision picture inside the Kunlun Alien Realm. The picture showed that there was a shocking huge crack in the blue sky!

"I knock!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't sit still for a moment, and couldn't help cursing: "The Kunlun Alien Land has been broken into a space crack, and those grandchildren ran out from the court?!"

"Withdraw all the exploration teams and prepare to close the gate of Kunlun Alien Land. I will go first to Kunlun Alien Land. You are ready to meet me at any time!"

Zhang Xibao hurried out of the laboratory building, and flew towards Beishi on a phoenix.

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