This time, Zhang Xibao didn't bring the Qilin with him, the attacking dharma ship was too huge, bringing so many people in, once they met the five palace masters, it would be like delivering food.

Although Zhang Xibao had successfully ascended to the level of an immortal through the virtual world, he was not sure how to keep the Qilin and the people on the French ship under the siege of the five palace masters.

Fortunately, the five palace masters didn't know where the space gate between Kunlun's foreign land and the earth and stars was. Zhang Xibao could use space to exchange time.

"Let's see how the situation is. If it doesn't work, just close the space gate. The Kunlun Alien Land is gone."

Zhang Xibao rode a phoenix and flew into the strange land of Kunlun, the first thing he saw was a huge crack in the sky.

The other end of the crack is like a slowly flowing black curtain, it is indeed a space crack.

"These guys are really crazy, they really broke the Shenting..."

Zhang Xibao shook his head. He planned to go to the divine court to have a look. Although the spatial rift had been opened, the cornerstones of the five hall masters were still on the divine court. It was impossible for them to leave the Five Elements Mountain and their disciples and servants behind.

A door opened in the Void Orb, and Zhang Xibao flew in on a phoenix.

It's safer to open the door and walk by yourself, Zhang Xibao doesn't dare to walk through the crack in the sky, God knows if the crack is safe, and whether it will send people to some strange place.

When he came to the divine court, Zhang Xibao was dumbfounded.

Marble Mountain is destroyed!

"This...what's the situation?!"

Water Mountain melted away, Huo Xing Mountain ignited a raging fire, Tu Xing Mountain and Jin Xing Mountain directly bald half of the mountain range, Mu Xing Mountain was slightly better, the mountain range was not damaged much, but all the different plants on it withered.

The huge central mountain range and the temple above it are gone, and the root of the mountain is a deep ravine. It seems that the crack in the space on the side of Shenting is at that position.

"It's too tragic, what happened?"

Zhang Xibao flew towards the weakly damaged Muxing Mountain, but in fact only Muxing Mountain could settle down.

Wooden line on the mountain.

The eyes are full of withered alien plants, and the airflow of Zhang Xibao's movement will blow the remains of these alien plants into ashes.

"Why does this feeling look so familiar?"

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered that Demon Cult cave, didn't the tens of thousands of corpses inside look like this?

A strong sense of crisis surged into his heart, and Zhang Xibao's expression became serious.


Zhang Xibao found something unusual on the top of Muxing Mountain.

"Tiantian Pupils open!"

The golden light flickered, Zhang Xibao stared down at the top of the mountain, he found something wriggling in the ground, the shape of that thing was like a human.

"Get out, or I will be cruel!"

Since the other party didn't come out, Zhang Xibaozheng drew out his Qilin sword, intending to chop that ghost in the ground.

"And... slow down!"

A weak voice came, and Zhang Xibao stopped what he was doing.

A terrifying face appeared from under the soil of Muxing Mountain. Zhang Xibao took a closer look. It turned out to be the master of Muxing Mountain. A vine!

Under the head of the Muxing Mountain Hall Master was a green vine wriggling like a python. The vine continued to drill out from the soil, and there were clusters of bulges growing inside.


The vines under the Muxingshan Palace Master's body began to split, and there were people one after another in the bulge!

Zhang Xibao looked horrified, could it be that Mu Xingshan had eaten all these people?

"These... are the survivors of God Court!"

After the vines under the Muxingshan Palace Master's body split, his expression became extremely painful.


Zhang Xibao approached and checked those people, and found that they were still breathing. These unconscious people included Muxiu, the son of the master of Muxingshan, and Xiaoyuer and Liner, the maids of Shuixingshan, but there were less than ten survivors.

"what happened?"

Zhang Xibao squatted down, and spent some divine power on the Muxingshan Palace Master, trying to get the truth out of his mouth.

The facial features on that old bark-like face could hardly be distinguished, and the mouth of the master of Muxing Mountain had become hollow, but he could still make a sound.

"The masters of the three halls of Earth, Fire, and Gold went to the holy market to look for the relics of the gods, intending to open the gates of the divine court and the lower realm, but only Zhu Yan, the master of the Huoxing Mountain, came back, and he blasted the mountains under the temple, the mountains Underneath is suppressing a heavenly demon..."

"Keep them, please!"

Zhang Xibao's divine power in the past was exhausted, and the master of Muxing Mountain gradually became weaker.

Zhang Xibao glanced at Mu Xiu and the others, and said indifferently: "If you want me to protect them, you can give me the secret method of Mu Xingshan. Don't forget that we were enemies before!"

"The secret technique of Muxing Mountain is in...Muxiu, I can give it to you!"

The huge vines began to shrink, and after a while, the master of Muxingshan Palace completely turned into wood.

Zhang Xibao threw the seven survivors on Phoenix's back, opened the void gate, and returned directly to the Kunlun Alien Land.

"In other words, a heavenly demon ran out..."

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes, feeling that the matter was a bit serious, a heavenly demon was definitely more terrifying than five gods and other palace masters!

"The Heavenly Demon is probably in Zhu Yan's body. He must be looking for the gate to the Earth Star in the lower realm. I have to hurry up and let Qinglong and the others close the gate of the foreign world!"

The gate of the void opened again, and Zhang Xibao flew out of Kunlun with the few surviving people.

At this time, the person on Phoenix's back woke up leisurely, it was Xiao Yu'er, the maid of the Ice Palace.


Xiao Yu'er seemed to be still immersed in great panic, she screamed unconsciously, and then saw her situation clearly.

She was lying on Phoenix's back at this time, and not far in front of her, a person wearing a black cloak was sitting cross-legged.

"Are you awake? I didn't expect you to be the first to wake up. Now that you're awake, wake up the others too!"

Zhang Xibao gave the order directly, Xiao Yu'er didn't refuse, and didn't ask any more questions, and honestly began to wake up the other survivors.

Mu Xiu was the second to wake up. He looked at Zhang Xibao vigilantly, and asked, "Who are you, and what is this place?"

Zhang Xibao replied in Tang Yinghuang's voice: "Forgot so soon?"

"Miss Tang? No, it's you!"

Mu Xiu was a little surprised, he asked: "Where is my father?"

Zhang Xibao said without turning his head: "The master of Muxing Mountain died to save you, he promised to give me the secret method of Muxing Mountain as long as I am willing to take you away."

Mu Xiu was silent, and the others also faintly woke up. Xiao Yu'er listened to the whole process and told others what happened in a low voice.

After a while, Mu Xiu said: "I can give you the secret method, let us go!"

"Of course you have to give me the secret method, but I can't let you go."

Zhang Xibao glanced at them: "This is not Shenting, but my hometown. You are a big threat above the seven heavenly ranks, so you have to obey me obediently when you come to my territory!"

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