"What if we don't?"

The girl named Lin'er asked, among the survivors of the Ice Palace, she was the only one with the highest rank, the peak of the Earth Immortal.

"Do not?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at her: "Either listen to my savior obediently, or I will throw you back where you were when I get the secret technique of Muxing Mountain."

The survivors were silent, Zhang Xibao had just released a coercion of a supernatural being of the level of a fairy, and the Qilin sword placed horizontally on his knee kept humming, as if responding to its master.

"Miss Lin'er, we are the only survivors of the Five Elements Mountain now, let's see the situation before making any plans!"

Mu Xiu seems to have recovered from the grief of losing his father. He is a smart man. Since his father entrusted them to this cloaked man and promised to give away the secret method of Muxing Mountain, it means that this man is a friend rather than an enemy.

There was silence all the way, the Void Gate opened in Beishi, not very far from the gate of Kunlun Alien Land, the two sides communicated, and the phoenix had already flown to the destination.

Qinglong personally stood guard at the gate of the foreign land, invited Qin Jiuyuan and other talisman world leaders according to Zhang Xibao's wishes, and arranged a tight weapon defense line outside the gate of the foreign land.

"Just in case, be prepared!"

Zhang Xibao gave an order to Qin Li: "Go to Hao Cangdao Shipyard to find Mu Ge, and call out all the attack ships!"

"Qinglong, tell Mr. Qin and the others to close the gate of the foreign land and give up the Kunlun foreign land for the time being. The matter is serious!"

Seeing how anxious Zhang Xibao was, Qin Li nodded and flew straight to the gate of Hao Cang Island with his sword.

Hao Cangdao Shipyard has absorbed a large number of natives from the original Great Xia City. Zhang Muge is currently working there, and he is considered an internal member of the Five Dragons Club.

Qinglong raised his eyebrows, knowing that Zhang Xibao would not be joking at this time, he quickly asked Qin Jiuyuan and others to start extracting the "Yin-Yang Dragon Bone Cone" to close the gate of Kunlun Alien Land.

The Kunlun Alien Land was brought back from the border by Zhang Xibao. Since its original gate was not in Beishi, a large number of "Yin-Yang Keel Bone Cones" were used to fix the gate. Aliens are more complicated.

The "Yin-Yang Keel Cone" needs to be extracted one by one. Although Qin Jiuyuan and other talisman world leaders are old, they all move neatly.

While operating, Qin Jiuyuan turned his head and asked, "Dark Saint, do you really want this Kunlun alien land? If that's the case, we old guys will not follow the usual methods, and the speed can be doubled!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "No more, close the door as quickly as possible!"

Closing a foreign land is a particularly important matter. According to the general procedure, it needs to be voted on by the five saints and the foreign land administration. But now the situation is critical, and everyone will carry out the order of the dark saint with 100% trust.

The seven Shenting survivors sitting on the back of the phoenix did not dare to breathe, because in addition to the Qinglong, Xuanwu, and Xibaihu, there were also a large number of members of the Black Dragon Society at the scene. There is a net of heaven and earth.

Moya 3 mortars, flaming heavy machine guns, and densely packed Qingqi attack aircraft are all painted in camouflage, and the violent power is hidden under the low-key appearance.

The eyes of Xuanwu, Xibaihu and others were already full of doubts, Zhang Xibao only explained: "A heavenly demon was revived, four palace masters of the rank of gods were killed, and the court of gods was destroyed!"


Those present who knew what the Heavenly Demon was all stared wide-eyed in shock. The previous meeting was still discussing whether such a terrifying thing existed, but now the Heavenly Demon is about to pop into the face? !

Time passed by, and the keel cones were pulled out one by one. Qin Li and the others probably came over soon, because Zhang Xibao vaguely heard the buzzing sound of the attacking Dharma boat.

At present, excluding the Qilin, there are five attacking French ships in service, and the captains are Sisheng and Zhang Muge.

Zhang Muge is also above the Heaven Rank, so the Five Dragons Society has long planned to absorb him as the sixth saint, but due to Zhang Muge's special status in Daxia City, this matter has not been put on the agenda.


An old man who was extracting the keel cone suddenly asked: "It seems to be stuck here?" 7K 妏敩

Zhang Xibao hurriedly asked, "Why did you get stuck?"

Qin Jiuyuan was the first to answer: "It's likely that something is stuck in the gate of the foreign realm..."

"not good!"

Zhang Xibao frowned, and was just about to ride the phoenix to have a look, when suddenly a terrifying head protruded from the gate of Kunlun Alien Land.


It was an insect head the size of a small hill, and the mouthparts covered with sharp teeth were spitting out mucus. The mucus fell on the ground near the gate, and the soil made a chirping sound.

This giant worm originally thrived on Jianmu, but now it appeared in the gate of Kunlun Alien Land, which is abnormal!

"Get out of the way, the saliva of this thing is poisonous!"

Zhang Xibao roared, drew out his Qilin sword, and chopped off the bug's head with one blow.

The huge worm's head rolled around on the ground, Zhang Xibao released Fa Xiang Fang Rui, trying to drag out the remaining half of the worm's body, so that Qin Jiuyuan and the others could continue to close the door.

Before Faxiang approached, half of the insect's body fell to the ground with a bang. Zhang Xibao looked up and saw densely packed insect heads protruding from the gate.

"It's over, it's still a step slower!"

Zhang Xibao controlled Dharma Prime Minister Fang Rui to stride towards the gate of the foreign realm. The huge Dharma Phase forcibly blocked the insect heads with his body, buying time for the members of the Black Dragon Society on the defensive line to react.

The worm's head was constantly gnawing on Fang Rui's body, and for a while there were dense and terrifying clicks from the gate.

"All departments are preparing, the big one is coming!"

Zhang Xibao let out a roar, and the six attacking French ships had adjusted their guns to aim at the gate, and the members of the Black Dragon Society were also ready to attack.

The gate of Kunlun Alien Land could not be completely closed. Fortunately, it was half closed, so those giant worms could not rush out at the same time.

"I can't stand it anymore, I'm ready to fight!"

Zhang Xibao asked Dharma Prime Minister Fang Rui to withdraw, and the back of the giant Yanling armor that Fang Rui was wearing was already covered with dense tooth marks.

One after another giant worms came out of the gate of the alien world, and at first they fell on the ground like raindrops. Slowly, the number of worms increased and gradually turned into a waterfall!

"Is this a bug on the wood?"

Qinglong frowned and asked: "When I helped the giant bird hunt, didn't the bugs I saw look like this?"

Although the worms on the building wood are huge, their appearance is no different from ordinary big caterpillars, but now these worms have mutated into black, with twisted bristles all over the body, big split mouths and pure black eyes that are extremely ferocious. Where the worms walked, the soil was polluted with mucus, and there was an unclean atmosphere everywhere.

"Heavenly Demon, it is Heavenly Demon, these giant insects are polluted!"

Zhang Xibao stared at the giant worm and came to a conclusion.

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