Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 447 Semicircle Sky Moat


With Zhang Xibao's order, the guns on the six attacking French ships fired at once, and thousands of talisman shells exploded in the air.

Boom, boom!

Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, thunder fell from the dry land, and the huge black bugs were directly turned into flames by the talisman bombs.

Attacking the French ship as long-range support firepower greatly relieved the pressure on the front, allowing members of the Black Dragon Society to have enough time to retreat to a safe place.

The fire-tongue heavy machine gun rattled, and the moya mortars kept roaring, almost turning the outside of the gate of Kunlun into a meat grinder. As long as any giant insect passed through the gate, it would be blown into fly ash by the ruthless shells.

"Use the holy decree to call the supernatural beings from nearby cities to Beishi. In addition to this front, a defense line needs to be established outside the urban area of ​​Beishi, just in case!"

Although the giant worm was terrifying, it did not cause any casualties under the suppression of firepower.

Zhang Xibao, Qinglong and others made a simple plan. In addition to building another line of defense behind the battle line, Zhang Xibao decided to take the Qilin through the void gate and enter the Kunlun Alien Land to stop the giant insects and create a complete gate for Qin Jiuyuan and the others. Chances of closing.

"I don't think it's right. If you open the gate to the void, what should the Lord of the Huoxingshan Hall take the opportunity to run over?"

Xuanwu objected to Zhang Xibao's plan.

Zhang Xibao paused, and replied: "I have already contacted Zhan Nian, if that guy comes over, I will join forces with Zhan Nian to kill him!"

Faxiang Fang Rui has the ability to restrain the demon, and Zhan Nian's body is refined by Fang Rui's avatar, so the only people who are not afraid of the invasion of the demon are Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian. 7K 妏敩

Qinglong nodded: "That's no problem, pay attention to safety, leave this to us!"

"Okay, pay attention to the situation at the gate. If the giant worm stops attacking, let Mr. Qin and the others quickly extract the keel cone!"

Zhang Xibao boarded the Qilin and was about to open the gate of the void to enter the Kunlun strange land. Zhang Muge strongly asked to go, but Zhang Xibao refused.

For the first time this time, Qian Chengjin did not flinch. He methodically checked the guns and equipment of the Qilin, and prepared to follow Zhang Xibao into the foreign land.

"Our mission this time is very simple. We just need to prevent the giant worms from passing through the gate of the alien world. The Taiyi fine gold naval gun is very powerful. I can use the naval gun to blast a moat at the other end of the gate, and the bugs will fall into it." In the ditch, Mr. Qin and the others can completely close the gate."

Zhang Xibao comforted the supernatural beings serving on the Qilin, and then the Qilin flew into the void gate.

On the other side of the gate is the Kunlun Alien Territory.

After the Qilin passed through the gate, the void gate was immediately closed, not giving anyone a chance to pass through the gate.

From a high altitude, the side of the alien gate has been submerged by black insect swarms. Since half of the alien gate is not enough for a large number of bugs to get out, the bugs on the ground have piled up into a mountain.

Looking far into the distance, Zhang Xibao found that the ocean-like swarm of insects stretched from the gate to the horizon.

"I'm afraid not all the bugs on the Jianmu crawled down..."

The roots of Jianmu maintain the integrity of the entire foreign land, and the trunks above the ground are like giant pillars in the sky. These giant insects that have multiplied on Jianmu for millions of years are probably as numerous as those in the desert. As much as sand.

"Prepare the Taiyi fine gold naval gun, try to shoot it first, and see the effect."

Zhang Xibao came to the control room of the naval gun and used his divine power to provide energy for the Taiyi fine gold naval gun.


The gunboat buzzed, and the golden shells hit the black bug swarm, and a vacuum appeared under the gate of the foreign world.

Not only did the worm disappear, but the ground under the worm's feet also seemed to be dug out of thin air.

"The effect is good, as long as the ground around the gate is turned into a ravine that is difficult for bugs to cross."

The plan sounds simple, but in practice it is a test of Zhang Xibao's reserve of divine power. Fortunately, thanks to the opening of the virtual game, the reserve of divine power is sufficient.

"Let me give it a try..."

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, grasped the handle of the naval gun again with both hands, the divine power continued to pour in, and the gunboat turned into pure gold.

Buzz buzz!

Everyone on the Qilin covered their ears in pain. What was shot from the Taiyi fine gold cannon was no longer a cannonball, but a divine power ray similar to a laser.

This ray is like a real god's hand, as long as it is wiped by it, it will become a vacuum.

Outside the gate of the foreign realm, a semicircle was drawn by this mighty hand.

Within the semicircle is the bottomless abyss and the guarded gate, and beyond the semicircle is the black swarm of insects.

The bugs seemed a little dazed when they encountered the abyss. The giant bugs in front reluctantly stopped, but the bugs behind were still squeezing forward, so the bugs in front began to fall into the abyss with a rustle.

This semicircular abyss is like a tornado emerging from the surface of the water, swallowing everything that touches it.

"Makabaka's, I'm a human flesh battery..."

Although the divine power was not exhausted, Zhang Xibao felt dizzy for a while, and Qian Chengjin pushed him lightly behind him.

Zhang Xibao came down to the deck with Qian Chengjin's support, looked at the giant insects that kept falling, and said to everyone: "When the gates are closed outside, let's go home!"

The Qilin was suspended high in the air, and everyone on board was waiting silently, waiting for the people outside to finish pumping out the keel cones. As Zhang Xibao said, they could go home when the gate was closed.

"Fortunately, there is a dark saint. If this happened in other places besides Great Xia, I'm afraid the whole planet would be doomed!"

Someone started whispering.

From the start of spiritual recovery to the present, this is the first time that such a disaster exceeding the SSS level has occurred.

Only Zhang Xibao knew that this situation was the simplest. When the Heavenly Demon really recovered, the Earth Star at that time did not know what would happen.

When the time comes, will people survive?

At that time, can we save the building from falling?


A loud bird call pulled Zhang Xibao back from his daze. He looked up and saw three giant birds, two big and one small, flying towards the Qilin.

It seems that the power of the Qilin gunboat has just attracted the giant bird.

Zhang Xibao was shocked, thinking that these three birds must not be infected!


As soon as Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand, Qian Chengjin handed over the telescope.

In the binoculars, the three giant birds seemed to be normal. There was no abnormality in their bodies, and their eyes were clear.

Zhang Xibao temporarily breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if Jianmu has been destroyed. These giant insects have been polluted, and the three divine birds have no food. Should we take them out? What should we feed them?"

Before Zhang Xibao could make a decision, the three divine birds had already arrived.

The two divine birds, one male and one female, threw the hatched chicks onto the Qilin, dropped a huge square inch stone on Zhang Xibao, and then flew away without looking back.

"Are they going back to guard Jianmu?"

Zhang Xibao looked at the backs of the male and female divine birds flying away, turned around, and stared at the fledgling bird.

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