Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 448 Outsmarting Zhu Yan


Although the baby bird was born not long ago, its size already occupied half of the deck of the Qilin. It flapped its wings twice, and the mid-empty Qilin swayed.


The supernatural beings on the boat were unstable, and they stretched out their hands to grab the nearby things. They looked at the giant baby bird in horror and curiosity, waiting for the captain to give an order.


Zhang Xibao looked at the young bird and sighed, then turned to Qian Chengjin and said, "It must be hungry, let's get some exotic animal meat first!"


Qian Chengjin took people down to move the meat from the Qilin storage room, while Zhang Xibao went to the huge square inch stone to check.

This square-inch stone was red in color and half as tall as a person. When two divine birds threw it down, they smashed a small hole in the deck of the Qilin.

Zhang Xibao had never seen such a big square inch stone. Back then, a square inch stone as big as a fist was priced sky-high. Now the square inch stone in front of him can be said to be a priceless treasure.

"Is this the reward for helping them take care of their children?"


Zhang Xibao sensed that something was wrong with the square inch stone, so he stretched out his hand to check on the square inch stone, and found that this stone turned out to be a natural square inch treasure.

The stone has not been refined, but there is a large space inside, which seems to be filled with something.

Zhang Xibao took out the things inside the square inch stone and found that they were black seeds one by one.

"Jianmu fruit core, wisdom seed?"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, he took out all the things in the square inch stone, and the black seeds clattered and piled up on the deck, like a hill, and he didn't know how many seeds there were.

"This is really a great gift!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the chicks that were devouring the meat of different animals, and thought to himself that he should help the male and female divine birds to raise their children. Compared with this square inch stone and Jianmu fruit core, the meat of different animals raised by the black dragon is not worth much money.

If you have milk, you are a mother, and the chick excitedly ate the meat of the exotic animal, and even kissed Qian Chengjin affectionately.

Qian Chengjin had a smirk on her face, as if she was an old mother.

"Seeing that you are so happy, I will be responsible for feeding it in the future."

Zhang Xibao handed over the job of raising birds to Young Master Qian.

Qian Chengjin nodded: "Okay, hehe, I feel that I have a great destiny with this bird!"

"as long as you are happy……"

While Zhang Xibao was chatting with Qian Chengjin, a crew member suddenly shouted: "The gate of the foreign land seems to be closed!"

Zhang Xibao lay on the side of the boat and looked down, and sure enough, half of the gate to the foreign realm was slowly disappearing.

"Very good, ready to return!"

With Zhang Xibao's order, the Qilin slowly turned around.

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to open the gate of the void, a flaming meteor flew towards the dharma boat.

Zhang Xibao frowned, seeing that the shooting star was a person whose whole body was burning with flames.

"Zhu Yan!"

"The gate of the void can't be opened, and Zhan Nian can't come here, so I can go up alone."

"As the master of the Five Elements Mountain, Zhu Yan is of the rank of a god. After being invaded by the demon, he wiped out the other four masters. This combat power is very tricky..."

Zhang Xibao is also at the level of an immortal now, but with the help of Dharma Prime Minister Fang Rui, he has a chance of winning against Zhu Yan, at least he has the ability to protect himself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xibao turned his head and ordered to Qian Chengjin and the others: "Turning back is not possible yet, drive the Qilin to a safe place, and I will look for you later."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xibao flapped his wings and flew towards Zhu Yan, the Burning Man. The Qilin speeded up suddenly and flew towards the distance.

"It's you?!" Seeing Zhang Xibao from afar, Zhu Yan roared.


Zhang Xibao said to himself: "Haven't you lost your self-awareness? What's going on with the Heavenly Demon's invasion this time? I can take this opportunity to observe through Zhu Yan."

"Sifang Tianhuo is still coming!"

Zhu Yan roared and rushed towards him. At the same time, the flames on his body became more intense, and his whole body was like a small star.

Half of the Sifang Tianhuo was on Zhang Xibao, but I didn't expect this guy to still remember it.

Naturally, fire cannot overcome fire, but Zhang Xibao has only learned half of "Thousands of Miles of Frozen", and he may be a bit weak if he goes head-to-head with Zhu Yan, so he needs to outsmart him.

"Ah, this guy doesn't seem to be very clear about his mind. I should have bombarded him with the Taiyi fine gold ship on the Qilin. Well, there is still some Taiyi fine gold. He Xiansheng must find a way to get it back. The small hand cannon that I carry with me..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Xibao drew out his Qilin sword, poured with divine power, and the half-moon-shaped sword lights slashed towards Zhu Yan.

"Fang Rui, block his way out!"

The half-moon-shaped sword light forced Zhu Yan to dodge continuously, and the huge magic figure rose from the ground, and he clasped his palms together, and slapped towards Zhu Yan.


With a loud noise, Zhu Yan was held in the palm of Faxiang Fang Rui. The flames on his body burned Faxiang's palms red, and the surface of the palms began to melt.

Zhang Xibao noticed that the expression on Zhu Yan's face was flickering constantly, from pain to anger, like a schizophrenic patient.

"Could it be that this guy himself is also fighting against the demon in his body?"

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao had a plan.

He rubbed his face twice, and folded the wings on his back, turning into a fiery red battle armor.

Zhang Xibao transformed himself into Zhu Hua's appearance.

The Five Elements Mountain was destroyed, and the four masters and the disciples of the five mountains died, leaving only Mu Xiu and his seven survivors, which meant that Zhu Yan's son was killed by him.

"Since you are struggling so painfully, Lord Bao will help you!"

With Zhu Hua's face on his face, Zhang Xibao shouted angrily at Zhu Yan who was in the air: "The old thief kills me!"

Zhu Yan froze suddenly when he saw Zhang Xibao's face, the flames on his body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, he shook his head: "No, no, you are fake, fake..."


Zhang Xibao sneered, intending to add fuel to the fire.

"I... it hurts so much!"

Blood and tears began to flow from his face, pieces of his skin crumbled, and charred changes appeared.


Zhu Yan started to roar, his face covered in flames looked like a ghost crawling up from the ground.

Feeling that he was close enough, Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to fish it out, and took out three black-painted bullets from the Tongtianbao Curry.

These three projectiles were given to him by the Palace Master of the Ice Palace as a reward when he participated in the battle of gods. The power of a bullet seal is equivalent to the full blow of the Palace Master of the Ice Palace.

Half of "Thousands of Miles Frozen" can't do anything to Zhu Yan, but three full blows from the master of the Ice Palace should be enough. After all, this guy is in a mess, and nine out of ten of his arrogance has gone.


Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and three black bullets exploded directly on Zhu Yan's face.


Zhang Xibao retreated violently, he felt the biting cold current chasing him, and the two big hands of Zhu Yan and Fa Xiang Fang Rui at the center of the explosion directly turned into giant ice lumps.

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