Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 449 Life-Saving Magical Weapon

Zhu Yan was sealed by three bullets, unable to move his body.

Zhang Xibao seized the opportunity, his figure flashed again, and the Qilin sword in his hand slashed at Zhu Yan's head.

The violent divine power passed directly through the center of the ice lump, and Zhu Yan and Fa Xiang Fang Rui's two palms were directly shattered into pieces.

Faxiang Fangrui has a powerful regenerative ability. In an instant, its two palms recovered as before, but Zhu Yan didn't know the secret method of Mu Xingshan, so he was killed by this sword directly.

"Something's wrong..."

Zhang Xibao frowned, and directed Faxiang Fang Rui to scoop up Zhu Yan's body fragments that were still floating in the air. Faxiang's two hands each grabbed a few things.

Fang Rui's left hand was naturally half of Zhu Hua's Quartet Fire, Godhead, and fragments of residual divine power, while his right hand was holding a strange black mist-like thing.

"No, this is not a demon, but rather some kind of product of the demon..."

Zhang Xibao checked Zhu Yan's remaining fragments of divine power again, and found that the remaining divine power was too little. One must know that Zhang Xibao hadn't fought him for 300 rounds, and it was impossible to drain Zhu Yan's divine power by destroying the Five Elements Mountain. After all, he He also killed four hall masters, and after burning their godheads, their divine power would naturally be drawn away.

"The demon has run away..."

What Zhang Xibao guessed was that after the demon possessed Zhu Yan devoured most of his divine power, he left that unknown mass in Zhu Yan's body, and then the main body ran away!

"So, where did the main body go?"

Zhang Xibao was startled, thinking of the Qilin that had flown away earlier, he wondered if it was to divert the tiger away from the mountain? !

"Fortunately, the void gate was not opened to let the Qilin return first, and I will go to check it carefully later..."

Zhang Xibao inspected Sifang Tianhuo, Divine Spark, Divine Power Shards and the misty thing, put them away after finding no danger, and rode on the phoenix to chase towards the Qilin.

Because the Qilin has its own Qingqi base station, Zhang Xibao contacted Qian Chengjin and the others through the Qingqi pager.

The Qilin soon flew over to meet Zhang Xibao.

"Brother Bao, is it solved?" Qian Chengjin asked with concern.

Zhang Xibao directly pulled Qian Chengjin over, stretched out his hand to grope over him, but Fang Rui didn't give a warning, which meant that the demon was not on Qian Chengjin's body.

"Brother Bao, what are you doing, I... I'm not interested in men!"

Qian Chengjin hugged his chest, but did not dare to move away, allowing Zhang Xibao to check.

"no problem……"

Zhang Xibao swept around the crew on the Qilin, and ordered loudly: "Everyone disarms, the Qilin enters cruise, come over and check me!"

There are thousands of crew members on the Qilin, Zhang Xibao took a lot of effort to check everyone, and found nothing abnormal.

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes: "What's missing..."

"Go back first, go home!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, a huge void gate opened, and the Qilin rushed towards the gate.

Looking down from a high altitude, the giant worms on the ground looked like a colony of ants, but the gate of Kunlun Alien Land was closed, so they crawled blankly.

Jianmu didn't know what was going on, and the two divine birds didn't know what was going on, let alone the aborigines in Kunlun's foreign territory. Zhang Xibao couldn't care about these things for the time being.

The Qilin passed through the void gate, and the members of the Five Dragons were killing the corpses of the giant worms.

These giant worms carry some kind of weird pollution, and the place where they have been in contact with their body fluids has changed, the soil has turned black, and the plants have withered, so the black dragon will temporarily designate the area near the Kunlun Gate as a restricted area.

There were too many corpses of the giant worms, so members of the Black Dragon Society directly built a temporary processing center on the spot, gathered them together, and then incinerated them through fire-type superhumans.


Zhang Xibao's eyes widened suddenly when he saw those supernatural beings wearing chemical protective suits transporting the corpses of giant insects.

Previously, Zhang Xibao was afraid that Zhu Yan would escape by opening the door to the void, but he was actually afraid that the demon in Zhu Yan's body would escape.

Now, he already knew that Zhu Yan was just a cover, and the demon disappeared after devouring most of Zhu Yan's divine power.

"Maybe I misunderstood it from the very beginning. Makabaka's Heavenly Demon is no longer in Kunlun Alien Land. It is hidden in the body of the giant worm!"

"It's been so long, I don't know which supernatural being possessed by the demon already!"

Zhang Xibao immediately contacted Qinglong and asked him to check the list of members of the Black Dragon Society and the supernatural beings who came to support.

half an hour later.

Zhang Xibao, Qinglong, Xuanwu, Xibaihu Tang Yinghuang, and Vermilion Bird Qin Li sat in a temporary tent.

Zhang Xibao and Qinglong stared wide-eyed, the air was eerily quiet. .seven

Tang Yinghuang couldn't sit still anymore, she asked suspiciously: "The gate of the foreign realm has been closed, and there have been no casualties, why are you two sighing?"

Zhang Xibao and Qinglong looked at each other, and sighed: "The demon has escaped..."

"Aren't you still in Kunlun Alien Territory? Why did you run away?" Tang Yinghuang was even more puzzled.

Zhang Xibao explained: "He ran out through the bodies of the giant worms. This guy is very cunning. He even abandoned the master of Huoxingshan, who was a god and other rank, and possessed himself on the giant worms."

Qinglong called up a list of people with supernatural powers from the Qingqi pager, projected it into the air, and said: "As the dark sage guessed, this time the Black Dragon will dispatch more than 3,700 people. There are more than 5,000 supernatural beings, I checked the list, and found that a ground-level supernatural being named Li Cong was missing."

The five checked Li Cong's profile of the supernatural user, and Zhang Xibao asked suspiciously, "Di Jie, has this guy formed a bond with us?"

"No, this guy is a lone wolf with a neutral stance, and at the same time, he is wary of the Five Dragons Association. It was the imperial decree that forcibly transferred them here."

After Qinglong finished speaking, Zhang Xibao shook his head: "Well, I thought I could find him through the bond talisman, but I didn't expect it to be a lone wolf, this unlucky guy..."

"The only way to chase him is through the holy decree. Now more and more supernatural beings are joining the Five Dragons Association. These supernatural beings will always have their own intelligence network. This Li Cong can't run too far!"

Qinglong issued the order to hunt down Li Cong through Qingqi paging, and all the branches of the Black Dragon Club, Foreign Land Management Bureau, and Treasure Appraisal Bureau within the Daxia range would list Li Cong as their target.

"It's useless to just chase this guy, the demon is too weird, it can jump between people with supernatural powers."

Zhang Xibao thought for a while and said: "The only good thing is that once the demon really possesses the target, it loses its ability to jump and fuses with the host safely, so this guy will definitely look for the target with the highest level. This guy, maybe the revival gods other than Daxia."

"So, I will give each of you a self-defense device. As long as you don't have any accidents, in the territory of Daxia, the demons will not be able to make waves!"

After all, Zhang Xibao produced four clones of Fang Rui and gave them to the Four Sages. After touching the bodies of the Four Saints, the clones of Fang Rui automatically turned into four sets of armor, which were black, red, white, and blue.

"These four sets of armor can protect you from the demons. You just need to use some of your divine power to support them. It can be regarded as a treasure of armor..."

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