"Can this thing really prevent the invasion of demons?"

Bei Xuanwu tapped the gauntlet curiously, and the black gauntlet made a thumping sound.

"It feels no different from ordinary armor, and the shape is quite cool."

Zhang Xibao grinned: "The Heavenly Demon's invasion is not about beating you, it comes quietly, and before you realize it, it has already merged into your soul. These four armors can isolate the Heavenly Demon. As for the strength of the armor itself, you can try it yourself." try."

Hearing what Zhang Xibao said, Xuanwu thought for a while, took off the gauntlet and put it on the table, then stretched out his palm and slapped the gauntlet.

With a loud bang, the table made of engineering plastic was blown into powder, and the gauntlets were intact.


Qin Li shouted in reproach, and pinched a Fengxing Talisman to disperse the choking smoke and dust for everyone.

"I just want to test the strength of this armor..."

Xuanwu lowered his head and saw that the gauntlets were intact, and he let out a small sigh.

"I only used 30% of my strength for this palm, I'm afraid that the armor will be broken, and the dark saint will lose face, hehe..."

Xuanwu explained himself, and Qinglong rolled his eyes. Based on his understanding of Xuanwu, he used 50% of his strength in the palm just now. He said such words to make room for himself.

Zhang Xibao didn't care, and pointed to the gauntlet: "You can try again, don't save me face!"

Xuanwu smacked his lips, looked at Qinglong and Zhang Xibao who were smiling, Qin Li, who was full of anger, and Xibaihu, who was watching the show with his chest in his arms, feeling a little bit hard to get off.

"Ahem, then I'll try again!"

Xuanwu's whole body was shaken, and he stretched out his fist. It could be seen that he used his supernatural power for this punch.


The temporary tent blew up, but because Zhang Xibao and Qinglong had divine powers to protect their bodies, they sat on Mount Tai.


The gauntlet finally made a crisp sound, and a gap was slightly cracked.

Xuanwu's fist was a little numb, but he concealed it well and turned his attention to the gauntlet.

"Finally... cracked!"

"Did you see it, it's cracked, hahaha!"

Xuanwu patted Qinglong excitedly, and showed Zhang Xibao the gauntlet.

Suddenly, Xuanwu's smile froze on his face.

The gauntlet squirmed, and the tiny crack less than five centimeters on it slowly healed, returning to its original intact appearance.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qinglong finally stopped, holding his forehead and laughing loudly.

"Ah, this..."

Xuanwu was stunned for a moment, then put the gauntlet back on his arm as if he had picked up a treasure, and said with a smile: "It's such a treasure, I want to take it as a family heirloom!"

Tang Yinghuang also looked down at her white armor with a satisfied expression.

"Okay, everyone, be safe, I'll go first!"

Zhang Xibao left the temporary base and rode a phoenix into the distance.

After flying for a while, there was one more person on Phoenix's back, it was Zhan Nian who hurried back.

Previously, Zhan Nian and Zhang Xibao acted separately, he was responsible for looking for stone balls, Zhang Xibao only needed to improve his strength.

When Zhang Xibao told Zhan Nian that the Heavenly Demon possessed Zhu Yan, Zhan Nian immediately rushed to Beishi.

Zhan Nian asked: "How is it?"

"I killed Zhu Yan."

Zhang Xibao stretched out his palm, showed the complete Sifang Tianhuo, and continued: "However, that guy is already at the end of his battle, and the Heavenly Demon has escaped..."

"Well, Heavenly Demon is very cunning, this is troublesome..." Zhan Nian narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, it's like a fish entering the sea, but, Zhan Nian, didn't you arrange nine heavenly swords or something within the range of Daxia, can you find out the demon?" Zhang Xibao asked with staring eyes.

Zhan Nian shook his head: "The Nine Heavenly Swords are only aimed at the Great God of Resuscitation. If the Heavenly Demon merges with a certain Great God, it can be killed, but it will be difficult for it to move between different bodies."

"That's it..."

Zhang Xibao sighed: "I got four clones of Fang Rui to protect the four sages, and I have to give two clones to my younger sister and my mother later, the demon came out one, do you want to remind Xuanming and Genyuan?"

Zhang Xibao thought of Xuan Ming with the icicle head and the terrifying red dragon, and thought that no matter who was invaded by the demon, it would be a bloody battle against them.

"I will inform them of this, but there is another important thing."

Zhan Nian stared into Zhang Xibao's eyes and asked: "Since these stone balls can make up a complete map, is there some kind of connection between them?"

"Well, I've been busy these days, so I haven't studied it carefully."

Zhang Xibao used his divine power to show half of the map to Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian stretched out his hand to touch the map, used his divine power to rub the map, and held it in his palm to observe carefully.

"Did you see anything?"

Zhang Xibao also lay down on the map and watched carefully.

Zhan Nian rolled his eyes: "How can it be so fast..."

"Okay, I'm leaving, go and give Fang Rui a clone to your sisters!"

Zhan Nian tapped his toes, and his figure disappeared.

"Hey, there are two of us left!"

Zhang Xibao touched Phoenix's feathers, suddenly a pair of fuzzy facial features appeared from Phoenix's neck, and those facial features smiled at Zhang Xibao.

These facial features were naturally imitated by Fang Rui.

Zhang Xibao asked it: "Hey, by the way, Fang Rui, what is the limit for you to split your avatar now, is it enough to make two sets of armor for my sister and my mother?"

Fang Rui replied: "Don't worry, master, since I devoured Shilong's claw tip and Nubo's head, the limit of my division is a thousand clones, and I can build a castle for them!"

"Oh, that's good, that's good..."

Zhang Xibao held his chin and sighed again.

Fang Rui asked suspiciously: "Is the master worried about the Heavenly Demon?"

Zhang Xibao nodded: "Yes, this thing is more slippery than a loach, who knows where it went?"

"I have a vague feeling. I don't know if it is the sky demon that the master mentioned. This feeling started from the bombardment of the giant worm."

Fang Rui paused, and then said, "It's vague, but that feeling is really strange, like... hungry? I've never felt it before."


Zhang Xibao was taken aback. He recalled that Old Man Tongtian had recorded that Fang Rui was the nemesis of the Heavenly Demon. Could it be that Fang Rui could really sense the existence of the Heavenly Demon? 7K 妏敩

"The feeling of hunger..."

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Didn't you swallow a demon before? Do you still remember that feeling? Oh, no, why do I feel that Fang Rui is becoming more and more like a human being!"

Zhang Xibao saw the thoughtful expression on the fuzzy facial features, and then replied Zhang Xibao: "I can't answer, that feeling is very strange and cannot be described."

"Okay, then let's take a trip to Haocang Island first, and then follow your feelings to find out if it is the demons that are attracting you!"

Zhang Xibao cheered up, and the phoenix flew into Haocang Island.

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