Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 454: Great God Chat Group

"The door to the Heavenly Demon's invasion of Earth Star has been opened..."

After hearing what happened in Nanshi, Zhan Nian came to this conclusion.

"Are you saying that the other side of the vortex is the world of the demon?"

Zhang Xibao recalled the countless murmurs that sounded in his ears when he scanned the vortex with his Tongtian pupil.

"That's right, so Earth Star only has three years left, even if you find a way to throw that piece of space into a foreign realm, the Heavenly Demon will follow the traces to find the way to Earth Star."

Zhan Nian stared at Zhang Xibao and said: "Three years, at most three years, the demon will come, and it won't last long with the damaged stone pillars and seals..."

Zhang Xibao rubbed his face, feeling that all the human beings on Earth Star are already standing on the edge of the cliff. The happy and leisurely life in the past is gone forever, and now everything is changing to a bad situation.

"I still can't find the stone ball. Even if I find the stone ball, the secret hidden in the map must be the solution to the demon?"

Zhang Xibao asked Zhan Nian back, wanting to discuss a final plan.

Zhan Nian was silent for a moment and replied: "Let's find it, since that guy left us a stone ball, it must be a way to fight against the demon."

"Who is that guy? Why are you so sure that what he left behind can deal with Heavenly Demon?"

Zhang Xibao was really curious, because when Zhan Nian, Xuan Ming and Gen Huan mentioned the owner of the stone ball, they all showed great trust.

"That guy..."

Zhan Nian fell into memory, and then told Zhang Xibao: "His name is Xitu, and he is the only guy who almost surpassed the ranks of gods and became the law of the Dao. Moreover, he does not belong to righteous gods or wild gods. He is a very mysterious guy. The only friend."

The word "friend" came out of Zhan Nian's mouth, it was so surprising, Zhang Xibao thought to himself that this Xitu is really a good-natured guy.

Zhan Nian added: "The reason why we believe in him is not because he is our friend, but because of his ability..."

"What is his ability?" Zhang Xibao became even more curious.

"His power is to 'do the right thing'"

After Zhan Nian finished speaking, Zhang Xibao was stunned.

"Doing the right thing, what kind of ability is this?"

Zhang Xibao thought to himself, is this Xitu the God of Comedy? No wonder so many great gods like to be friends with him?

"'Do the right thing' almost made Xitu the law of heaven. Do you think it's that simple?"

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao: "Let me give you an example, when you have Xitu's ability, no matter what you do, what happens in the future will develop in a direction that is beneficial to you. When you go out today, you may pick up If you get money, you may be praised for saving a person who is about to be hit by a car, but going out is not prompted by your ability, but a random thought in your mind."

"Predict the future?" Zhang Xibao's eyes widened.

Zhan Nian shook his head: "No, Xitu can't see the future, but Xitu knows what to do."

"This ability is too strange, it made me dizzy..."

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and thought for a while, then asked Zhannian: "On the other hand, I don't know if I will pick up money when I go out today, and I don't know if I can save the person who was hit by a car, but if I go out, something will happen to me." Good thing!"

"That's about it."

Zhan Nian spread his hands: "Actually, I don't know very well, but we all choose to believe in Xitu, what Xitu left behind will definitely lead us to the right path!"

"It turns out that's the case, so the plan to find the stone ball remains unchanged. Tell Xuanming and Genhuan about the demons. These two guys had better move quickly, otherwise the demons will invade, and everyone will have nothing to eat!"

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Is there any way to contact them directly so that we can exchange information with each other?"

"Of course, otherwise, do you think I'm going to their God's Domain to communicate with them?"

Zhan Nian stretched out his hand and swiped in mid-air, a palm-sized golden magic circle appeared. Zhang Xibao saw three patterns in the magic circle, namely a small sword, a scale and a miniature snowman, which should represent Zhan Nian, Genyuan and Xuanming .

"Inject your divine power into it and condense a symbol of your own, so that you can communicate with them."

According to what Zhan Nian said, Zhang Xibao used divine power to gather a smiling face. After the smiling face entered the golden circle, it represented that Zhang Xibao had entered the chat group that belonged exclusively to the great gods.

"Let me try……"

With a thought, Zhang Xibao conveyed a thought of "Hello".

Genyuan, represented by the scales, reacted immediately, and replied, "Who, which great god has resurrected again?" 』

Snowman replied: "It was Zhan Nian who pulled me in, ask Zhan Nian"

Zhan Nian didn't speak, Zhang Xibao replied: "I am Zhang Xibao, the Great Xia Dark Sage"

Genyuan: "Oh, I don't know, I kicked it"

Xuanming: "OK"

Zhang Xibao: "..."

Zhan Nian explained: "In this communication formation, as long as more than half of the gods who reject you can kick you out."

Before Xuan Ming and Gen Huan kicked him, Zhang Xibao had another thought: "The Heavenly Demon has opened the door to the invasion."

Genyuan: "What? ! 』

Xuan Ming: "The people in the area where my God's Domain is located are researching flying machines, why don't we leave this planet as soon as possible..."

Genyuan scolded: "Idiot, as long as you are still here, you can't go anywhere. Have you forgotten those great gods who tried to hide in the cave?" 』

Seeing that the two guys were about to quarrel, Zhang Xibao said again: "We have suppressed the gate of the demon's invasion, and we can only persist for three years at most. Within three years, we need to find a solution. How did you find the stone ball?" ? 』

Xuan Ming responded immediately: "I guess the remaining two stone balls are also in the hands of certain two great gods, but I guess that these two great gods may have collapsed and completely disappeared in a long time. I want to find the stone balls." We have to find the place where they were sleeping in the first place.』

Gen Huan asked: "Zhan Nian said that there may be a location of the stone ball hidden in the residual map?" 』

The topic was changed, and the two great gods stopped talking about kicking Zhang Xibao out, and everyone started discussing the secret of the stone ball instead.

"There is a connection between the residual images, and the location of each stone ball must be hidden."

Zhan Nian finally spoke in the magic circle, and the little sword representing Zhan Nian trembled.

At this moment, Shu Ling reminded Zhang Xibao that someone on Qingqi pager had sent a message.

Zhang Xibao transferred his thoughts from the chat circle to the Qingqi pager, and found that the message was sent by Jack Donkey.

"Bao Ye, there is a clue to unlock the secret of the map!" 』

Jack donkey asked Zhang Xibao how much money he could get for providing clues. Zhang Xibao thought he was joking, but he didn't expect this guy to really have clues?

Zhang Xiba immediately replied: "What clue? If true, give you half reward! 』

Jack donkey directly sent a location, which showed a specific address in Z City.

With the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Zhang Xibao sat on Phoenix's back and flew towards that place in Z City.

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