Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 455 Deciphering The Secret

City Z is located in the westernmost part of Daxia, not too close to the capital city. There are no well-known foreign lands here, but after the recovery of Qi, Wulonghui found a large number of exotic plants and beasts here.

Because there are many wonderful and weird legends here, some people speculate that the foreign land in City Z has been completely integrated with the earth and stars thousands of years ago.

The foreign land and the present world are completely integrated, which means that the foreign land has already become a part of the earth star, and Z city is located on the foreign land thousands of years ago.

"Could it be that Jack Donkey's hometown is here?"

Zhang Xibao has never seen Jack Donkey's real appearance, but he has seen an accessory worn around Jack Donkey's neck, which has a distinct Z city style.

After Zhang Xibao arrived in Z city, he contacted Jack Lu through the Qingqi pager: "I have arrived at the location you sent, where are you?" 』

Jack donkey replied in seconds: "Bao Ye is so fast, I'll be right there!" 』

After a while, a black car drove over, the window was opened, and Jack stuck out his head: "Master Bao, this way!"

Zhang Xibao walked to the side of the car and asked, "What about the clues? Don't lie to me. The Dark Sage's time is very precious. Be careful and drink tea in the prison of the Black Dragon Society!"

Jack shrank his neck: "Oh, Master Bao, how dare I lie to you, there is really a clue, you get in the car first, I will take you to find it!"

"Okay, trust you for now..."

Zhang Xibao got into the black car, and Jack Donkey drove to the suburbs of City Z.

Jack Donkey took Zhang Xibao directly to a large temple in the suburbs. Pilgrims came and went, and the front door was very lively.

"Why, is the clue you said here?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Jack the donkey, and asked him, "How about we bid farewell and ask the gods to tell us the clues of the map?"

"Oh, Master Bao, don't make fun of me. The clue I'm talking about is a person, and he lives here!"

Jack donkey held up a few fingers: "I swear to God, I guarantee it with my personality, I really didn't cheat on you!"

How strange that Erdao merchants use their own personality as a guarantee...

Zhang Xibao pointed to the temple with a strange expression, and Jack led the way in front of him.

The two entered the gate, instead of burning incense and worshiping the gods like other pilgrims, they walked along a quiet path towards the back of the hall.

Zhang Xibao didn't know what Jack Donkey was doing, so he followed him patiently, and the two of them walked to a secluded back hall.

There was an old man standing in front of him. Donkey Jack ran over to say hello and whispered a few words. The old man nodded, not knowing what he agreed to.

After the old man left, Donkey Jack ran over and pointed to the gate of the apse: "This way please, Master Bao."

Donkey Jack pushed open the door of the apse, and what came into view was a huge statue of a god. Zhang Xibao had no research on these, so he didn't know which god he was modeling.

At the foot of the statue sat a half-grown child, with his back to the two people. The child was bald, dressed in plain clothes, sitting cross-legged on the futon, not knowing what to do.

Zhang Xibao walked over and found that the child was staring at the residual picture Zhang Xibao posted.

The room was quiet, Zhang Xibao didn't spoil the atmosphere, he just turned his head and asked what it meant with his eyes.

Jack Donkey took off the hood for the first time. Under the hood was a middle-aged man from the Mediterranean.

"Master Bao, this... This is my son."

Donkey Jack pointed to the child on the futon and said, "He is the clue I want to provide."

Zhang Xibao was a little confused, Zhang Xibao knew that Jack Donkey was a second-hand dealer who bought and sold points, but how could Jack Donkey's son be a clue to Remnant Map.

Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining: "Why, you stopped selling points, and started killing relatives righteously, right?"

"No, Master Bao, my son is really a clue!"

Jack Donkey pointed at the child: "My son has mental retardation. According to medicine, he has obstacles in mental and cognitive activities. In layman's terms, he is mentally retarded."

"So?" Zhang Xibao couldn't help asking.

Because what happened in front of him was too bizarre, a point dealer pointed at his idiot son and said that this is the clue to Remnant Map, anyone who hears this will live in Bengbu.

"But I always feel that he is different from other mentally handicapped children!"

"So I tried to find a way to make money, and I wanted to treat this child. At first I bought and sold some antiques, but I was arrested later. After the renovation, I encountered Qingqi Recovery, and buying and selling strange treasures is no longer illegal, so I put on a mask and started my old job..."

Jack was speaking incoherently, but Zhang Xibao interrupted him: "Get to the point!"

"This child is different from other mentally handicapped children. The master in the temple said he has the root of wisdom. Then I discovered a strange thing. My son is not mentally handicapped, but immersed in his own world, unable to interact with the real world! "

"After you released this picture, Master Bao, I printed it out and gave it to him, thinking about trying my luck, but I didn't expect that this kid could really solve the picture!"

"Look, this is his solution!"

Jack donkey took out the clear air pager, which recorded a picture.

On the picture, there are two strings of numbers. Zhang Xibao took a closer look and found that these two strings of numbers are made up of nearly a hundred pieces of shredded paper, and the raw material of the shredded paper is the map released by Zhang Xibao!

Zhang Xibao sent a message to He Xiansheng in the laboratory building, asking him: "A hundred numbers are randomly arranged, how many possibilities are there in total?" 』

He Xiansheng quickly replied: "2 to the 100th power! Calculated to be 1267696717298127470223743205376?"

Zhang Xibao asked Jack Donkey again: "How long and how many times did your son arrange these pieces?"

Donkey Jack replied: "Counting the tearing of the paper, it took less than five minutes to line up the pieces, and it was only lined up once!"


Zhang Xibao didn't believe Jack Donkey's words.

"Really, Master Bao, this kid really only lined up once!"

Zhang Xibao looked at the message sent back by He Xiansheng again, and thought that in the result of 2 to the 100th power, this child only took one chance to arrange all the fragments into a new map. The patterns on the map correspond to the two A string of numbers, this number looks so much like latitude and longitude!

"Can I check on him?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Xibao turned to Jack Donkey.

Donkey Jack nodded, and reminded again: "Be gentle, don't scare the child..."

Zhang Xibao walked over slowly, stretched out his hand to cover the child's head, then closed his eyes and instilled a trace of divine power to feel abnormal.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao opened his eyes, and he sensed a familiar feeling inside the child.

Zhang Xibao turned to Jack Donkey and said, "Godhead, there is a piece of godhead in your son..."

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao remembered Zhan Nian's words "Xitu can't predict the future, but Xitu knows what to do"...

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