
Jack donkey looked blank, he was just a second-tier dealer of points and low-level rare treasures, so naturally he didn't know things at the level of godhood and power.

"It's a broken godhead, probably a relic of a god named Xitu."

Zhang Xibao didn't explain too much, but instead asked: "Is this child always in this situation since he was a child, or did he have any adventures when he was young?"

Jack donkey scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "I was not at home when the child was born, but the child came out by itself before his mother arrived at the hospital when the child was born. I don't know if this is a vision."

Zhang Xibao: "..."

It's okay to come out by yourself, this kid is quite sensible...

Zhang Xibao asked again: "What's his name?"

Jack Donkey replied, "The boy's name is Yixi."

"Okay, 150 million worth of points will be credited to your account later, but I want to take this kid back to the Five Dragons Club for the time being."

Zhang Xibao wrote down the two strings of numbers, and then pointed to the child sitting cross-legged on the futon.


Jack Donkey fell into silence, he seemed to have misunderstood, thinking that Zhang Xibao asked him to choose one of the two, one was the points that would never be spent in this life, and the other was the silly son.

Zhang Xibao thought it was interesting, so he didn't make a sound to remind him, he wanted to see how Jack Donkey would choose.

After a moment of silence, Donkey Jack shook his head: "Master Bao, I don't want the points anymore. I can't bear to part with this child. Without him, his mother and I can't live."

"Haha, you misunderstood. I will take him back to check the fragments of the godhead in his body. This involves a very important matter. I promise not to hurt him. Your family can go to the imperial capital, and someone will arrange it later, but The kid must come with me now."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Jack Donkey's eyes lit up and he asked, "If you take out that piece of godhead, will the child return to normal?"

"Whether to take it or not, you have to study it first before drawing a conclusion. Don't worry, I will inform you if there is any news."

Donkey Jack agreed to come down, and Zhang Xibao took Yi Xi's hand and sat on the Phoenix, protecting the child with his divine power, and flew eastward all the way.

Yi Xi sat blankly on the back of the Phoenix, neither the fierce wind in the sky nor the picturesque mountains and rivers underground caught his attention, he was like a vegetable, maybe his thoughts were spinning rapidly, but he really didn't respond to the outside world .

"This child is just an ordinary person, without any supernatural powers, but there is a magical fragment of godhead in his body, let's go back and let Zhan Nian see what's going on..."

Zhang Xibao shook his head, in the field of divine stature and divine power, he is considered a newcomer, incomparable with those great gods who have lived for an unknown amount of time.

Imperial capital, laboratory building.

Yi Xi sat on the stool blankly, and Zhan Nian stretched out his hand to check the godhead in his body.

Zhang Xibao asked from the side: "How is it? Is it Xitu's godhead? It's because he unlocked the secret of Remnant Tu."

"Yes, but less than one ten thousandth..."

Zhan Nian shook his head: "How did the godhead break into such a state? This child is just a carrier, except for this little bit of godhead, he has nothing to do with Xitu."

"That's it, do you want to take out the godhead?"

Zhang Xibao asked curiously: "Will he return to normal after taking it out?"

"It has been taken out..."

Zhan Nian took his hand away from the top of Yi Xi's head, twisted a golden shard the size of a grain of rice on his index finger and thumb, and showed it to Zhang Xibao.

"So fast?!"

Zhang Xibao was stunned: "I'm not ready yet!"

Zhan Nian twirled the fragment and asked: "What preparations did you make? I have already said that he is just a carrier. This bit of godhead has not been integrated into his body at all, and it was taken out casually."

"Psychologically prepare..."

Zhang Xibao turned his gaze away from the shards of godhood, and turned to look at Yi Xi.

The child burst into tears suddenly, and Zhang Xibao felt that he ran over to check.

"What's wrong with him, won't he be hurt?"

Zhan Nian stared at the fragment and said: "It's okay, he is like a baby now, just slowly receive information from the real world. But this fragment, I don't know how long it will take to evolve into a complete godhead. Dead in a sense..."

"Isn't things going to develop in Xitu's favor? Why did he die?"

Zhang Xibao expressed his incomprehension. Xitu's ability is really amazing after thinking about it. If he had this ability, he would buy lottery tickets every day...

"I don't know either, maybe something beneficial to Xitu will happen in the future?"

Zhan Nian put away the godhead, and said: "I will keep it for you first. You don't need to tell Xuanming and Genyuan about this for the time being. Just tell us about unlocking the secret of the remnant picture."


Zhang Xibao agreed, and contacted Jack Donkey, preparing to distribute a reward of 150 million yuan, and then told the good news that Yixi had returned to normal.

Hearing the news that Yi Xi returned to normal, Jack Donkey in the video was ecstatic, and the woman next to him was also moved to tears.

Donkey Jack said with some embarrassment: "Master Bao, I have another merciless request."

"What's the matter, you can tell me straight," Zhang Xibao stared at Jack the donkey and asked.


Donkey Jack hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't need points rewards, can I exchange a rare treasure seed for my son?" After all, the revival of Qi is getting deeper, no one can say what the world situation will be like in the future...』

Zhang Xibao thought that Daxia is very safe now, Jack Donkey must have heard some rumors outside of Daxia, wild gods and great gods are beginning to recover, and the earth stars outside of Daxia are not having a good time.

"What should I do? Points are exchanged for a rare treasure seed, right? Here it is for you!" You guys are quite cunning, you just want to exchange 150 million for one of my strange treasure seeds. 』

Zhang Xibao chuckled and pointed the camera at Yi Xi. The child had stopped crying and was staring at the camera curiously with his two big eyes blinking. His expression was obviously spiritual.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Lord Bao! 』

Jack Donkey and his wife lay down in front of the camera and called Yi Xi's name. Zhang Xibao patiently let the family communicate.

"Oh, by the way, Yixi is no different from a baby now, and has to relearn all kinds of knowledge. Don't use the treasure seeds immediately after you get them, otherwise you and your wife will feel bad." 』

Zhang Xibao reminded him to ask the staff of the Five Dragons Club to take Yi Xi down. Later, Jack and his wife will fly to the imperial capital, and the family of three can be reunited.

Zhang Xibao came to the laboratory and found that Wang Xiao was holding a cup of spiritual tea to fish.

"Lazy, aren't you? Come and help me look up these two coordinates!"

Zhang Xibao beckoned and told Wang Xiao the two strings of numbers, and Wang Xiao immediately located the two places on the screen of the magic circle.

Soon, two places on the planet were marked.

One is a foreign land near the Arctic Circle, and the other is a foreign land located in a giant tropical rainforest.

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