Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 457 Two Different Places

"Very good, the location of the remaining stone balls has been found, and there may be relics of two great gods."

Zhang Xibao nodded, and opened the chat circle that Zhan Nian taught him.

"Everyone, the secret of the remnant map has been solved, it is the coordinates of two stone balls"

Of course, Zhan Nian knew about this matter, after Zhang Xibao sent it out, Xuan Ming and Gen Yuan immediately reacted.

Xuan Ming asked: "Where are the two coordinates?" 』

But Genyuan asked, "How did you untie it?" 』

Zhang Xibao replied: "The remnant map was divided into one hundred fragments, and spliced ​​into two strings of coordinates by a high-speed computer, corresponding to a foreign land in the Arctic Circle and a foreign land in the tropical rainforest!" 』

Since Zhan Nian refused to tell these two guys about Xitu's godhead, Zhang Xibao lied casually, anyway, these two guys can't come to Daxia to verify.

After a moment of silence, Gen Yuan suddenly said: "Very well, let's divide into two groups, and each explore a different place!" 』

For the first time, Zhan Nian sent a sentence: "Zhang Xibao and I explored the exotic world of the rainforest. Is it okay to leave the one on the polar circle to you two?" 』

Xuanming immediately replied: "The polar circle is good, the polar circle is good, I will go to the polar circle!" 』

Genyuan was silent, it seemed that she wanted to go to the rainforest.

Zhan Nian asked: "There may be relics of other great gods hidden in the foreign territory, do you want to be with me?" 』

"Go to the polar circle, there is sea water near the polar circle, just so your believers can come in handy!" ’Xuan Ming also added a sentence.

Gen Huan couldn't beat Zhan Nian, but Xuan Ming was crushed to death, so she finally acquiesced to go to the foreign land near the polar circle.

With the great god Zhan Nian present, Zhang Xibao didn't need any preparations at all. After assigning the target, the phoenix rose from the ground and flew south directly carrying Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian.

"This foreign land is located in the tropical rainforest, code-named B4, let's just open the void gate and go in, so that the Black Dragon Society won't coordinate with the people there, just pay attention to whereabouts."

The void gate opened, and Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian appeared directly in the tropical rainforest.

It was raining heavily in the tropical rainforest, if it wasn't for the divine power propped up by Zhan Nian to block the rain, the two of them would definitely become drowned chickens.

"Hey hey, sorry, I made a mistake, come again!"

Zhang Xibao opened another gate to the void, and the phoenix flew through the void again, and the two appeared in B4.

Coincidentally, it was also raining heavily in B4, and Zhan Nian's divine power barrier was not wasted.

There are also ancient trees that block out the sun, but these tree species grow weirder and weirder than the trees outside. The densely packed and twisted branches are like ghost claws, and the leaves are thicker and glowing with a dark, greasy luster.

The trees covered the sky and the sun, and the surrounding environment was dark. Coupled with the rain, the foreign land that was originally in the daytime seemed to be plunged into darkness.


There was a crisp sound.

Something in the darkness collided with Zhan Nian's divine power barrier, and the barrier smashed the thing into pieces. If it wasn't blocked by the barrier, the juice from that ghost thing's explosion could splash all over Zhang Xibao's body and face.

"What the hell, there's quite a lot of juice, it's quite moist..."

Zhang Xibao looked in the direction where the thing splashed just now, and found that it was a bug the size of a human head.

"Such a big bug, is this a special beast of B4's foreign land?"

Zhang Xibao was talking to himself, and walked deeper behind the silent Zhan Nian.

Zhang Xibao suggested: "Zhan Nian, can you feel any abnormality, do you want me to scan it with Tongtian Tong?"

Zhan Nian grinned: "You can try..."

Zhan Nian actually showed such an expression, Zhang Xibao became vigilant all of a sudden, wondering if there was a fraud?

But Zhang Xibao boldly scanned it with Tongtian Tong.


The field of view suddenly opened, Zhang Xibao saw the dense wriggling spots of light, his scalp went numb for a moment, and he suffered from intensive phobia.

"I knock, what is it?"

Zhang Xibao wished he could get some rainwater to wash his eyes.

Zhan Nian spat out two words: "Bugs."


Zhang Xibao's eyes widened: "I can't, how could a strange beast like a worm have a magical reaction, and there are so many worms!"

Zhan Nian didn't answer, but asked instead: "When it rains, alien beasts will also look for shelter from the wind and rain. Along the way, how many alien beasts have you seen?"

"That said, it's really weird. Why haven't we seen any alien beasts? According to the data, the alien beasts and alien plant resources in B4 are famous for their rich resources. What's going on?"

Zhang Xibao was very curious, but the old riddleman Zhan Nian didn't tell him, he just said: "I'll find out after a while."


Zhang Xibao let out a groan, and began to draw circles in his heart to curse and chop Nian again.

The two continued to go deeper.




Like Bengdou, the divine power barrier kept exploding, and the bugs became denser, crashing into the barrier like moths on a flame, and fell to pieces.

"This bug is moist, but it looks so strange..."

The bugs attacked again and again, allowing Zhang Xibao to see their true colors.

These insects look like black leeches, with black grease on the surface, no claws, no wings, not even a head and a tail. The reason why they can fly is that their bodies are full of elasticity and can curl up like arrows body, and then shoot himself out.

After walking for a while, Zhang Xibao saw a giant python as thick as a bucket, wriggling in the muddy water.

According to the general situation, when this kind of large and intelligent beast encounters people, it will definitely try to try something new, but this big python is running for its life?

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao's reminder, Zhan Nian took the initiative to lean over, and Zhang Xibao saw densely packed bugs through the divine power barrier.

Those worms were sucking the flesh and blood of the boa constrictor. Half of the body of the boa constrictor had been turned into bones, but it was still alive, dragging the worms all over its body to crawl in vain.

"All the strange beasts were eaten by these bugs?"

Zhang Xibao thought about it for a while and said: "No wonder Qinglong reminded before coming that the management of B4 foreign land announced that it was temporarily closed to the public. It turns out that the people in this place have discovered the abnormality of the foreign land, but they did not announce the reason for the prohibition. Did you find something?"

Since Zhan Nian didn't tell him, he started to reason by himself.

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and thought: "There is only one truth, that is, this foreign land has begun to become a god's realm, and a certain great god is about to revive, right? It seems that we really came to the right place, and the stone ball is definitely in this foreign land inside!"

"You guessed half right."

Zhan Nian finally responded. He pointed to the bugs and said, "Seeing these bugs, I remembered a great god. His name is Zongdi, and he was from the demon clan."

Zhang Xibao curled his lips: "That's right, how can you say that I guessed half right?"

"Because he didn't recover, but died. This is not the domain of God, but a domain of death..."

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