Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 458: Horror In The Dead Zone

"Xi Tu's godhead has been broken into tens of millions of pieces. If you can't collect all of them, if you want to recover with this piece of godhead the size of a grain of rice, it may take millions of years to recover."

"This dead zone is the second situation. The worm emperor's godhead fragments are also shattered, but most of the fragments are still in this foreign land, causing the foreign world to become a dead zone. The incomplete godhead cannot revive the real worm emperor, but It might wake up a monster wearing the skin of a worm emperor..."

Zhan Nian looked at the densely packed soft worms on the python and said, "Time is running out, let's find the stone ball as soon as possible!"

The giant python has completely stopped moving, and larvae continue to emerge from its body, growing up at a speed visible to the naked eye by devouring fresh flesh and blood.

The deeper he went into the foreign land, the more skeletons Zhang Xibao saw, ranging from rat-like beasts to giant python-sized beasts, all of which were white bones, with occasional corpses of supernatural beings interspersed among them .

The mouths of these bugs were like razors, cutting all the beasts in the alien territory of B4 into bones.

In the end, the impact on the divine power barrier surpassed the sound of the heavy rain, and the crackling sound was heart-wrenching.

Zhang Xibao was annoyed when he heard that, and kept raising his hands to burn the large pieces of bugs into ashes with different fires.

Zhan Nian reminded: "Save some power, I will rely on you later?"

"What, there will be a situation later, why don't you make a move?"

Zhang Xibao was a little dumbfounded, he turned his head and met Zhan Nian's smiling gaze.

"I'm just wasting my divine power. Do you think it's as simple as collecting divine power like you?"

Zhan Nian avoided Zhang Xibao's resentful eyes, and said nonchalantly: "If there is a monster, it is probably a peak fairy, you should be able to deal with..."

"Wow, don't!"

Zhang Xibao wailed: "Zhan Nian, are you just watching me get beaten?"

"I'm going to find the stone ball!"

Zhan Nian paused, looked at Zhang Xibao seriously and said: "This is a good opportunity for you to practice your hand, face the Great God, defeat it, I believe you can, come on!"

After finishing speaking, Zhan Nian walked away holding on to the barrier of divine power, leaving behind Zhang Xibao with a dull expression.


The dense worms rushed towards Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao hastily raised his hand and used his divine power to make a barrier to keep the worms out.

Zhan Nian disappeared in the blink of an eye, Zhang Xibao had no choice but to bite the bullet and go deeper.

After walking for a while, Zhang Xibao felt something strange, the number of bugs actually decreased a lot, they were gradually disappearing.

"It's gone?"

Although the bugs were gone, the tingling sensation did not disappear. Zhang Xibao had the feeling that he was being watched by countless pairs of eyes.

"Something is staring at me..."

In the rainy dense forest, the range of vision was extremely small, but Zhang Xibao had sky-reaching pupils, and two golden lights flashed across the surroundings. He could see the surrounding situation clearly, and couldn't help swallowing.

The wriggling spots of light became denser...

Those bugs didn't disappear, but they were all hiding in the dark and staring at him, like a pack of wolves staring at a piece of good fat.

"Makabaka, Master Bao used to hate plant-type supernatural beings the most, but now Master Bao hates bugs the most!"

Zhang Xibao muttered, opened the Tongtian Treasure, and a Bumblebee attack plane full of talisman bombs flew out humming.

"Insect sea tactics, right? Are you a treasure master or a bare-handed commander?"

Because the Bumblebee attack plane has no propellers and is powered purely by magic circles and fresh air, the heavy rain did not affect it at all. In less than a minute, the Bumblebees had already gathered into a swarm above Zhang Xibao's head.


In line with the idea of ​​attacking first before suffering disaster, Zhang Xibao manipulated the mad bees to start a violent suicide attack on the swarm.

In the dark jungle, dazzling sparks burst out one after another, and the explosion of the bee carrying the talisman bomb and the hissing of the bugs mixed together, turning the jungle in the heavy rain into a hellish existence.




The rhythm was like a heartbeat, Zhang Xibao felt the tremor coming from below the ground, tapped his toes vigilantly, and his figure teleported into the air.


The ground cracked, muddy water splashed everywhere, and a big hand stretched out from the ground.

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself: "Come on, is this a product of the dead zone? The more you play, the more you change, and you still..."

The bones of the big hand are composed of the bones of countless strange beasts, and the flesh is made of countless squirming insects with black greasy luster!

The big hand held up in the mud, followed by the second arm, the third arm...

That underground ghost thing has eight insect-like arms like mountains!

Zhang Xibao rose to a high altitude, his twinkling Tongtian pupils were like two stars.

Looking from the top down, the eight arms smashed the jungle in a radius of ten miles. They shook wildly as if they were uncontrollable. The shaking lasted for half a minute, and suddenly the eight arms supported the ground together, a chaotic The head popped out of the ground.

Zhang Xibao finally saw the whole picture of the skeletal monster.

Like the arms, the head is composed of countless bones and worms. Under the head is a worm body. This monster is not a complete humanoid, and the eight arms are worm feet.


The head opened its mouth, and what came out of the deep hole was not a roar, but the neighing of countless insects, which made people lose their minds.

The indiscriminate bombing by the Bumblebee attack planes finally awakened these monsters.

"This...can't you bombard me with a ship? Zhan Nian told me to single out this thing?!"

While complaining, Zhang Xibao called out Fang Rui, the Prime Minister.

The only thing that can solve this kind of giant is another giant. Of course, if it is Zhan Nian who makes the move, Zhan Nian is as strong as a bug when Zhang Xibao doesn't say anything.


Faxiang Fang Rui fell to the ground, and his body instantly swelled to 100 meters. The red armor made a hissing sound when it touched the rain. It stretched out its hand and dragged out the Yanling giant sword from the Tongtianbao Curry in midair.

The monster roared, its voice was full of resentment and hatred for fresh life, its eight arms swung wildly, and it rushed towards Fang Rui, dragging the giant insect body.

"Chop it!"

Zhang Xibao controlled Sifang Tianhuo, and attached a layer of flame to Fa Xiang Fang Rui's giant sword.

Faxiang Fang Rui shook his sword, and also ran, rushing towards the terrifying skeletal monster.

The ground shook for a while, and the movement of the two giants overwhelmed the thunder in the clouds.

The big sword burning with fire from all directions collided with the monster, and the two arms stretched out by the monster were burned instantly, and the skin and flesh made of black bugs were licked off by the fire, but the bones seemed to be wrapped by divine power. The place where the big sword touched continued to explode.

Faxiang Fang Rui twisted the big sword, and the monster dropped his hand in an instant. The big sword swung up again, and slashed at the monster's head.

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