Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 459 - God Seal Of Xuqi


The monster roared, and countless worms on its body rushed to climb onto the two burned arms, and the arms burned by the sky fire recovered in an instant.

Two arms were raised high, trying to resist the falling sword, and two arms were stretched out, grabbing towards Fang Rui's waist and abdomen.

The bone claws left deep scratches on Faxiang Fangrui's Flame Spirit Armor, and the bugs crawled towards Faxiang Fangrui's body along the ground and the monster's arms.

Faxiang Fang Rui seemed to be trapped in a quagmire of insects, his lower body was unable to move, and his upper body held a giant sword in a stalemate with the monster.

"The bugs on those divine bones seem to be transformed by divine power. If you want to completely wipe out the monsters, you have to kill all the bugs..."

Zhang Xibao, who was in mid-air, saw the problem, and he said to himself: "It can be done with Sifang Tianhuo, but it will consume more than half of the divine power I have saved so far, so I have to think of a better way. Is this really killing me?" Do you want to test me?"

As Zhan Nian said, this monster is at most the peak of a fairy, and it is not difficult to kill it. The difficulty is how to kill it quickly and efficiently with the least amount of divine power.

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered what Zhan Nian said earlier, he said that Emperor Zong's godhead was broken, and it was because of his incomplete godhead that the desire to resurrect created this monster.

"There is a broken godhead in the monster's body, will taking it out stop the growth of the bugs?"

Taking advantage of the gap between the monster and Faxiang Fangrui, Zhang Xibao flew down, protected himself with fire from all directions, and charged into the dense swarm of insects!

In front of the real Sifangtianhuo, the worms transformed by divine power were not qualified. Zhang Xibao directly used fire to open a big hole in the back of the divine skeleton monster.

Zhang Xibao went deep all the way, the tunnel opened by the sky fire extended all the way, the monster of the skeleton sensed something abnormal, countless bugs chased after Zhang Xibao along the tunnel, but with the sky fire, the bugs were just fuel.

Zhang Xibao felt that he was no different from the monkey grandson who got into Princess Iron Fan's stomach, but with Tong Tiantong's assistance, he wouldn't be bumping around like a headless chicken.

The normal godhead is a ball of light that seems to have no entity, but the fragments of the Zongdi are like a mirror smashed by a sledgehammer, and countless lenses are put together in a mess. , will only see a chaotic twisted monster.

In front of Zhang Xibao was a strange object beating like a heart, and countless bugs were screaming and roaring around it.


Zhang Xibao pulled out the Qilin sword and cut the monster's core in two...

The fire ignited from the monster's body, and pure red flames came out from the gaps in the monster's body. Under Zhang Xibao's control, Fang Rui split the monster's body with his sword.

The skeleton collapsed and fell to the ground like a building block. The bugs abandoned the skeleton and ran in all directions, but the fire from all directions spread along the direction of the bugs' escape, and wiped out countless bugs.

The dead zone is dissipating, the rain has stopped, and the rain that accumulates on the ground reflects the light of fire, because the huge mountain-like pile of bones burns.

Zhan Nian popped out from nowhere, holding a stone ball in his hand.

"Yo, it's over, a little faster than I thought."

Zhan Nian threw the stone ball to Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao took the stone ball, and passed the golden symbol inside the stone ball into the sea of ​​consciousness, the map was only missing the last piece.

After absorbing the golden symbols, Zhang Xibao looked at Zhan Nian again, and asked, "Apart from the stone ball, didn't you find any relics of the Zong Emperor?"

Zhan Nian spread his hands: "No, maybe this guy is poor."

"Well, if there is a relic of the great god in the foreign land beyond the polar circle, we will lose the election!"

With that said, he opened a door to the void, and flew in with Zhan Nian.

"I don't know if Xuan Ming and Gen Yuan found the stone ball?"

Zhang Xibao tried to ask in the circle:

"Zhan Nian and I succeeded here, how are you doing there?" 』

Xuanming and Genyuan didn't respond.

It wasn't until Zhang Xibao and the others returned to the imperial capital for a day and a night that someone in the communication circle finally responded, it was Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming replied: "The stone ball is in hand."

"That's right, the stone balls are finally collected! 』

Zhang Xibao asked curiously: "Apart from the stone ball, have you found the relics of the Great God?" 』

Xuan Ming replied: "I found the seal of God"

Suddenly, Zhan Nian, who was diving, sent a message, asking Xuan Ming: "Is the god king Xu Qi sleeping in that strange land in the polar circle?" 』

"No, he's dead. 』

After Xuan Ming finished speaking, there was no more sound.

Seeing Zhan Nian's reaction, Zhang Xibao curiously asked who Xu Qi was?

Zhan Nian replied: "The lord of the court, the king of all gods, Xu Qi, he was the one who blew up the whole world back then. Since he is dead, there is nothing to worry about. However, Xu Qi's seal must be taken. Got it!"

"What is the seal of God?" Zhang Xibao was like a curious baby.

"Xuqi's treasure."

Zhan Nian seemed to recall something, and sneered: "Xuqi relied on the seal of the gods to project the domain of the gods to the lower realm wantonly, slaughter those wild gods, plunder their divine power, destroy their godheads, and the primordial spirit of those who do not submit will be forever plunged into darkness."

"Good guy, it sounds like a big villain, but luckily he's dead."

Zhang Xibao pondered Zhan Nian's words for a while, and muttered: "So it seems that the function of the God Seal is to project the God Realm?"

Zhang Xibao was a little upset. He was also exploring foreign lands and looking for stone balls. He only found stone balls, and encountered the death zone of the insect emperor. It's really a god than a god, a god of death!

"The seal of the gods can strengthen the domain of the gods, project the domain of the gods to any place, and can also refine reality into the domain of the gods. This thing is very useful, and it is best to get it."

It was the first time that Zhan Nian was interested in a certain rare treasure, and Zhang Xibao felt that this divine seal must be obtained.

After a while, Zhang Xibao suddenly laughed out loud.

Zhan Nian looked at him suspiciously.

Zhang Xibao smiled strangely: "Actually, I also have a treasure that can be used to exchange for the God Seal, and this thing is very important to those two guys, they have to change it if they don't want to!"

Zhan Nian came to his senses and smiled, "Fang Rui!"

"That's right!"

Compared with Shenyin, Fang Rui is what Genhuan and Xuanming desperately need. If Zhang Xibao wants to trade, they will definitely not refuse.

Zhang Xibao posted a sentence in the communication circle:

"Choose a time to meet as soon as possible, and collect all the remnants of the pictures, and I want to make a deal with you by the way."

Gen Huan still didn't speak, it was Xuan Ming who responded to Zhang Xibao.

"Okay, but if the transaction is a seal of God, I advise you not to think about it. The seal of God is in Genhuan's hands, all her followers are wiped out, and her body is still seriously injured in a foreign land. Don't mess with her for the time being." ...'

"It turns out that Genyuan has been silent all this time, is he healing his wounds?"

In an instant, Zhang Xibao regained his mental balance. It seemed that something must have happened in the strange land of the polar circle. The two great gods went there, and the danger inside could seriously injure Gen Huan. Fortunately, he didn't go there...

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