Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 46 The Great Hermit In The City

"Okay, I see, let's hang up first!"

Liu Siming put away his mobile phone and walked into the scene of the crime.

This is a dead-end alley, about 30 meters away, and the location is relatively secluded.

Liu Siming looked up, saw a rusted probe in the corner, and turned his attention to the scene again.

From the information on the scene, it can be inferred that Ye Chen came here to meet someone last night, but was ambushed, and then a big battle broke out between the two. From the traces of ice crystals on the wall, we can see how serious the battle was. fierce.

The level of the person opposite Ye Chen must not be as high as Ye Chen, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sneak attack, and the opponent also used a homemade blasting bottle.

Liu Siming squatted down, picked up a piece of broken glass and put it into a plastic bag, then picked up a piece of gravel and put it in a plastic bag, and then picked up a piece of black unknown object...

"What is this?" Liu Siming muttered.

A member of the Black Dragon Group next to him muttered: "Group Leader Liu, that...that's dog excrement, shit!"

"Hey, shit!"

Liu Siming threw away the things in his hand suddenly, but fortunately he was wearing rubber gloves, otherwise he would not want this hand!

The team member squatted down, took a piece of dog food with tweezers, put it in a plastic bag, and said to Liu Siming, "Team leader, this is also evidence."

As if hearing the most terrifying thing, Liu Siming asked with trembling fingers, "Is this thing in a blasting bottle?!"

"That's right."

The team member nodded, sealed the plastic bag tightly, and muttered: "I don't know how shady a guy is, to stuff dog shit into a blasting bottle?"


Another team member came over and said with a smile: "Be sure to tell the idiots of the Blue Dragon team about this matter, the masters are among the folks, stuff shit into a blasting bottle, hey, it's really... a blasting ghost! "

A picture immediately appeared in Liu Siming's mind. Unprepared Ye Chen was attacked by someone. Since Ye Chen is an ice-type power user, the fragments of the blasting bottle did not hurt him, but the shit sprayed him all over.

This is really, not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

As for where the sneak attacker was hiding last night?

Liu Siming looked up and looked around, squatted down a little, and rushed to the top of the second floor next to him.

"The attacker must be hiding here, silently waiting for Ye Chen to arrive."

Liu Siming saw some small scratches on the cement roof, and there were eight of these scratches in total.

These scratches were used by Zhang Xibao to time last night. Every ten minutes, he would draw a line on the concrete floor. When ten o'clock was exactly, the ninth line was not drawn, and Ye Chen arrived.

"The attacker detonated the explosive bottle, blowing up dirt on Ye Chen, and then jumped down to fight Ye Chen fiercely."

Liu Siming roughly deduced what happened last night.

"Ye Chen is an ice-type superpower. According to the data, the ice crystals he shoots are like bullets. The attacker must have reacted very well, and let him dodge so many ice crystal bullets. But how did Ye Chen fall in the end?"

Liu Siming couldn't understand it.

Liu Siming didn't know that there was a second attacker, and this attacker was not a human, but a timid little mouse.

Because of the heavy rain last night, the bag of lime powder has been washed away.

Jingle Bell!

The hospital called again, and Liu Siming answered.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Group Leader Liu, the hospital said that Ye Chen was injured not only by lightning, but also in his eyes, but it wasn't struck by lightning, it seemed to be burned."

Liu Siming muttered to himself: "Could it be that the sneak attacker is a fire-type power?"

The team member on the opposite side immediately said: "It wasn't caused by fire. The doctor said that there was calcium hydroxide in the eyes, so Ye Chen's eyes seemed to be blinded by quicklime."


Liu Siming gasped.

The team member on the opposite side asked suspiciously: "Group leader Liu, do you have a toothache?"

"I'm fine, hang up first."

Liu Siming hung up the phone, his scalp tingling.

He admitted that the person who attacked Ye Chen was the most despicable person he had ever seen in his life, first shit, then quicklime...

You have tossed a mysterious master like this!

Liu Siming swears that if he goes on a mission in the future, he will definitely be extremely vigilant to prevent him from meeting such a shameless person!

The thing is clear, this guy Ye Chen has been hunting geese all his life, but he was blinded by house sparrows, he really deserves it!

"But who is it?" Liu Siming was puzzled.

"Check the nearby probes, and find out the people Ye Chen has been in contact with recently, Chidron and Lao Deng must know something, but he won't say..."

Liu Siming never dreamed that the protagonist of this incident was sitting in the classroom.

Zhang Xibao asked Director Bao for two days off, and it happened to be time for school today.

As for the injury on the leg, most of it has healed, and most people would not be able to see it without violent movements.

Thanks to Director Bao's recent devil training for Zhang Xibao, his calf muscles were trained like stones. The ice crystal bomb only broke a few layers of skin and did not hurt the bones.

Zhang Xibao went home and treated the wound, wrapped it with a bandage, took the Qi and Blood Pill, and after taking a nap, the injury was much better.

"Hey, Zhang Xibao, why did you take two days off for work? Are you sick?" Han Meimei asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes, thinking that I killed a master supernatural being, don't you believe it?

"The restaurant at Qi Dongqiang's house is not fresh, I have a bad stomach, and I have diarrhea for two days!"

"Hahaha, you deserve it."

Han Meimei smiled gloatingly, and then muttered, "That restaurant is not new, so I'll tell my classmates not to eat at his place in the future, it's expensive and deceptive."

"Well, wise!"

Zhang Xibao wished Qi Dongqiang's restaurant would close down, and when he heard Han Meimei say that, he couldn't help giving her a thumbs up.

During class and after class, no one would have guessed how dangerous Zhang Xibao encountered last night, nor would he have imagined that the guy who killed Ye Chen was sitting in the same classroom as him.

After school in the afternoon, Zhang Xibao walked to the equipment room according to the procedure. After going in and laying the mats, he started punching with his head closed, and made movements after punching.

Director Bao stared at Zhang Xibao curiously, and asked, "Why did you go these two days, did you punch on time?"

"That is required!"

Zhang Xibao was doing the movements profusely, and said to Director Bao: "Not only did I not be lazy, but I also did a few more sets every day."

The explanation given to Director Bao was the same as the one given to Han Meimei, which spoiled her stomach.

Director Bao glanced at Zhang Xibao suspiciously, and said, "I've also heard about the bet you made with Qi Dongqiang, don't provoke the Qi family anymore, save up your money and buy some Daliwan, train your body's various functions, and wait for the college entrance examination It's over, if your grades are good, I recommend you to Qingbei, the imperial capital!"

"Hey, thank you, Director Bao!" Zhang Xibao smiled, humbly accepting the instruction.

Zhang Xibao knew that Director Bao was kind to him, but the matter between him and Qi's father and son was not over yet, so Zhang Xibao only listened to half of Director Bao's words.

Because he was planning to go to Qi Dongqiang's restaurant to have a big meal later!

He has been starved to death these two days!

"From thrift to extravagance!"

Zhang Xibao sucked in a mouthful of saliva, and walked straight towards the cafeteria.


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