"you you you……"

The female manager of the cafeteria pointed at Zhang Xibao as if she saw a ghost and was speechless.

Zhang Xibao walked over with a smile and threw out eight tickets, and said to the female manager, "I'm here again!"

According to the performance of the female manager, Zhang Xibao was very sure that the female manager was also an insider who was intercepted by others, so what kind of face did he have?


She won't stop until she eats up her restaurant!

Zhang Xibao skillfully fetches, cooks and feasts on dishes.

The female manager of the restaurant picked up the phone with a frightened face and called Chidron.

"Hello, honey."

On the opposite side, Qi Delong was in a grumpy mood, and asked in a bad tone: "Why are you calling me?"

The female manager was about to cry, and Qi Delong said: "That guy named Zhang Xibao came to our restaurant to eat again! Didn't you find someone to teach him a lesson, didn't you mean to break his arms? Why is he talking to someone who is nothing?" Same? He comes to our restaurant to eat every day, and the restaurant loses money every day, can I still do this business?"

The female manager talked a lot in a long-winded manner, and Chidron on the opposite side was startled at first, and then flew into a rage.

"Shut up, stupid woman, don't say this on the phone!"

Qi Delong was afraid that the Black Dragon Team would monitor his communication and reveal Ye Chen's affairs.

"The matter of Zhang Xibao is not important now, let him eat it if he eats it, it's a broken restaurant, if it breaks down, I'll give you another one!"

Qi Delong hung up the phone angrily.

Ye Chen's scorched whole body made him feel like he was in a panic. He felt that someone was targeting him, but he didn't know who it was, so it made him very annoyed.

The female manager glanced at Zhang Xibao's direction resentfully, and considered whether to close the shop.

Zhang Xibao didn't think too much about it, he just wanted to eat as soon as possible, and then take the golden mouse to kill the big black mouse that was about to become a strange beast.

The agreement between him and his fishing brother Crazy San'er was tonight, Zhang Xibao promised to bring Crazy San'er fresh bait for big fish, so it was imperative for Zhang Xibao to kill the black mouse.

According to Chinchilla's information, this black mouse has not fully evolved into a strange beast, so it has not reached the level of copper skin and iron bone, but this guy is very smart, Zhang Xibao has to set a trap, otherwise he may not catch it it.

The paper Thunder Talismans were all used up last night, but Zhang Xibao didn't intend to use the Thunder Talismans at all, not even the blood drawn ones, because the mouse was hiding in the sewer, and Zhang Xibao was afraid that the Thunder Talismans would ignite the methane in the sewer.

If the sewage gas is blown up, the fun will be great!

In the news last time, the brat blew up the sewer, ignited the methane gas, and blew up a whole street! Zhang Xibao didn't want to court death.

"I can only set a trap..."

"Maybe we have to sacrifice the little mouse again?"

After eating and drinking, Zhang Xibao left the restaurant to meet Chinchilla.


The big black mouse was hiding in the sewer under Bidou Street. At the appointed place, the golden mouse ran into Zhang Xibao's pocket and gave him directions.

"Little mouse, do you want to eat?"

Zhang Xibao took out two marrow washing pills, and shook them in front of Chinchilla's nose, causing the little mouse to squeak.

Chinchilla looked at Zhang Xibao vigilantly, and swallowed.

It understands.

Zhang Xibao smiled, his life and death are unpredictable!

Zhang Xibao tempted the Chinchilla mouse like a devil: "Go and lure that big mouse out, I will hide and ambush it, after that, how about I give you another marrow washing pill?"

Although the big black mouse is of the same kind as the Chinchilla, they are also enemies. The big black mouse evolved from wanting to swallow the Chinchilla before.

Chinchilla is naturally timid, so of course it didn't want to agree, it shook its head to express its refusal.

"You really don't agree?"

Zhang Xibao threw a marrow washing pill into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

"Phew, the marrow washing pill tastes so delicious!"

Zhang Xibao let out a sigh of relief for Chinchilla to smell, grab the bamboo shoots!

The Chinchilla immediately salivated three thousand feet, but the rest of its rationality told it that this matter was not easy to do and could not agree.

Zhang Xibao held up the last marrow washing pill and placed it in front of the little mouse: "Look, this is the last one. If you agree, I will eat it!"

Zhang Xibao opened his mouth, making a gesture to eat the last marrow washing pill.


Chinchilla is impatient!

Zhang Xibao stopped his movements, held up the marrow washing pill and asked, "Are you going to do it or not?"

Chinchilla took out a pen and paper and wrote:

"I am! 』

"Are you doing this, or are you cursing?" Zhang Xibao shook the pill.

Chinchilla continued:

"When it's done, my heart belongs to me!" 』

"Okay!" Zhang Xibao agreed straight away.

Anyway, he didn't intend to eat rat meat, so what if the big black rat's heart was given to Chinchilla? What he must have is the flesh and blood of the dragon carp!

Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla muttered to each other for a while, planning what to do.

The Chinchilla disappeared with a whoosh, and ran to look for the big black mouse in the cobweb-like sewer.

Zhang Xibao found a piece of rebar and a big stone, and began to grind the rebar while sitting on the curb.

The steel bar was more than one meter long, and one end was sharpened by Zhang Xibao, shining coldly.

Zhang Xibao blew on the tip of the steel bar and rubbed it with his hands, feeling very satisfied.

Zhang Xibao didn't plan to use the horizontal knife today, he wanted to use the steel bar in his hand to ambush the big black mouse.

In addition, he also put the three-edged bayonet seized from the man in black and the strong man with a scar face in his waist for backup.

When everything was ready, Zhang Xibao found a place where no one was around, lifted the sewer manhole cover, and got in.

"Hey, it stinks!"

Zhang Xibao sighed and began to smear the sludge from the sewer on his body.

Chinchilla told Zhang Xibao that the black mouse had a high IQ, was vigilant, and had a very keen sense of smell, so if Zhang Xibao wanted to ambush it, he had to touch mud on his body, so as to cover up Zhang Xibao's human scent.

After wiping the mud, Zhang Xibao climbed up above the exit of a section of sewer holding the steel bar.

When the golden mouse attracted the big black mouse, Zhang Xibao jumped down and nailed the big black mouse to the ground with the steel bar in his hand!

Zhang Xibao waited quietly, only the sound of his own heartbeat and the rushing of sewage could be heard in the quiet sewer.

There was a strong stench coming from his nose, and Zhang Xibao didn't dare to breathe, for fear that a cough would scare away the big black rat and ruin the plan.


creak creak...

After a while, there was a violent friction sound from the deep sewer, accompanied by the howling of Chinchilla.

This is the Chinchilla sending a signal to Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao held his breath and waited for the target to appear from below.

creak creak...

creak creak...

In fact, the Chinchilla was scolding Zhang Xibao.

Behind it, a black mouse the size of a calf was chasing after it.

The big black mouse has a length of 1.5 meters and a half-meter-long thick tail. It is a full two meters in length. Its two eyes are blood red, its claws are like iron hooks, and its body is covered in black needles like steel needles. hair.

quack quack!

Different from the call of the chrysanthemum, the cry of the big black mouse was more like a crow. It bit the chrysanthemum with a rotten smell, spitting out its foul-smelling saliva.


The golden mouse changed its shape, and the big black mouse's fangs only caught a puff of exhaust gas.




Every time the big black mouse bites, the golden mouse will use its talent to avoid it. Fortunately, during this period of time, it has taken a lot of Qi and blood pills and Dali pills, which has greatly increased the speed of the golden mouse, otherwise it would have been swallowed today!

Soon, soon!

The exit of this section of the sewer was right in front of him, and Chinchilla let out a cry with all his strength.


Having received the signal, Zhang Xibao jumped down, and with unstoppable power, inserted the steel bar statue in his hand down!


Zhang Xibao originally wanted to stab the big black mouse in the head, so as to kill it with one blow, but the speed of the two mice was too fast, Zhang Xibao jumped off, and stuck a steel bar in the big black mouse's ass!

quack quack!

The big black mouse was in pain, and its four legs popped out with sharp claws to scratch the ground. It found that it was ambushed by Zhang Xibao, and hurriedly turned around to eat the steel bars, trying to escape.

How could Zhang Xibao agree!

He quickly pulled out the three-edged bayonet from his back waist, and rushed forward to bleed the big black mouse.

The big black mouse killed Zhang Xibao with its mouth wide open.


Zhang Xibao picked up the bayonet in his left hand from the big black mouse's chin, and the tip of the knife protruded directly from the top of the mouse's head.

The bayonet in his right hand precisely penetrated into the back of the big black rat's neck, and picked it along the bone seam of the neck bone. The spinal cord of the big black rat was smashed and it stopped moving immediately.

Zhang Xibao grinned.

There is fresh bait for dragon carp fishing!


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