Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 48: Xi Ti Tong Tian Tong

Zhang Xibao severed the spinal cord of the big black mouse, and it lay motionless on the ground, only the wound on its buttocks with steel bars bubbling tomato juice.


The golden mouse climbed onto the top of the big black mouse and kicked it hard twice.

"Tell you to chase me, tell you to chase me, I'm home..."

Zhang Xibao pulled out the two three-edged bayonets, wiped the stains on the big black mouse's fur, and began to dissect it.

The size of the big black mouse was like a calf, and it weighed at least three hundred catties. Zhang Xibao couldn't take that much flesh and blood with him, so he could only cut some good meat on the spot and put it in a bag prepared in advance.

"Here, I promise to give you my heart!"

Zhang Xibao first broke open the big black mouse's chest, dug out the bright red viscera and threw it to Chinchilla, who squeaked twice, caught the thing and swallowed it in one gulp.

"I'm not afraid of choking to death..."

Zhang Xibao gave Chinchilla a blank look, and continued to work. He picked out good meat and cut it down, filling the black garbage bag he brought with him in a short while.

After the "bait" was ready, Zhang Xibao began to inspect the remaining things to see if there were any usable parts on the big black mouse.

Suddenly, the book spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness reacted, and Zhang Xibao's eyes were covered with a layer of golden light, allowing him to clearly see an unformed ball inside the big black mouse's body.

"Oh, Shu Ling, you still have such a good skill that you didn't teach me, and you hide your secrets!"

Zhang Xibao knocked the melon seeds on his head to express his dissatisfaction. Seeing that Shuling ignored him, he followed the guidance to find the location, picked it up with a three-edged bayonet, and a thing similar to the inner alchemy of a strange beast was gouged out.

Zhang Xibao wiped the smudges on the inner alchemy, and found that it had no color, it was as pale as a bone, and it was not round at all.

It's understandable to think about it, after all, this big black mouse hadn't grown into a real beast, so it died, leaving its life in Zhang Xibao's hands, and the inner alchemy must not have fully developed yet.

"I don't know what's the use of this thing, but it's a pain in the ass, it's not good!" Zhang Xibao concluded.

The book spirit emerged from the transparent air, and the pages opened and closed, expressing that he wanted to eat this unformed inner alchemy.

"Hey hey hey..."

Zhang Xibao held on to Neidan and didn't let go: "If you want to eat, just teach me the good skill just now, and there will be a lot of such things in the future!"

The book spirit swayed in the air, and a golden light fell into the center of Zhang Xibao's eyebrows, so Zhang Xibao learned a skill book called "Tiantian Tong".

In the dark sewer, Zhang Xibao's eyes flashed like light balls, the electric eyes are compelling!

After a while, the golden light on Zhang Xibao's pupils dissipated, and "Tiantian Pupils" had been completely mastered.

This is a pupil technique, one of the housekeeping skills of Old Man Tongtian. Old Man Tongtian has a collection habit, and it is with this pupil that he finds the most precious treasures among all things.

Earned it, earned it again!

Zhang Xibao threw the big mouse's inner alchemy to Shu Ling, who ate it like chewing beans, hiccupped to express his satisfaction, then shook his body and disappeared.

With the help of "Tong Tian Tong", Zhang Xibao quickly identified the most precious part of the big black mouse - the claws.

The big black mouse has eight claws on its forelimbs and ten claws on its hind limbs. The two longest hind claws are a full fifteen centimeters long. Zhang Xibao cut them off and held them in his hands for observation.

The two longest claws are harder than ordinary steel, as long as they are sharpened, they can be used as daggers. As for the other shorter claws, they can be used to make sixteen darts.

The tips of the claws are still shining with green light, which seems to be poisonous...

"Yes, yes, the horizontal knife is too long, it is inconvenient to use normally, this claw knife is small and concealed, it is really a must-have weapon for traveling at home and killing people!"

Zhang Xibao put away eighteen claws, planning to polish them after returning home.

"Come on, I'm done, I have to go to the Green Cape Reservoir quickly, or I'm afraid I'm going to release the pigeons of my old fishing brother."

Zhang Xibao checked to see if there was any leak in the bait bag, and then put the bag in his schoolbag.

If this bag leaks, it will be troublesome. Imagine Zhang Xibao's schoolbag started to bleed when he was on the bus...

That car of people can't be blown up!

The bus master definitely drives the car directly to the Yamen.

Zhang Xibao will be published in Beishi News tomorrow.

Zhang Xibao shook his head, shook off these messy things, and ran towards the bus stop with his schoolbag on his back.

Dragon carp, come on hot!

Green Point Reservoir.

Crazy San'er was quite abnormal today, he set up his fishing tackle early but didn't fish, but sat there smoking a cigarette.

A group of people originally wanted to gather around to watch the excitement, but no matter what they said, Crazy San'er didn't respond, and he didn't fish with a hook, just sat there in a daze.

It was getting late, the crowd dispersed, and the lonely Crazy Saner sat there with a cigarette between his hands and waited.

The smoke curled up and drifted, and Crazy Saner looked like a sculpture.

No one knows what he is doing, only he himself knows, he is waiting for someone, waiting for a promise.

The young man promised him three days ago that he would bring bait to lure the big fish to the bait. The young man spoke with certainty and his tone did not seem to be fake, so Crazy San'er agreed.

To be honest, Crazy San'er didn't know what to do. He had waited in the Green Cape Reservoir for three years, and the big fish had never bit the hook in these three years.

So people laugh at him and don't believe him!

Even Crazy San'er himself began to doubt whether what he saw that day was a hallucination.

But that young man believed him!

The young man also said that he would catch that big fish with him!

Crazy San'er intends to go crazy one last time, and then catch horses!

He has been strengthening fishing gear and hooks for the past three days, and the fishing line has also been twisted from five strands to ten strands. There is no more twisting, and it will become hemp rope...

Crazy San'er thought, with our current equipment, even a fucking Tyrannosaurus Rex can get you involved!

Time passed by, will the young man come?

Just when Crazy San'er's heart was about to sink to the bottom, he heard someone calling him: Brother Fishing!

Fairy music pierces my ears, Crazy San'er grinned.

The boy is here!

Zhang Xibao rushed over with his big schoolbag on his back.

"Where's the bait?"

The fishing brother couldn't wait to ask.

Zhang Xibao opened his schoolbag, brought out a pack of things contained in a black garbage bag, shook it and said, "The bait is fresh!"

"Such a big bag?"

Crazy Saner frowned, he clearly heard the sound of water still in the garbage bag, and thought to himself that this bait is a bit thin, can big fish like it?

Crazy San'er brought over a large white bucket and told Zhang Xibao to pour the bait into it.

As soon as Zhang Xibao opened the trash bag, a gust of wind rushed straight to Crazy San'er's head, almost killing him.

"This... what is this?!" Crazy San'er asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Zhang Xibao poured the flesh and blood from the bag into the white bucket, and smiled mysteriously: "This is a good thing for big fish!"


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