Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 462 The Second Line Of Defense

"I didn't expect that Project No. 1 would be smoother than Project No. 2..."

Zhang Xibao walked in the corridor of the underground laboratory, followed by He Xiansheng.

"Yes, although the No. 1 project is difficult, more resources have been invested, not to mention that the leaders of the four major families have personally supervised it."

He Xiansheng sighed: "Ginger is still old and spicy!"


Zhang Xibao agreed with this statement.

When the No. 1 project was just started, the laboratory used Fang Rui's avatar as a material to refine the puppet body, and gave it to Huo Jia and the others as flesh bodies, but something went wrong.

Zhang Xibao overlooked one point, Huo Jia and the others were not as powerful as Zhan Nian, they couldn't refine Fang Rui's avatar into his own body.

According to Huo Jia's original words, when the soul leaves the magic circle and enters the body of the puppet, they will feel a coldness and emptiness that penetrates into the soul!

So Ye, Qin, Tang, and Qian took action. Originally, the guardian spirits and magic circles were made by the old men of the four big families. They are veterans in this field, so when Zhang Xibao revealed the No. We gladly accepted and became the supervisor of the No. 1 project!

The four old men gathered together, and through heated discussions and consulting ancient books, they finally found a solution to Huojia's pain, which is to create something called "spiritual core".

The "spiritual core" is used as the carrier of the fire armor and their soul, and it is put behind the puppet body made by Fang Rui. It can not only help the fire armor and the others to control the body, but also provide them with an extra layer of protection.

It doesn't matter if the puppet's physical body is damaged, as long as the spiritual core is not destroyed, just replace it with another puppet.

It is also worth mentioning that Tang Linlang, the young lady of the Tang family, also played a role in the creation of the puppet body in the No. 1 project. Because the little loli's carving ability is so powerful, Zhang Xibao coaxed her to come too.

Xiao Linlang is particularly envious of the white armor of the third sister Tang Yinghuang, so Zhang Xibao promised to give her a battle armor after the success of the No. 2 project, and it must be pink... …

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here, I have more important things to do."

Zhang Xibao turned his head and warned again: "Remember to take the time to design the Taiyi fine gold hand cannon, time is really running out..."

He Xiansheng nodded silently.

To be honest, not only Zhang Xibao felt the urgency, He Xiansheng was also under a lot of pressure, and those who knew that the gate of the demon was about to open were under a lot of pressure!

The more important event that Zhang Xibao said was the third major event in the past six months.

Although the Heavenly Demon Gate has been transferred to Nanshi fan Kirishima, and there are people like Zhang Laodao who are strictly guarding it, but this is only the first line of defense. Zhang Xibao designed the second line of defense with the fan Kirishima's alien gate as the center.

This second line of defense consists of the stones of Jianmu.

At that time, when Zhang Xibao returned to Kunlun to check the situation, the two divine birds, male and female, entrusted the newborn chicks to Zhang Xibao. The reward was a huge square inch stone and Jianmu fruit cores filled with square inch stones.

Jianmu fruit core is also known as the seed of wisdom, which can stimulate the intelligence of strange animals and improve their qualifications.

Zhang Xibao sent people to carefully count the fruit pits in the square inch stone, and there were a total of 108,963. Zhang Xibao took out the odds and used the remaining 100,000 seeds to cultivate the second line of defense!

Taking Nanshi as the center of the circle, Zhang Xibao planted 100,000 Jianmu stones, intending to grow four huge city walls!

Muxiu, Xiao Yuer and other survivors of Muxingshan and Shuixingshan who were rescued from Shenting at the beginning have been recruited by Zhang Zhizi, and they have become important figures in accomplishing the third major event.

The Jianmu in the Kunlun Alien Territory can support the entire foreign land without breaking, which is enough to prove its miraculousness, but the Jianmu grows so big that it takes tens of thousands of years to grow. Zhang Xibao wants to rely on 100,000 Jianmu fruits. To build four huge walls from the core, it is necessary for the supernatural beings of the soil, water, and wood systems to catalyze the core.

The secret method of Tuxing Mountain and Taiyi True Water can catalyze Jianmu fruit core, and Muxiu and the others are the most suitable gardeners!

Excluding the manpower of the Alien Treasure Seed Cultivation Base, almost all wood-type, earth-type, and water-type supernatural beings were recruited to Nanshi by the Five Sacred Orders. Zhang Zhizi is now the person in charge of the Giant Wall Project. She and Qin Li Command the summoned supernatural beings.

Now, half a year later, one hundred thousand Jianmu fruit cores have grown into four giant walls fifty meters high, and they are still growing under careful cultivation!

The small Jianmu are just the skeleton of the huge wall. Various refining materials will be filled between these four walls, magic circles and talismans will be engraved, and a large number of naval guns will be placed on the four walls later.

The Wulong Society intends to turn the huge wall into a terrifying box and completely seal the demon in the box.

"Once the seal of Mysterious Kirishima is broken, this second line of defense is probably able to last..."

Looking at the huge wall under his feet, Zhang Xibao sighed with emotion.

Zhang Muge and Xibaihu were at the shipyard, Zhang Zhizi and Qin Li were staring at the giant wall, Qinglong and Xuanwu were collecting materials from Mandixing to replenish their arsenal and supplies.

The matter of the Heavenly Demon Gate has been revealed to other people through the joint meeting, and the attitude of these guys is very playful.

Some people are nervously preparing for the battle, although they don't know what the demon is, and some people hold the attitude of rascals that the gate of the demon is not in my house anyway, if you don't defend, then everyone will finish the game together, and the rest are busy dealing with it The wild gods who have revived in the foreign territory, the funny thing is that they can't deal with it by themselves, and at the same time they strongly protest against the intervention of the Five Dragons.

Genyuan and Xuanming are probably also developing their own believers, otherwise some guys in the joint meeting would not be so calm, Zhang Xibao doesn't want to take care of it, just take care of himself first.

Zhan Nian was still looking for the Cangxuan Mountain, and Zhang Xibao didn't know what was going on. During the period, he asked the three great gods through the magic circle, but no one responded, and no response meant that he hadn't found it...

Two months later, the scale pattern in the communication circle suddenly trembled, and Gen Huan left a message: "Zangxuan Mountain has been found, and the coordinates are XXXX"

Zhang Xibao quickly turned on the magic circle screen of the Qingqi pager, checked the coordinates of this ship, and found that the place Gen Huan mentioned was on the vast ocean, and there were many ghost ship legends circulating in this area.

"Why can't I find it? It's hidden in the bottom of the sea?"

You must know that the ocean occupies more than 70% of the area of ​​the earth and stars, and it must be said that Gen Huan still has some means to find this hidden foreign land.

"Everyone gather here! "Zhan Nian said something.

Zhang Xibao rode on the phoenix, and rushed towards that coordinate full of expectations.

Although we don't know what secret Xitu left behind, it is undoubtedly a hope for everyone to fight against the invasion of the demon...

Zhang Xibao arrived at the Void Gate first, met Gen Yuan, and then Zhan Nian and Xuan Ming also arrived.

The exploration of Zangxuan Shenshan has officially begun...

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