From a distance, Zhang Xibao saw many gigantic objects looming in the bottom of the sea, smaller than Gen Huan's body, but larger than ordinary fishing boats!

When it got closer, the things on the bottom of the sea were completely exposed to Zhang Xibao.

It turned out that there were hundreds of giant whales and strange beasts!

These giant whales have ferocious scales on their bodies, which don't match the whales in Zhang Xibao's impression, and Tongtianbao Curry didn't introduce this kind of strange beasts, so he guessed that these giant whales should have been made by Huan.

Now it made sense, Gen Huan raised a group of strange beasts in the sea to find strange places for her, no wonder her movements were faster than Zhan Nian and Xuan Ming.

"Okay, now that we have found Cangxuan Mountain, let's go in and see what Xitu has left behind!"

A group of four people passed through the deep sea water and entered the dark vortex.

The entrance to this foreign realm is hidden too well. Ordinary ships will only be crushed if they are drawn into the foreign realm, but Zhang Xibao and the others are protected by a divine power barrier, so they can enter and exit without any danger.

The other end of the gate of the foreign land is also sea water, which Zhang Xibao did not expect, and according to his sense of gravity, he found that the other end of the foreign land is actually opposite to the outside world.

That is to say, the gate is a deep seabed on the outside side, and the foreign land side of the gate is also a deep seabed.

There are many scrapped ships in the black water, of various ages and models. These rusty big guys have nothing to explore. Zhang Xibao and the others flew directly to the surface of the sea.

As soon as they came out of the sea, a towering mountain appeared in front of them.

"Let's go, I can feel the remains of Xitu..."

Zhan Nian was leading the way ahead, Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming looked at each other, as if they couldn't figure out how Zhan Nian had a feeling for Xitu, Zhang Xibao knew that Zhan Nian was holding Xitu's piece of godhead, probably the piece of godhead was leading the way.

The road was calm and there were no monsters in the dead zone, and there were no so-called servants or wild gods blocking the way. The four of them successfully climbed to the top of the mountain.

Zhang Xibao found that this unnamed foreign territory is rich in exotic plant resources, but because the entrance to the foreign territory is too difficult to enter, it is not worth the loss if you want to mine it.

When we reached the top of the mountain, the whole world seemed to tremble, and a golden gate opened on the top of the mountain, as if it had been waiting for Zhang Xibao and his guests.

"Ah, is this an illusion? There is a cliff over the gate..."

Zhang Xibao couldn't help asking, even though it was impossible for the four of them to be killed by falling off the cliff.

Genyuan glanced at Zhang Xibao: "It's just the gate of a cave..."


Zhang Xibao followed Zhan Nian and the others into the golden gate. On the other side of the gate was another independent space. The space was pure white, with only one colorful stone.

The stone is more than two meters high, irregular in shape, and glowing with a dim colorful light.

Xuan Ming couldn't help saying: "It seems that Xitu is really dead..."

Zhan Nian and Gen Yuan were silent.

Zhang Xibao looked puzzled, pointed to the stone and asked, "Could this be Xitu, isn't it? Xitu is not a person, but a stone?"

Zhan Nian and the others looked strange, Zhang Xibao finally realized that besides himself, none of the three great gods were human, Xuan Ming was an ice man, Gen Huan was a red dragon, Zhan Nian was also a dragon, the great god Xitu Is it strange that the real body is a rock?

The old god Zhang Xibao kept his mouth shut, waiting for Zhan Nian to study the stone.

Zhan Nian stretched out his hand to touch the sacred stone, shook his head, and said doubtfully, "There is nothing."

Genyuan and Xuanming didn't believe it, they stretched out their hands to sense it, but found nothing.

The eyes of the three great gods fell on Zhang Xibao, Xuan Ming frowned and said, "If the stone ball left by Xitu can be solved by this kid, will this secret also respond to him?"


Under the watchful eyes of the three of them, Zhang Xibao held out his hand hesitantly.


Zhang Xibao only felt his eyes go dark, and his soul instantly left the sea of ​​consciousness.

"I knock?"

Zhang Xibao opened his eyes, and found that the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, the spring water was jingling, and it was full of spring, but he guessed that these scenes were fake, and they were illusion mirrors created by divine power.

"Come?" Someone said, as if greeting an old friend.

Zhang Xibao looked up, and there was a glowing jade man sitting cross-legged on the grass in the distance. This man's skin was as warm as suet jade, and his body was surrounded by seven-colored divine light.

"Are you Xitu?"

Zhang Xibao walked over, sat down, and pointed to himself: "You know me?"

Xitu replied, "I don't know."

Two cups of fragrant spirit tea appeared in front of Zhang Xibao, and Xitu took one first.

"Just thirsty..."

Zhang Xibao also picked up a cup and tried to drink the spiritual tea.

"The water temperature is just right, and it's quite fragrant... Hey, isn't this an illusion?!"

"It's my God's Domain."

Xitu took a sip of tea and nodded, "It tastes good, what is it?"

"Ask me about the tea you made?" Zhang Xibao was even more puzzled.

"You are thirsty and want to drink tea..."

Xi Tu pointed to the ground, Zhang Xibao lowered his head and found that there were messy things scattered on the ground.

Tickets, game consoles, happy water, fried chicken, treasure pills, strange treasures, all kinds of refining materials...

Just like a bug appeared in the space, all kinds of things whizzed out.

Xitu pointed to those things and asked, "This is all stuff in your mind, how do I know what it is?"

"I knock?" Zhang Xibao picked up the chicken leg and took a bite, and was shocked to find that it was real.

With a wave of Xitu's hand, all kinds of things disappeared, and the ground returned to the appearance of green grass.

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Why is it gone?"

Xitu said, "Aren't you thinking about grass?"

"Oh, this grass is not that grass..."

Zhang Xibao paused, calmed down, and said, "Can your God's Domain copy what's in my mind?"

"It's projecting your thoughts, isn't it magical?"

Xitu pointed to the fried chicken leg in Zhang Xibao's hand and said, "The things in your brain are reflected with divine power, affecting your seven senses..."


Zhang Xibao finished eating the chicken legs, and asked again: "And then?"

"The heavenly demon uses desire as a mark, devours the divine power, merges into the divine soul, and plunders the seven senses, and you are not you."

Xitu asked Zhang Xibao, "Do you understand?"

"I understand...a hammer!"

Zhang Xibao threw away the chicken bone and asked, "Just tell me how to deal with the demon?"

"I don't know." Xitu spread his hands. .seven

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand: "Then what magic weapon is there to deal with the demons, just give me two, I will take them out and kill those guys!"

"I don't." Xitu spread his hands again.

Zhang Xibao stared at Xitu in a daze and said, "If it's not that I can't beat you, I'll definitely give you a pair of pockets..."

Xitu was not angry either, and smiled at Zhang Xibao.


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