
Looking at the big golden rice dumplings on the screen, Zhang Xibao couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The zongzi is not a real zongzi, but a seal...

The gate of the demon was suppressed in the baby-faced forest of Kirishima in Nanshimi, and the supernatural beings headed by Zhang Laodao stationed here for the purpose of guarding and strengthening the seal.

Since Zhang Laodao began to practice hard, his strength level has been upgraded for an unprecedented time, so he is the first batch of five dragons to integrate into the godhead except for the four saints.

In order to accumulate divine power for Zhang Laodao, Zhang Xibao allocated a territory for him in the virtual world, and publicized Zhang Laodao's deeds in the media, so that Zhang Laodao also gained many fans who were dedicated to good things and accumulated a lot of divine power .

Zhang Laodao used his divine power to draw talismans. The first thing he did when he got up every day was to inspect the situation of the Qizixian gourd, and then he added a few more seals to the seal...

As the saying goes, dripping water penetrates stone, and more and more seals are added, and the Qizixian gourd is wrapped in golden talismans into a big rice dumpling. Now the screen of the magic circle is the actual photo of the sealing scene.

Zhang Xibao couldn't help but said: "Senior Zhang is really self-disciplined, can this seal last for another year or so?"

Zhang Laodao replied: "It can last up to three months longer. As the old saying goes, it is better to be blocked than to be sparse. The more blocked, the stronger the outbreak and rebound will be!" 』

Zhang Laodao is right, no matter how high the river dam is, it will be broken by the flood one day. At the beginning, Dayu's water control was to dredge it, not his father Gun to block the water.

After reporting the situation on the seal side, Zhang Xibao began to check the situation on the second line of defense.

The "Xiaojianmu" are growing well, and they have grown to 100 meters, which is twice as tall as before.

There is a gap between the city wall of the second line of defense and the "small building wood". According to Zhang Zhizi, as the building wood grows in the future, these gaps will be filled, and the diameter of the building wood will stop changing to a certain extent. Big and only getting taller.

The area enclosed by the second line of defense is huge, and the people inside the line of defense have been properly settled, because the inside of the line of defense will be a battlefield against the demons, and there will be no grass growing at that time.

After understanding all the situation, Zhang Xibao went to the laboratory where Wang Xiao and Ye Changan were.

Zhang Xibao happened to run into Ye Changan, stopped him and asked, "Is the refining of the body protection magic weapon going well? How about other experiments?"

"The talisman is being issued in batches, as for other experiments..."

Ye Chang'an said excitedly: "Fang Rui is really powerful. It is not only a material for refining weapons, but also can be used to make various things. Wang Xiao is trying to use it to make attack ships and other things! "

"Refining all kinds of things, can you use Fang Rui's avatar to make city bricks?"

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and thought, "Maybe we can use Fang Rui to build a third line of defense? Or start building refuge bases in other cities..."

Once a thought popped up, it was not easy to suppress it. Zhang Xibao wrote it down and planned to discuss it with the Four Sages during the meeting.

After leaving the laboratory where Ye Changan was, Zhang Xibao walked towards the locations of Project No. 1 and Project No. 2.

As for holding the Taiyi Fine Gold Cannon, He Xiansheng finally worked overtime to design it.

Zhang Xibao used the Void Gate to go to Shenting again, and found the Taiyi fine gold left by the master of Jinxing Mountain in the ruins of Wuxing Mountain.

He Xiansheng used this batch of Taiyi fine gold to manufacture a hand-held Taiyi fine gold cannon and exotic weapons that matched the No. 1 super fighters.

Today, Zhang Xibao came to the laboratory. In addition to checking the situation of the No. 2 project, there is another important task, which is to lead Huojia and the others to an actual battle!

In laboratory 2.

The puppet reached out its hand, and the silver fluid formed Fangrui's armor covering its whole body along its arm. The speed was very fast, within 30 seconds at most, which was considered to have reached the passing line set by He Xiansheng.

"The 108th shelling experiment! 』

The naval guns fired talisman shells, and the shells hit the puppet doll's chest. The puppet puppet blocked it with its hands, and its body was pushed back tens of meters, and its legs rubbed deep ravines on the ground.

The two experimenters were talking to themselves.

"Catch it! 』

"Don't be too happy, there will be an explosion! 』

With a bang, the talisman bomb exploded, and the puppet was covered with cracks instantly. A group of laboratories rushed up to check the puppet's injuries after the smoke passed.

Someone shouted excitedly: "There are fewer fractures than last time!" 』

"There is progress, there is progress! 』

"There is no best, only better, better, better! 』

Zhang Xibao shook his head, the guys from the Blue Dragon Society are a bunch of paranoid, let them toss, anyway, their attitude of striving for perfection is also good for the experiment.

When Zhang Xibao came to Laboratory No. 1, Huojia and the others were already ready to go.

"Report to the Dark Saint, fifty fighters have assembled, waiting for instructions!" 』

Zhang Xibao took a glance and saw that the five teams were standing neatly in front of him. They were not identical puppets, but warriors with different shapes.

Laboratory No. 1 will create different forms of bodies according to the needs of these guardian spirits. For example, the appearance of the fire armor is a male with a height of two meters, and the appearance of the water armor is a light female image...

Because he (she) was human at the beginning and was the hero of the Five Dragons Association, the laboratory will meet all their reasonable requirements.

"I've already read the information on the mission location and target. If you're ready, let's go."

Zhang Xibao led them outside, and the elevator went up, these soldiers were very excited.

This is not only the first actual combat, but also the beginning of their return to human life!

"The target this time is Zun Ye Shen, who is very ferocious. He escaped from a foreign land and has already destroyed more than a dozen towns in Country F."

Zhang Xibao glanced at these soldiers and said: "This time is not only your task, but also a targeted training, so I will not take action. I have prepared ten spare bodies for you. You can discard the existing bodies if necessary." , but you must protect your "spiritual core"!"

"Understood!" Everyone replied in unison.

Zhang Xibao led them aboard the Qilin, and the Qilin flew to the southwest at full speed. .seven

Passing through Nanshi, Zhang Xibao could see the city wall of the second line of defense rising from the ground.

The city walls that look like a moat on all sides stand there, as if even the gods are insurmountable.

Huojia and the others were also very surprised, because since they obtained their bodies, they have been adapting to their bodies in the laboratory. They have only heard about the second line of defense, but have never seen it with their own eyes.

Zhang Xibao grinned: "Is the spirit revived? No matter how you climb the technology tree, you have to rely on yourself. You rely on the sky, the earth, and your parents. You can't be considered a hero!"

There are nine heavenly swords in the sky, the first and second lines of defense underground, and the first batch of super fighters on board. Zhang Xibao feels that he already has some confidence to fight against the demons...

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