Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 468 Finding An Abnormality

Country F.

"Information says that the wild god has already escaped from a foreign land, but in fact there is no need to locate it at all..."

Standing on the high deck of the Qilin and looking down, Zhang Xibao looked down at the destroyed town and the horrible dents on the ground made by the huge force, and curled his lips: "Just follow the traces and chase there."

The Qilin found its target within less than half a day of flying. It was a toad with thorns on its back. It was unknown whether it was a revived servant or a strange beast that got a godhead by luck.

"Everyone, the target is below, so be careful!"

Everyone was fully prepared for this mission, so Zhang Xibao didn't say too much, and waved his hand to let the fire armor attack.

Qilin's deck automatically opened several gaps, and Huo Jia and his party jumped straight down.

Fifty fighters, like fifty shooting stars, when they fell halfway, they opened their arms and legs, and a layer of wing membrane automatically appeared between the arms and thighs.

The Fire Armor and the others were gliding by relying on their wing membranes, as flexible as a dragonfly. Their goal was to kill the toad on the ground that was only the size of a mountain.

"Guys, this is our first actual battle, Lord Dark Saint is watching from above, do a good job!"

Fire armor discusses with the team members through the communication channel built into the ear.


Shui Jia next to him said: "Let's compete with five teams to see who can dig the godhead?"

"Okay, since Shui Jia is interested in competing, brothers must work hard!" Jin Jia booed beside him.

Before the fall, Qiqi fell silent on the communication channel. After all, a joke is a joke, and the mission must be taken seriously.

Boom boom boom!

Fifty people fell to the ground one after another, and large holes were smashed into the ground.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and fifty soldiers slowly stood up in the dust and mist.


They each drew out the exotic weapons they carried with them, and the weapons shone with golden light.

The weapons used by the Huojia are in different forms, including: broadswords, long swords, heavy hammers, and sickles. The team members in charge of covering also carried hand cannons. These weapons are all made of Taiyi fine gold.


The giant clam saw a group of nasty "bugs" in front of it, and opened its mouth wide to spit out a hurricane.

Along the way, no matter whether it was the buildings blocking it or the supernatural beings, they couldn't withstand the hurricane it spit out, but these fifty little bugs rushed up against the strong wind!

Fifty golden streamers began to ruthlessly cut the body of the giant clam. The puppet body refined by Fang Rui's avatar is the sharpest harvesting machine on the battlefield, omnipotent in heaven and earth.

The giant clam rolled, roared, and even tried to escape by jumping, but was chased by the fire armor and the others, unable to escape at all.

In less than half an hour, the mountain-like giant clam turned into a pile of meat. The fire armor cut open its belly, took out the godhead, and the group returned to the Qilin.

"Master Dark Saint, the task is completed, this is the godhead of the wild god!"

Huo Jia stepped forward and handed the godhead to Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao took it, and said casually: "Let's report the battle damage!"

"The soil armor resisted the claw of the giant clam, and a crack appeared on the shoulder, but it can heal by itself! 』

『The wooden armor is exhausted and is charging. 』

Zhang Xibao nodded: "It's not a big problem, thanks for your hard work, let's go down and fix it."

The task was successfully completed, and when Zhang Xibao was about to put away the godhead, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the vision, and he couldn't help saying: "That's not right!"

"Master Dark Saint, what's wrong?"

Huo Jia turned around suspiciously, he thought Zhang Xibao was not satisfied with their actions.

"The godhead is not right..."

Zhang Xibao scanned it with his Tongtian pupil, and found a trace of black air lingering on the godhead.

Huo Jia asked curiously: "My lord, is there anything wrong with this godhead?"

"Of course there is a problem, but it's none of your business, take me down to see the corpse of the giant clam!"

Huo Jia followed Zhang Xibao and flew down, and the two came to the giant clam's fleshy corpse again.

Fang Rui was quickly devouring the flesh and blood of the giant clam, Zhang Xibao asked it: "Fang Rui, do you feel familiar?"

"Yes, it's the breath of the Heavenly Demon!"

Hearing Fang Rui's answer, Zhang Xibao's pupils froze suddenly, he squinted his eyes, turned his head and ordered to Huojia: "Don't go back to Daxia for now, go to the foreign land of Country F and let the soldiers prepare! "

"Received!" Huo Jia hurriedly delivered the order.

Zhang Xibao felt a mess in his head. He had already been suppressed by the gate of the Heavenly Demon in the strange land of Nanshi, and the Earth and Star were temporarily at peace, but he did not expect to find traces of the Heavenly Demon again!

"Could it be the heavenly demon who didn't die in the foreign land?"

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that if this was the case, the Heavenly Demon had already invaded, and now this giant clam god carried a trace of Heavenly Demon's aura, which might have been contaminated by it before.

"I still have to check it out to rest assured..."

Zhang Xibao put away that godhead, which was tainted with a celestial demon aura, so it must not be used by supernatural beings anymore, but it can be used as experimental material for researching gods and celestial demons when brought back.

The Qilin flew towards the foreign territory.

Zhang Xibao and the others followed the traces of the giant clam's ravages all the way, and finally found the exact spot where the giant clam woke up in a large swamp of mud.

"There is a big hole, the giant clam should wake up from here..."

The big pit below the Qilin looks like a giant mine. After the giant clam climbed out, a piece was missing. The mud in the swamp was pouring into the hole, but because the hole was too big, the mud couldn't fill the hole for a while.

Zhang Xibao wanted to dig a big hole to have a look, but he didn't have any tools at hand, and the Qilin didn't have too many people on board, so he thought about it and decided to fire a cannonball. .seven

The naval gun aimed at the big hole, and Zhang Xibao fired a shot downward.

Under the bombardment of Taiyi fine gold naval guns, the hole more than doubled in size. Zhang Xibao flew down and found something unusual.

There is a crack in the air...

As if someone had randomly drawn a line on the white paper, there was a black mark ten centimeters wide in the transparent air.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and waved it, the palm of his hand could easily pass through this black trace back and forth, as if this trace did not exist in this boundary, it could only be seen with eyes but not grasped with hands.

"My lord, what is this?"

Huo Jia and the others guarded their surroundings, seeing Zhang Xibao's face covered with frost, they couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"The void crack that has not yet formed..."

Zhang Xibao uttered angrily: "When this crack is completely formed, here is another Heavenly Demon Gate, and those disgusting guys have already followed the breath of the earth and stars to find them!"

The Void Orb can't erase this crack, which means that in time, this place will also become a demon gate.

"Let's go back to the Five Dragons Club and check the more than a thousand foreign lands on the planet Earth. How many foreign lands have such traces?"

The Qilin flew towards the imperial capital, Zhang Xibao frowned while supporting the boat, he knew the situation was serious...

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