Zhang Xibao found a crack in the void in the foreign land of country F, and there was an aura of a heavenly demon in the crack, needless to say, this was another gate of a heavenly demon.

He immediately contacted Zhan Nian. According to Zhan Nian, the Heavenly Demon in Nanshi sacrificed himself and opened a gate on the Earth Star side. The breath and location of the Earth Star were exposed, and the Heavenly Demon World immediately followed him come over.

It is easy to open the door from the Earth Star to that side, but it is very difficult to open the door from the world where the Heavenly Demon is located to the Earth Star, which is why the black trace grows slowly.

It's like a locked room. If people inside want to get out, it's easy to unscrew the door from the inside. If people outside want to get in, the only way to get in is to smash the door.

The celestial demons of the celestial demon world are smashing the door at this time!

The crack in the foreign territory of country F is the trace of the demon smashing the door. Zhang Xibao guessed that the trace is definitely more than this one.

After Zhang Xibao returned to the laboratory building, he immediately summoned the Four Sages, and the Four Sages led their supernatural beings to thoroughly search the more than 100 foreign lands in Daxia.

"Of the 108 foreign lands known so far, the black traces you mentioned are found in eleven of them."

Qinglong put the tablet on the table, sighed, the others didn't speak, the atmosphere in the room was very dull.

As the old saying goes, Dabidouzi is not scary, what is scary is Dabidouzi who does not know when it will fall, and the fact of waiting for bad luck to come is too arousing.

"That is to say, counting the gates of the Heavenly Demon of Nanshimi Kirishima, there will be twelve gates that will open in Daxia in the future..."

Zhang Xibao knocked on the table, and Xuanwu also sighed: "At first, I thought it was only in Nanshi, but now there are more than ten people, this is too shocking!"

"Do you want to wait to die?"

Tang Yinghuang raised her eyebrows and said, "No matter how critical the situation is, everyone has to grit their teeth and carry it on. Sitting and waiting is not our style!"

Xuanwu waved his hand: "Hey, I know, I'm just complaining..."

Qin Li looked at Zhang Xibao who was in a daze, and asked uncertainly, "Is there a way for the dark sage?"

Zhang Xibao hesitated and said, "Last time I heard Ye Chang'an say that Fang Rui's avatar can refine various materials in the No. 3 laboratory. I was thinking that we might be able to use Fang Rui to build a city."

The Four Sages were attracted by Zhang Xibao's words. Zhang Xibao explained: "It's definitely too late to block, so let's switch from offense to defense. Build a new type of city in Daxia and protect the people first."

"The truth is this, but Fang Rui's split needs to devour a lot of flesh and blood. At present, the supply of Alien Beast Ranch has reached the maximum, and most of the split materials are provided to No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 laboratories. There are no extra materials. To make city bricks, there is no extra flesh and blood of alien beasts for it to devour..."

Qinglong is responsible for the supply of materials for this area, he knows the specific data inside, and feels that Zhang Xibao's idea is unrealistic.

After a moment of silence, Qin Li suddenly said, "Have you fallen into a misunderstanding?"

"Good girl, what do you say?" Xuan Wu's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly.

Qin Li glared at him, then turned his head and said to everyone: "Fang Rui's split doesn't need high-quality exotic animal meat, we can feed it other things!"

Zhang Xibao came to his senses, looked at Qin Li and said, "I see, what you mean is..."

Before the others could react, they all looked at the two with puzzled faces.

Tang Yinghuang urged: "Stop playing charades, you two, talk about it!"

Zhang Xibao smiled and replied, "The Kunlun Land!"

Qinglong nodded: "Understood, it's those giant worms on the building wood!"

"Ah, Fang Rui is not afraid of the pollution of the sky demon, those giant worms can still devour them, and the giant worms are the source of a large amount of alien meat!" Tang Yinghuang suddenly realized.

"That's right, the number of those giant worms is enough to support us to build a new type of city in Daxia!"

Zhang Xibao clapped his hands: "I will regularly open the void gate of Kunlun's foreign land, and let us take turns to lead the team into the foreign land to hunt giant insects!"

"In this way, we can also conduct actual combat exercises for the projects in the three laboratories, not bad, not bad!"

Everyone brainstormed and made a basic plan.

A few days later, Qinglong told Zhang Xibao that apart from the black cracks in Daxia, there were more than a hundred black cracks within the range of the earth and stars, which meant that apart from Daxia, the situation in other places was also very serious.

Qinglong held a report and asked Zhang Xibao: "Someone applied to buy the magic weapon refined in our laboratory, what do you think about this matter?"

Zhang Xibao asked: "This magic weapon for body protection is refined by Fang Rui's avatar, which can resist the invasion of the human body by demons. We haven't announced this to the public yet. How do they know?"

"It's true..." Qinglong fell into deep thought.

"Don't think about it, it wasn't leaked from our side, I know what's going on."

Zhang Xibao sneered and said: "It is the two great gods, Genyuan and Xuanming, who are applying to buy our magic weapon through the hands of believers. These two guys used to ignore me, but now I make them unable to climb up!"

"Then refuse."

Seeing that Qinglong hesitated to speak, Zhang Xibao looked at him and said, "I know what you mean, lips are dead and teeth are cold, right? If they can fight against the Heavenly Demon, they will share the pressure of our Great Xia."

"When the hunting of giant worms starts, there will be no shortage of raw materials on our side. We can sell magic weapons to the outside world in a planned way, but we don't want money. We must let them exchange all kinds of exotic products!"

"The war is imminent, it is also good to stock up on more food..."

Qinglong nodded, and began to think about how to maximize the benefits of the transaction. Of course, it is enough for the guys from the Red Dragon Society to bargain.

Zhang Xibao opened the void gate leading to the Kunlun Alien Land, and Xuanwu and Tang Yinghuang took the initiative to lead the supernatural beings to hunt giant insects.

At present, the attacking ships of the four saints are all equipped with Taiyi fine gold naval guns, and Zhang Xibao is not worried about what will happen if the two of them enter the Kunlun foreign land.

Before setting off, Bei Xuanwu was still at Zhang Xibao's place and wanted to take a Taiyi fine gold hand cannon. The name said that this hand cannon was very suitable for his tough guy temperament. In fact, he was lazy, and he would rather waste his power than be happy. Take a knife to chop, after all...my lord, times have changed.

Everything is proceeding step by step, and hundreds of void cracks in the foreign territory are slowly growing. Once the gate is opened, bloody battles will follow.

The Heavenly Demon side is smashing the door like crazy, Zhang Xibao's side is actively preparing for the battle, and time is running out for both sides.

Either the fish is dead or the net is broken, and there is absolutely no possibility of relaxation between the two sides!

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