Kunlun strange land.

Three attacking French fleets flew in from the void gate, two of which were led by Xuanwu and Tang Yinghuang, and the other was captained by Crow King Xiaoni!

Crow King Xiaoni asked Zhang Xibao for a lot of Jianmu fruit cores, and transformed qualified flame crows into crowmen, and the number of crowmen skyrocketed.

The crows were originally helping build the city on the second line of defense in Nanshi, but now they were transferred by Zhang Xibao to hunt giant worms.

In addition, the crowmen led by Crow King Xiaoni are also the experimenters of the No. 2 laboratory project. With Fang Rui's armor next to them, these guys are not afraid of the pollution from the giant worm at all.

It's just that the appearance of the Ravens with Shangrui's battle armor is a bit hard to describe...

Fangrui battle armor is a full-coverage armor with a metallic pure silver appearance, which can change with the user's body shape.

The Ravens were originally a muscular guy with muscles all over their bodies, but now they were wearing silver gleaming armor. If they didn't speak, they would be as fit as ancient Greek statues, standing on the deck of the attacking French ship. Those who knew it thought that the gods went down to parade.

But when you get close to attacking the French ship, you will hear:

"Catch bugs, catch big bugs, quack! 』

"Is it a worm? If it is a worm, it must be eaten by the birds! 』

"My paws are hungry, Quack! 』

The ground was densely packed with giant insects. When Tang Yinghuang and Xuanwu were still discussing tactics, Crow King Xiaoni had already spread his wings and swooped down.

The crowmen's strategy is to have no tactics, just do it!

The arakkoa rushed down, howling like ghosts, like fighter jets. They spit out rockets and divided the giant worms into different battlefields. Afterwards, their sharp wings swept across the back of the giant worm's head, and they obtained a complete corpse of the giant worm.

Of course, the giant worms would not sit still, they raised their heads one after another and started spitting at the attacking French boat in mid-air.

The saliva is highly corrosive, and once it sticks to the ship or the supernatural being, it cannot be shaken off.

"Little ones, Crowstorm! 』

Crow King Xiaoni sent a signal, and the crows gathered together. They were like a silver tornado, interspersed crazily in the insect swarm, and a mountain of insect corpses piled up together.

"Hahaha, the crows are very motivated, we have to hurry up and complete the task!"

Xuanwu stood on the deck and stretched his head to look down.

Tang Yinghuang had a clear view of the battle situation below through the screen of the magic circle. She connected to Xuanwu's communication and said, "Let's leave this hunting ground to the crowmen to play a role. Let's go to Jianmu to have a look. There are many bugs there. The dark sage also said that let's take a look at how those two divine birds are doing."

"Okay, fly at full speed, my hand cannon can't hold it anymore!"

Xuanwu chuckled, and patted the Taiyi fine gold hand cannon on his waist. This guy is clearly wearing a square-inch treasure, but he still hangs the hand cannon on his waist to show off, and he is not afraid of falling apart.

Of course, the hand cannon is driven by divine power, and it is impossible for it to go off...

Tang Yinghuang rolled her eyes and ordered the attacking boat to fly towards Jianmu.


Two attacking French ships appeared from the horizon. From a distance, the people on board could see towering buildings.

Xuanwu let out an exclamation: "Such a big tree, have all these bugs been eaten?"

Jianmu has become tattered, and the leaves that covered the sky and the sun are gone, replaced by broken branches, let alone those juicy fruits.

"Don't you see how many bugs there are?"

Tang Yinghuang's eyes fell on the top of the building tree, and the original nest built by the two divine birds was only a bare tree branch.

"Wait, what's that?!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the two huge cocoons. These cocoons were really too big, bigger than the attack ship!

The French boat went straight past, and Tang Yinghuang and the others saw what it was. It was the corpses of two divine birds, wrapped in jelly and silky substances spit out by giant insects, and countless small cocoons were like lanterns. hung on the body of the divine bird.

Tang Yinghuang took a few photos and sent them to Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao replied: "Take some of the bones of the divine bird and give them to Fang Rui to devour!" 』

When the two divine birds entrusted the young birds to Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao thought of this ending. The giant worms were polluted by the demons, and the divine birds lost their food source. Last minute thoughts.

"receive! 』

Tang Yinghuang put away the Qingqi pager, turned her head and ordered: "Inactivate the cocoon, and collect the remains of the divine bird!"

The supernatural beings on the attacking French ship began to shoot the cocoon with the Moya hand cannon and the Flaming Tongue heavy machine gun, killing all the things wrapped inside.

Bei Xuanwu took out the Taiyi fine gold hand cannon and shattered a cocoon casually. He blew on the mouth of the cannon, looked at the contents left in the cocoon and asked, "These cocoons look like those giant insects transformed. , These things are going to evolve? It's hard to imagine what they look like when they hatch..."

Tang Yinghuang pointed her toes and flew towards the remains of the divine bird with the white tiger sword in her hand. The white tiger armor she wore automatically transformed into a pair of wings made of divine power, making her look extremely heroic and holy.


Tang Yinghuang heard a crisp sound, her heart tightened, and she couldn't help turning around and scolding Bei Xuanwu: "Crow's mouth, cover me!"

Tang Yinghuang saw several cocoons approaching and cracked, and the things inside wriggled and wanted to come out. She waved the White Tiger Sacred Sword casually, and those cocoons exploded into pieces. 7K 妏敩

As if triggering a chain reaction, the attacks of the supernatural beings catalyzed the cocoons, and the cocoons began to crack.

Bei Xuanwu kept shooting, opening the way for Tang Yinghuang. When he saw giant black moths emerging from the cocoons, he couldn't help urging: "Hurry up, they're all hatched!"

Giant moths are bigger than giant worms, because they were full of elasticity when they first came out of the cocoon. When they lay on the cocoon and fully exposed to the air, their body surface suddenly became harder than steel!

The giant moth's wings with strange skull patterns flapped a few times, and a burst of black dust seemed to fall from the sky, which was the poisonous scales carried on their wings.

Bei Xuanwu exclaimed: "Open the shield, this thing is poisonous!"

Tang Yinghuang, who was in mid-air, forcibly activated the White Tiger Sacred Body, and her speed increased tenfold in an instant. She slashed open several giant moths that were trying to take off, and rushed into the black poisonous scales.

In the black mist, the golden sword light kept flickering, and the hardness of the divine bird remains was comparable to that of a wild god. Tang Yinghuang hacked for a while before cutting off a good bird claw.

Tang Yinghuang put the bird's claws into the square-inch treasure, flew back to the attacking magic boat, and immediately ordered to retreat, and the two attacking magic boats began to move away from Jianmu at a high speed.

The giant moths did not catch up, probably because they had just hatched. They surrounded the remains of the divine bird, stretched out their long mouthparts and began to eat...

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