Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 471: A New Type Of City

The hunting of the giant worm went very smoothly, and Wulonghui got a lot of exotic animal materials.

Fang Rui split a special clone. This clone was close to its main body, but without any consciousness, it would just keep devouring the materials of the alien beast, and then produce other clones.

Under Zhang Xibao's suggestion, the Wulong Society simply built an experimental base in an open space in Kunlun, attacked the French fleet to hunt giant worms, and then pulled back the remains of the giant worms. The experimental base will continue to produce Produced building materials using Fang Rui's avatar as raw material.

New building materials can build more bases, Zhang Xibao called it "supporting war with war"

The strength of the building materials meets the standards of laboratory buildings, and can be used to build cities.

In less than a month, Kunlun Alien has begun to produce various types of building materials. These building materials are like building block parts, as long as they are shipped to different cities for assembly through the transportation method.

The transformation of each city is carried out simultaneously, so the construction speed of the city wall is very fast.

In addition, Fang Rui has devoured the divine bird claws that Tang Yinghuang brought out from the Kunlun Alien Land. Fang Rui can currently simulate thousands of species of alien beasts, whether it is low-level alien rats or high-level divine beasts. Alien beasts such as birds and Shilong.

It seems that everyone is deliberately ignoring one thing. If Fang Rui didn't recognize Zhang Xibao, God knows what disaster this thing will bring to the earth and stars. It may be more terrifying than the demon... Seven

Inside the laboratory building.

The five sages gathered together, and the heads of all parties of the Five Dragons Association were also there. He Xiansheng and other laboratory leaders also came here for an unprecedented time.

"Everyone, the blueprints for the construction of the new city have been released, and He Xiansheng will introduce them to you."

Zhang Xibao raised his hand, and said to He Xiansheng, "If you're ready, let's start!"

He Xiansheng adjusted his glasses, turned on the tablet, and the content on the tablet was synchronized to the screen of the magic circle, so that the people present could see clearly.

"What the new type of city is currently building is the outer city wall. The material for the city wall is a new type of building material made by Fang Rui's avatar. I won't go into details. Next, let's talk about the difference between the city and the original city."

A projected map of the city appeared on the screen of the magic circle, and there was also a three-dimensional cut-away map.

"The new city is divided into three layers, representing the three plans within the Five Dragons Club."

"The first floor is where the people live and work. In order not to cause panic, only the materials have been modified. Except for the construction of the city wall, the appearance has not changed much from the original city."

"The second floor is a fully-covered city. If the demon invades from the sky and the magic shield on the first floor cannot stop it, the people will move to the second floor to live. There are artificial light sources maintained by the magic circle, and the magic spell engraved on the ceiling. The formation can simulate the alternation of day and night, and the magic circle will also inject fresh air, and the dark saint will use the void gate to link various cities, alien animal ranches, and alien plant cultivation bases, and the people can live normally."

"The third floor, here... there are no entertainment facilities and living units, only thousands of virtual game cabins. If the worst happens, survivors can enter the virtual world to survive, and the modified game cabins are used for life support. The facilities can ensure that the people in the cabin will not die, but only not dead, and there must be living people staying on the third floor, responsible for regular maintenance of various facilities. This plan is currently only a preliminary idea, and it needs to be further supplemented and perfected..."

After He Xiansheng finished speaking, the people at the scene began to have a heated discussion.

Bei Xuanwu asked in a low voice: "Will it really come to that point, the third plan?"

No one spoke, so Qin Li had no choice but to comfort his father: "It's just to leave a way for the Earth Stars, and it doesn't have to be implemented."

"If that's the case, I will choose to fight to the death or stay behind!" Tang Yinghuang said firmly.

"Okay, why don't you blow yourself up if you don't agree with me again?"

Zhang Xibao knocked on the table and said: "Everyone is not allowed to die, the profit will break the gold, let's kill the demon together!"

Qinglong also nodded, encouraging everyone: "The dark sage is right, we might not be able to fight the demon now!"

"I'm afraid because I haven't seen it before. When the fight really starts, I won't have time to be afraid!" Tang Yinghuang looked very understanding. This guy had been guarding the western border for many years, and he really had the most say.

The final result of the discussion came out. The construction plan of the new city and the three response plans were supported by more than 90% of the people.

Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities are starting to build beneath existing cities...

"I have to go find Zhan Nian, he seems to have something to do with me..."

Zhang Xibao left the laboratory building and entered the first foreign land in the imperial capital - Jianzhong.

The Sword Tomb is the divine domain of Zhan Nian, so naturally there is no crack chiseled by the Heavenly Demon in this place.

After finding Xitu's relics, Zhan Nian began to live in seclusion. He returned to the Sword Tomb, and while accumulating divine power, he erased the imprint of Xuqi on the divine seal.

Zhang Xibao entered the sword mound, he has reached the level of the peak of the immortal, the sword intent of the sword mound does not have too much pressure on him, he flew to the top of the sword mound in the phoenix to look for Zhan Nian.

"Zhan Nian, what are you looking for from me?"

Zhang Xibao saw that Zhan Nian was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, holding a golden seal in his hand.

Zhang Xibao asked in surprise: "Has the seal of God been erased?"


Zhan Nian nodded: "Erased, but the god seal is broken..."

"I knocked, how could it be broken? No, did it change from good to bad, or is it itself bad?" Zhang Xibao asked after a pause.

Zhan Nian replied: "Strictly speaking, it's not bad, it should be incomplete. After all, the divine seal is the natal magic weapon of the god king Xuqi. After the seal is erased, it will no longer be effective."

"Isn't that still broken..."

Zhang Xibao picked up Fang Shenyin and looked at it, then asked Zhan Nian: "Does this broken seal need to be refined?"

"It's not refining, but refining. Re-refining may not necessarily restore it to its original power."

Zhan Nian paused and said: "If you want to refine the seal of the gods, you must at least be promoted to the level of a fairy. At present, there are no celestial beings in the earth star!"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, he looked at Zhan Nian, and asked: "I'm already at the peak of immortality, you haven't ascended to immortality yet?"

Zhan Nian shook his head: "Under the Celestial Immortal, you only need to gather a lot of divine power, but if you want to rise to the rank of Celestial Immortal, you need an opportunity."


Zhang Xibao thought for a while: "What's wrong, you still have to ascend to cross the catastrophe, what about being struck by lightning?"

"That's what you Earth and Stars said. We didn't have an example of being struck by lightning to become a fairy. If it was that simple, everyone would become a fairy..."

Zhan Nian spread his hands: "With divine power to protect the body, do you think the sky thunder can still strike you now?"

"Well, that really won't work..."

Ever since he ascended to the heaven rank, Zhang Xibao has known about it. Divine body protection is like a conditioned reflex, and the operation of divine power is to eat and drink water, so there is no need to learn it!

"Then what opportunity did you encounter to reach the rank of Tianxian?"

Zhang Xibao looked at Zhan Nian suspiciously, Zhan Nian had rich experience and was as stable as an old dog, why can't he do it now?

Zhan Nian replied: "I created the "Taishang Zhan Nian Jue" and then realized it. Now that I have learned the Zhan Nian Jue, this opportunity is not good."

"Can it still be like this?!"

Zhang Xibao muttered: "What kind of opportunity is enlightenment?"

Zhan Nian waved his hand: "I can't say it, you can realize it yourself!"

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