Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 472 Xitu Divine Realm

"What is Mingwu?"

Zhang Xibao felt a little confused, what Zhan Nian said was too illusory, who knows what opportunity is needed to ascend to the rank of immortal.

Fans in the live broadcast room, players in the virtual world, and people with contracted abilities under his seat are all continuously providing Zhang Xibao with confidence. Zhang Xibao feels that the divine power in his body is about to burst, but he is stuck at the peak of the gods and other ranks. This is the finishing touch!

"Why don't you just ask Genyuan and Xuanming again, and see what these two guys realized when they were promoted to the rank of Celestial Immortal!"

As he said that, Zhang Xibao clicked on the communication circle, a burst of divine power was injected, and the information was transmitted to Genyuan and Xuanming.

Zhang Xibao asked: "How did you two become human immortals?" 』

The communication circle was quiet, neither of the two guys spoke.

Zhang Xibao sent another message: "Whoever tells me, I will give them the qualification to buy 10,000 pieces of magic weapons." 』

Now this magic weapon for body protection has become a favorite. Although the Five Dragons Association asks for a high price, many people outside of Daxia are rushing to buy it. After all, this thing can play a big role in the future.

But the Five Dragons Association has set up a purchase limit!

So what if you have exotic resources, I will sell 10,000 pieces, whoever bids the most will get it, I won’t talk to you, whether you like to buy it or not, it’s just so arrogant!

Therefore, Zhang Xibao's 10,000 purchase qualifications are attractive enough.

There was a moment of silence in the communication circle, and Xuan Ming spoke.

"Ahem... Before ascending to the heaven rank, my body was no different from other people, but when I realized the profound meaning of extreme cold, I ascended to the rank of immortal, and my body changed a lot! 』

Zhang Xibao replied with a message.

"I will give you the qualification to purchase 10,000 pieces of magic weapons. Send someone to the Five Dragons Association to negotiate. Note that it is a qualification, not a free one!" 』

After a while, Zhang Xibao saw that Genyuan didn't respond, and sent another message: "Genyuan say something!" 』

Genyuan said: "Give me the qualification to buy another 10,000 magic weapons, and I will tell you!" 』

Zhang Xibao replied: "Yes"

Xuanming: "..."

"It's about the same"

Genyuan replied to Zhang Xibao: "Before I ascended to the rank of immortal, Shenting slaughtered my entire ethnic group. In extreme anger, I successfully ascended to the rank of immortal!" 』

Zhang Xibao closed the communication magic circle, pinched his chin and thought, "Zhan Nian realized the Zhan Nian Jue, Xuan Ming discovered the mystery of extreme cold, and Gen Huan fell into extreme anger. The timing of these three guys is very different!"

Still having no idea, Zhang Xibao shook his head: "Alright, I'd better go and see the construction of the city wall, this thing has to be random..."

Zhan Nian has already erased the imprint in Xuqi's divine seal, and Zhang Xibao obtained the divine seal, sitting on the back of the phoenix, fiddling with the big golden seal.

"The material of this seal is very strange. It feels like divine power, but it is also a substance. Hasn't Zhan Nian already erased Xu Qi's mark? How can there still be divine power?"

Zhang Xibao tried to penetrate his consciousness into the divine seal, wanting to check the situation inside.

"It's possible?"

Zhang Xibao closed his eyes, and there was a buzzing in his ears, his consciousness successfully entered the seal of God.

There is nothing in the divine seal, just a vast expanse of whiteness, if Xuqi's seal has not been erased, there should be a majestic shrine inside, and there is also a huge god seat in the shrine.

Zhang Xibao remembered that when Xitu took him back to before the big world exploded, he saw with his own eyes the god king Xuqi sitting on the throne, surrounded by gods and servants, it was quite magnificent.

"It's empty, Zhan Nian said that this thing is incomplete and needs to be refined again..."

Zhang Xibao wandered around and found that there was nothing in the divine seal. He was about to withdraw his consciousness when he noticed something strange.

There was a golden spot of light in the white space, Zhang Xibao rushed over and found that it was a small throne.

"what's going on?"

Zhang Xibao sat in and found that the size of the throne was just right.

He held his chin in thought for a while, and muttered to himself: "Could it be that I just recalled the Xuqi God Seat, and then there is an extra mini God Seat here?"

In order to test this idea, Zhang Xibao concentrated his attention and began to imagine something.


A fragrant roast chicken suddenly appeared, and before Zhang Xibao could pick it up, the roast chicken flapped its wings and ran away!

The cooked chicken ran away for a while, popped and disappeared.

Zhang Xibao said with a strange expression: "This...isn't this a special ability unique to Xitu God Realm?"

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there, just when Zhang Xibao was muttering to himself, a colorful stone figure appeared in front of him.

"Okay, you really played tricks on me!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to fish it out, and found that the stone man was not Xitu, it just looked like Xitu, that is to say, this stone man was imagined by Zhang Xibao, just like the roast chicken that ran away just now!

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and the colorful stone figure in front of him disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's the ability of Xitu God's Domain. Could it be that Xitu left his own God's Domain to me?"

Recalling Xitu's performance at that time, Zhang Xibao felt that it was very possible.

"So, do I have Xitu's ability? I can't verify that I'm doing the right thing..."

Zhang Xibao did a few more small experiments in the divine seal, and finally confirmed that he could use this divine seal to create the Xitu God Realm, but the things he made were still far from the ones in the Xitu God Realm.

He gnawed on a chicken leg in Xitu God's Domain. Although that chicken leg was made of divine power, it was indeed a real chicken leg, full of color and fragrance.

And the food that Zhang Xibao made in this divine seal was solid, but it was inedible, it was purely divine power, and it couldn't bring out the divine seal.

He simulated a hand cannon with divine power, and found that the hand cannon had no appearance, but could not fire the shells.

"The ability of God's Domain is not enough, it seems that this God Seal still needs to be refined..."

Zhang Xibao suddenly laughed, if Shenyin could become the real Xitu God's Domain, then he would be invincible in this God's Domain, and anything could be formed through thoughts and divine power.

"Xuqi God Inca Xitu God Realm, this thing is a proper weapon, and I still have Fang Rui's body protection, so I can fight against the demon at that time!"

The more Zhang Xibao thought about it, the happier he became, he made up his mind.

"Then find a way to ascend to the level of a fairy, and then refine the seal again!"

"Wait, ascension to immortality requires an opportunity and enlightenment, so what exactly is my opportunity!"

On Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao wailed, and the strong wind ripped his voice apart.

Soon, Fenghuang came to Beishi, and Zhang Muge was working in the French Shipbuilding Factory in Beishi. Zhang Xibao hadn't seen his sister for a long time, so he planned to take this opportunity to see Muge, and then went to Nan Take a walk around the city's second line of defense, and take a look at his wife Zhang Zhizi.

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