Beishi, Haocang Island, Fachuan Shipyard.

When the phoenix came, Zhang Muge ran out excitedly to meet him, followed by Qian Chengjin, and behind Qian Chengjin's butt was a huge chick.

In addition to serving as the first mate of the Qilin, Qian Chengjin also works part-time as the mother bird of the baby divine bird.

After the male and female god birds entrusted the young birds to Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao had no time to raise the birds, so he gave the young birds to Qian Chengjin to raise them. Now it seems that this guy is quite talented in raising birds. The young birds are as strong as him, flapping their wings Can't fly. .seven

"Brother!" Zhang Muge ran over.

Zhang Xibao hugged his younger sister, then glanced at the chick, and said to Qian Chengjin: "I let you raise birds, but not pigs. The bird's belly is so heavy that it can't fly. I still expect it to give five more The dragon will add to the fighting power!"

"I'm sorry, Brother Bao, this guy keeps his mouth open all day long, so I feed him more..."

Qian Chengjin is wearing a black battle armor. This battle armor is also made with Fang Rui's avatar. The reason why it is black is because Qian Chengjin said that black makes you look thinner...

"Brother, a baby bird is like this. It doesn't start to fly until its wings are full!"

Zhang Muge was helping Qian Chengjin again, Zhang Xibao felt very hurt, thinking that the two guys couldn't be separated.

"Okay, let's talk about the advanced base!"

With a big wave of Zhang Xibao's hand, the group walked towards the base. Behind the three of them was a huge baby bird that staggered along.

The baby bird really regarded Qian Chengjin as its mother. When the three of them entered the room, the bird wanted to follow. Qian Chengjin fed it again before it calmed down.

After the three of them sat down, Zhang Xibao drank kouling tea and said, "Haicang Island didn't find any traces of demons, which probably has something to do with the situation of the foreign land itself. According to Baojian, Haocang Island is an island in the sky. The area is too small, and people can be moved in."

"Indeed, apart from the shipyard and the foreign treasure seed cultivation base, Haocang Island can't hold too many things."

Qian Chengjin is not familiar with other foreign lands, but he is not familiar with Haocang Island. He not only traveled all over the island, but also tried to use an attack plane to check around the island, and found that Haocang Island was surrounded by nothingness.

Zhang Muge suddenly asked: "Brother, how long do we have at most?"

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, then shook his head: "It's hard to say, the seal of the Heavenly Demon Gate in Nanshi is normal, but the other four cracks are expanding rapidly. The Five Dragons Association predicts that it will be at most two years, at least one year!"

"The worst case scenario is that the Heavenly Demon will invade in a year's time?"

Zhang Muge turned to Qian Chengjin and said, "It seems that our shipyard needs to speed up!"

"Yeah!" Qian Chengjin nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Xibao asked him: "How is the renovation progress of the Qilin?"

Qian Chengjin replied: "The volume of the Qilin has doubled again, and according to your request, Brother Bao, we are gradually replacing the ordinary materials with materials made by Fang Rui's avatar."

"Well, very good, the replacement of other French ships is also on the agenda."

Before leaving, Zhang Xibao said: "You two don't rush the construction schedule too much. Before that day comes, I will link Haocang Island with the Void Gate. At that time, the cities can communicate with each other, which will be very convenient!"

As the phoenix took off, Qian Chengjin waved and shouted from below: "Don't worry, Brother Bao, I will take good care of Mu Ge, and the bird!"

When Zhang Xibao heard this, he almost turned around and came back to beat him up.

Flying away from the North City, Zhang Xibao came to the second line of defense in the South City, where Zhang Zhizi, the seven survivors of Shenting, and the recruited supernatural powers were all here.

Zhang Zhizi brought Zhang Xibao to the base at the second line of defense.

Zhang Xibao noticed that the old lady was wearing a black uniform of the Wulonghui, and she had a sense of vigor and resoluteness in her gestures. He also noticed that there was a pot of black Danlian in the old lady's room.

"Why did you come here?" Zhang Zhizi poured tea for Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao explained: "I'm going to visit Kirishima to see the situation of the seal, and I'll come to the second line of defense to have a look, and I'll also have a look at you. I just went to Hao Cang Island to see Muge."


Zhang Zhizi said: "The defense line was built very smoothly, and I am also fine. You should also pay more attention to your body. If the sky falls, there will be a tall one standing on it!"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head and said, "Mom, we just want to be as tall as the sky!"

"Hey, I'll just say that, as long as you understand..."

Afterwards, Zhang Xibao told about his life experience, and Zhang Zhizi waved his hands: "I don't care what kind of avatar, you and Mu Ge are the flesh that fell from my body, and you two are my children!"

"That's for sure!"

Zhang Zhizi's reaction moved Zhang Xibao very much. It seemed that Zhang Muge didn't need to know about this matter, because it didn't matter at all. Xitu's divinity was broken, and they were all independent individuals with their own independent personalities.

Leaving the second line of defense, Zhang Xibao entered Kirishima again, and Zhang Laodao, who guarded the gate of Tianmo, was in the base.

Zhang Xibao personally went to see the Qizi fairy gourd wrapped into rice dumplings, and together with Zhang Laodao, he pasted a few talismans with his own hands.

Zhang Laodao looked at the seal and said with emotion: "Originally, the old Taoist's life was about to expire, and he wanted to guard the seal until the last moment of his life. Unexpectedly, after merging with the godhead, he would add hundreds of years of life. There is no unparalleled road, maybe we can really defeat Heavenly Demon!"

Zhang Xibao chatted with Zhang Laodao for a while, and he asked: "Senior Zhang, do you know what enlightenment is?"

Zhang Laodao thought about it, and replied: "Enlightenment is the enlightenment of wisdom and enlightenment. An enlightened person is neither angry nor ignorant, with a clear heart and pure eyes."


Zhang Xibao thought to himself that Zhan Nian, Gen Huan and Xuan Ming were not enlightened like this.

Zhang Laodao asked: "What's wrong?"

"No, it's not that what you said is wrong, it's that my understanding is wrong."

Zhang Xibao briefly explained the methods of Zhan Nian, Gen Yuan, and Xuan Ming, trying to ask Zhang Laodao to help analyze it.

Zhang Laodao fell into deep thought.

"If these three things have the only thing in common, it must be that they have all realized their own way!"

Zhang Laodao stared at Zhang Xibao and said: "The opportunity is enlightenment. The first person is the way of swordsmanship, the second person is the way of extreme cold, and the third person is the way of anger! If one day the poor Taoist can reach that level, my way will be Talisman!"

"Can anger still be the Tao?"

Zhang Xibao felt that Zhang Laodao's explanation had some meaning.

"In other words, I want to find my own way!"

Zhang Laodao told Zhang Xibao: "You are currently in the stage of asking and hearing the Tao. When you realize the Tao, you will have to prove the Tao and become enlightened. If you can achieve enlightenment, maybe you can become the strongest supernatural being?"

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that if he could really achieve enlightenment, it must be the existence of some kind of law above the immortals, right?

An old man in a family is like a treasure, and Zhang Xibao felt much more at ease with Zhang Laodao's words. It was like seeing the moon through the clouds. Although the moon has not been seen yet, at least the dark clouds have been parted...

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