Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 474: The Door Has Opened

Opportunity is like winning the lottery, you don't know when it will come, just like the gate of the demon, who knows when it will open.

Zhang Xibao didn't need a lottery ticket, he needed an opportunity, but when the opportunity didn't come, the gate of the demon opened!

One day, Zhang Xibao was meditating, when the air suddenly trembled, he opened his eyes, and looked towards the north with a feeling in his heart.

Qinglong contacted him and told him: "A void crack in country A opened. The current situation in that area is unknown. Other void cracks have a chain reaction and are also accelerating!"


Zhang Xibao patted his head, and said helplessly, "Isn't it predicted that there will be one year left, and the opening is actually ahead of schedule!"

Qinglong shook his head: "Who knows, come to the headquarters and talk about what to do next."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

When Zhang Xibao came to the laboratory building, the Four Sages had already arrived one step ahead of him, and they were sitting around in front of the magic circle screen and looking at each other.

"Look at the final impact of the No. 24 foreign land in country A..."

Qinglong waved his hand in mid-air, and the video shared by country A began to play.

The picture is very dim, and only a deep crack can be vaguely seen in the blue-black air.

Qinglong explained: "The time difference between there and Daxia is more than ten hours, so it is at night."

On the screen, the black cracks are constantly expanding, as if being propped open by a pair of invisible hands. When the cracks in the void expand to a certain extent, the space in the foreign territory finally cannot hold.


The crack opened wide, turning into a huge black hole, billowing thick smoke began to spew out from the big hole, the black smoke was like a flame, like a cloud, quickly emerged from the opening and then spread towards the entire foreign land.

The picture was taken by a Qingqi attack aircraft. From a high altitude, the black smoke is like a tide, and in this tide, there are countless black shadows surging.


The screen suddenly turned black, and the Qingqi attack plane was destroyed by something.

"Is that the demon?"

Bei Xuanwu couldn't help but said, "I finally saw their true colors!"

Tang Yinghuang turned her head and asked Zhang Xibao: "There are too many, just like sardines in the sea. The armor and magic weapons made by Fang Rui's avatar can resist their invasion, but how should we destroy them?"

"You'll know when you catch a sample and come back to study it."

Zhang Xibao asked Qinglong again: "The foreign land on the 24th has fallen, how is the situation outside?" 7K 妏敩

"The black mist began to spread from the foreign land, but the speed was not so fast. Country A tried to drop various lethal weapons into the foreign land, but it didn't seem to work. Now the people in that area have moved to the underground base. They There is a magic weapon for self-defense, and there are no casualties for the time being."

Qinglong sighed: "It's only temporary..."

"The celestial demons have no entity. Since they can't invade people with magic weapons, I guess they will take the next best thing and invade the alien beasts in the foreign land. Next, A will be attacked by a large wave of beasts."

Zhang Xibao predicted a wave, and the Four Saints couldn't sit still anymore, and began to order the various cities to get the members of the Black Dragon Society guarding the cities to prepare for battle.

Zhang Xibao also stood up and walked towards the meeting room.

Qin Li asked him what he was doing, and he said without turning his head, "I'll see if I can get samples of the demons. Conventional weapons can't kill them, so find a way to prescribe the right medicine!"

Zhang Xibao didn't open the void gate, because once the gate was opened, it would be a lot of fun if the demon over there took the opportunity to sneak in, so he rode the phoenix straight to the No. 24 alien land.

When he was about to arrive, it was early morning. According to the usual situation, the sun rose from the horizon, and the big orange fireball would coat everything with a layer of gold, but now it was different.

From a long distance, Zhang Xibao saw the scene of billowing smoke, which was much more spectacular than the one in the video, the black smoke even blocked the sun, as if the doomsday had come, and the surface of the earth was completely dark.

When Zhang Xibao was controlling the Phoenix to lower his figure, countless shadows were watching in the thick smoke. After watching for a while, they rushed toward Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao sneered, the black-gold battle armor automatically covered his whole body, and he sat cross-legged on Phoenix's back, like a prey that gave up resistance.

The shadows scrambled towards Zhang Xibao, as if fighting for control of this delicious body. When the first shadow touched Zhang Xibao, its body instantly disintegrated.


With a soft sound, like a breeze brushing against the cheek, the shadow dissipated, and a black stone the size of a fingernail fell on Phoenix's back.


Zhang Xibao let out a little gasp, stretched out his hand and picked up the stone to have a look.

The stone was like an opaque black glass ball with a smooth surface, Zhang Xibao was sure that this thing fell out of the demon's body.

The former Heavenly Demon was devoured by Fang Rui, Zhang Xibao had no idea that there was such a thing in the Heavenly Demon's body.

More shadows squeezed over, and when they met Fenghuang and Zhang Xibao, it was like a candle meeting a flame.

There was a "rain of stones" crackling on Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao collected those stones and used them as important materials for studying the celestial demon.

After a while, the smoke where Zhang Xibao was was turned into a vacuum state, and the situation turned 180 degrees. From the beginning, the celestial demon besieged the phoenix to Zhang Xibao controlling the phoenix to chase the celestial demon!

"These ghosts have intelligence..."

Zhang Xibao muttered while recording the information.

"Next, it's time to do a few simple experiments."

Zhang Xibao opened the Tongtian Treasure House, and took out things one by one from inside.

There are ordinary firearms, Moya hand cannons, Taiyi fine gold cannons that use divine power as energy, and talisman bombs, and they have transformed into Sifang Tianhuo...


Zhang Xibao threw a talisman bomb, and fired at the shadow in the smoke with Moya. The talisman bullet went straight through the shadow, and the shadow ran away screaming.

"They can't be hurt physically, they can only be used to deal with the beasts possessed by them."

After simply recording this result, Zhang Xibao put away the Moya hand cannon and the talisman bomb, and directly picked up the Taiyi fine gold cannon.


The golden bullet pierced through the smoke and exploded directly in a pile of black shadows.

Those black shadows roared in pain for a while, and then a scene that surprised Zhang Xibao happened, they actually absorbed the aftermath of the supernatural bullet explosion!

"It's effective, but it still can't be killed, it can only be used as a means of expulsion..."

Zhang Xibao put down the Taiyi fine gold cannon, and raised his hand to shoot out a stream of sky fire, the sky fire rolled like a giant dragon in the smoke, and the black shadows screamed and ran away.

"Skyfire is actually more effective than the Taiyi fine gold cannon, um, it is indeed the treasure of the Five Elements!"

Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix, like a shark breaking into a school of sardines. While chasing down the demons with his tail in his mouth, he collected small black stones, and took out all kinds of strange treasures he carried for experiments.

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