Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 475 Experimental Materials

"Almost, except for Sifang Tianhuo and Taiyi Fine Gold Cannon, these rare treasures have little effect..."

Zhang Xibao put everything away and took out a transparent jar.

This jar was made by Fang Rui's avatar, and it was the tool he was going to use to catch the demon.

The speed of the phoenix suddenly increased, and a fleeing celestial demon appeared in front of Zhang Xibao. This celestial demon ran away from the group, and was caught by Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao lifted the jar and swung it abruptly, and before the demon could react, he covered the jar.

The illusory black shadow began to crazily hit the tank wall, but its attack was of no avail at all, it could only roar helplessly in the tank.

"Once the demon body is in hand, it's time to collect the next material."

Zhang Xibao shook the jar, then threw the jar into Tongtianbao Curry.

"Is Fang Rui full?"

Zhang Xibao patted the Phoenix under his buttocks, Fang Rui hiccupped anthropomorphically, and replied, "Very full!"


Zhang Xibao asked again: "Have you even eaten the black stones in the demon's body?"

"Yes, master, I think that black stone is delicious, eating that is more satisfying than devouring the flesh and blood of alien beasts!"

Fang Rui's words made Zhang Xibao fall into deep thought, and he also recorded this phenomenon by the way.

Zhang Xibao rode a phoenix through layers of black fog, and rushed directly into the No. 24 alien world.

There was thunder in the foreign land, Zhang Xibao knew that it was not thunder, but the sound of beasts trampling the ground.

People outside the foreign land have magic weapons for protection bought from the Five Dragons Association, so the demon cannot possess humans, and can only take second place to possess the beasts in the foreign land.

The alien beasts are huge in size and far more powerful than ordinary supernatural beings. Once a wave of beasts forms, the ordinary city walls will definitely not be able to withstand them for too long. Unless the people outside No. 24 can organize a counterattack, they can only stay in the underground base for the rest of their lives.

The second material that Zhang Xibao wanted to collect was the strange beast possessed by the demon.

"After the Heavenly Demon possessed the alien beasts, in addition to causing them to alienate, they actually raised the rank of the alien beasts?"

Zhang Xibao saw a few yellow-rank rats in the herd. These rats had mutated into more than two meters in length, and there was a ferocious aura all over their bodies. Maybe they had already surpassed the Xuan rank.

"It's important to collect the materials first..."

Zhang Xibao took out a few bigger jars, captured a few different birds possessed by demons, and collected a total of ten experimental materials, including living and dead objects.

"It's done, let's go home!"

Zhang Xibao rode the phoenix back and turned back. After leaving the No. 24 alien world, he thought about it and flew down to the ground, intending to warn the underground base outside the No. 24 alien land, telling them that the beast horde was coming.

When the phoenix was close to the ground, several circling Qingqi attack planes spotted Zhang Xibao, and the attack planes slowly approached. Zhang Xibao directly said to one of the attack planes: "The heavenly demon has possessed a strange beast in a foreign land, and it is now A giant beast swarm is formed, get ready to meet the beast swarm!"

The attack plane did not respond, and Zhang Xibao was not curious about the confidence of these people, so he patted the Phoenix and flew towards the south.

Zhang Xibao was busy sending the collected experimental materials to the laboratory building. The sooner he could research the weapons against the demons, the sooner Earth Star would be able to clear the demons.

Back in the laboratory building, Zhang Xibao placed eleven transparent jars on the floor, and several laboratory experimenters ran over to watch the excitement.

Everyone has heard how scary and weird the celestial demon is, but they have never seen a live celestial demon. Today, the dark saint directly caught one!

"This is the Heavenly Demon?!"

Everyone stared at the black shadow in the transparent jar, and the black shadow was still roaring crazily.

"Yes, this shadow is the body of the celestial demon, and the other ten jars are alien beasts possessed by the celestial demon."

Zhang Xibao asked He Xiansheng: "Is the special laboratory made by Fang Rui clone ready?"

In the laboratory that Zhang Xibao asked, everything in it was made by Fang Rui's avatar, and the experimenters had to wear not only Fang Rui's battle armor, but also a special lab coat when entering it.

He Xiansheng nodded: "The preparations are complete, and the No. 2 project is coming to an end. It's time for me to get out and start the next task. Wang Xiao and the others can be merged into the new laboratory."

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Zhang Xibao patted He Xiansheng on the shoulder. This guy has completely evolved from a computer youth to an all-around laboratory player.

"For the sake of all mankind, hurry up and study, if you don't have enough material, just speak up, and I'll catch it!"

Zhang Xibao hurriedly walked towards the outside of the laboratory building, and Qinglong sent news that the void cracks in Daxia's territory were beginning to show signs of opening.

The opening of the Heavenly Demon Gate in the No. 24 foreign land of country A caused a chain reaction in the void cracks within the entire star range.

In addition, the seal inside Kirishima in Nanshi is not optimistic. The Five Dragons Club has decided to withdraw all the people guarding Kirishima. Zhang Xibao is now going to the base of Kirishima to meet Zhang Laodao and the others.

Zhang Xibao opened a void door, and he directly entered Kirishima.

The Qizi Xian gourd in the seal has cracked, and black mist is coming out from the tiny crack. Zhang Laodao watched his precious gourd turn into such a miserable state, and at the same time worried about the broken seal, he couldn't help sighing.

"Senior Zhang, hurry up, the opening of the demon gate will directly destroy this base. For safety's sake, the Five Dragons Club has decided not to keep any members behind Kirishima."

Zhang Xibao persuaded again: "If you always like gourds, come down and I will help you collect all kinds of fairy gourds. The purple fairy gourds can no longer be recycled." 7K 妏敩

"Hey, you don't understand. This gourd has been with me all my life. When I was young, I held it to sleep soundly. The patina on it was made by generations of people..."

Zhang Laodao muttered and shook his head: "I'll take one last look at it!"

Ka Ka Ka!

A series of crisp sounds reached Zhang Xibao's ears.

Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining: "Come on, Senior Zhang, you cracked the gourd!"

The gourd continued to crack, which indicated that the seal was about to be broken.

Zhang Xibao yelled behind him: "Everyone, retreat immediately, throw away all supplies, follow me!"

The dark sage had an order, and everyone dared not disobey. Everyone threw away the supplies in their hands, and started running out of the base in unison.

Zhang Xibao directly released the phoenix, and ordered: "Fang Rui, change to another form, the biggest one, the fastest flying one!"

There are more than a thousand people guarding the base, and Phoenix's back can't carry so many people. Originally, the retreat was to use a dharma boat, but now that the seal is about to break, the dharma boat can't run at the speed of the black mist, so Zhang Xibao plans to run out with them directly.

Puff puff!

Fang Rui began to swell and deform, and the phoenix directly transformed into a huge divine bird, with its wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun, directly blocking the entire base.

"Come up, retreat!"

More than a thousand people climbed up the back of the divine bird in an orderly manner. The divine bird flapped its wings and flew into the distant void gate in an instant.

There was a loud bang, and the base on the ground collapsed...

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